The Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting
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US DOT Hydrogen Program

The Research and Innovative Technology Administration is designated as the lead administration for the Hydrogen Program. RITA is coordinating this multimodal effort and leads the US DOT Hydrogen Working Group. The Office of Research Development and Technology (RD&T) maintains responsibility for conducting general and multimodal hydrogen research and providing technical support to the Office of the Secretary and coordinating with US DOT's other operating administrations. RITA, in coordination with the Office of the Secretary, represents US DOT on Federal Interagency Committees and working groups and with other Federal Agencies.

US DOT's Hydrogen program is focused on conducting the research, development, demonstration, and deployment activities necessary to safely and reliably transition the transportation system to a hydrogen economy. Research is being conducted across all modes with primary focus on safety and regulations, medium and heavy duty vehicles, transport and distribution, and operational reliability and security.

The DOT contact is F. Scott Lian (

US DOT Hydrogen Working Group

To Understand the Role of US DOT in the hydrogen economy, read the Hydrogen Report to Congress

The US Department Of Transportation Hydrogen Working Group serves as the US DOT body to harmonize the hydrogen and fuel cell research, development, demonstration and deployment (RDD&D) activities within the US DOT operating administrations. The working group also supports the Secretary's Policy Office in coordinating with other Federal agencies. These coordinated activities, will guide regulatory policy, safety, codes, & standards, and vehicle and infrastructure design for the emerging hydrogen economy.

Two sub-teams exist within the Working Group Charter, the Safety, Codes, and Standards team and the Development, Demonstration and Deployment team. For more information please contact F. Scott Lian.

Partnerships with Outside Agencies and Stakeholders

RITA is a member of the federal government's Interagency Working Group on Hydrogen, and chairs its Ad Hoc Committee on a Regulatory Framework for a Hydrogen Economy. The Ad Hoc Group is developing a comprehensive regulatory framework that addresses issues of safety, economic utility, and environmental soundness through the identification of existing regulatory and statutory authorities, status of those regulations, any gaps in those authorities, and the lead agency (or instances in which shared authorities exist). The Committee promotes consistency within the regulations and comprehensive communications about regulatory oversight among government, industry, and academia on existing and planned activities related to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

RITA is the US DOT representative to the California Fuel Cell Partnership and the Office of Science and Technology Policy/Executive Office of the President (OSTP-EOP) Interagency Hydrogen Coordination Committee.

US DOT represents the United States in the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy, serving as co-representative to the Implementation Team and Steering Team. US DOT also participates in the California Hydrogen Highway Initiative's Implementation Team.

RITA also represents the US DOT on the National Science and Technology Council - Committee on Technology . Of specific interest is the Manufacturing Working Group which includes the hydrogen manufacturing team.