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Release Date: July 2008


It may feel like you’ve been trying to get pregnant without success forever. When a couple has been trying for a year without using birth control and still hasn’t conceived, they’re considered infertile. This frustrating condition has a variety of causes, but it can be treated in both women and men. Learn more with the Infertility fact sheet from the U.S. FDA’s Office of Women’s Health. This free guide answers your basic questions and tells you when visiting a doctor or clinic for help is appropriate. For a copy, send your name and address to the Federal Citizen Information Center, Dept. 601R, Pueblo, CO 81009. Or call toll-free 1 (888) 8 PUEBLO, that’s 1 (888) 878-3256, and ask for Item 601R. And visit to read or print this and hundreds of other FCIC publications for free.


  • Please check with Rebecca Fulcher if you plan to use this release after October 15, 2008.
  • To receive New for Consumers releases by e-mail, send a request to rebecca.fulcher(at) or call (202) 501-1794.

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