Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Updated 03:28 PM EDT, October 02, 2008

Hydrogen Portal

Welcome to the US Department of Transportation's (US DOT) hydrogen portal. Today we are on the verge of a revolution that has the potential of eclipsing even the changes brought by the silicon chip. We are talking about a new era, an era in which our burgeoning energy needs are met, and our infrastructure continues to grow, while we maximize energy efficiency and preserve our environment. The Department is playing a vital role in meeting President Bush's commitment to developing a hydrogen-powered transportation system.

US DOT's Hydrogen Roadmap

The prospect of a hydrogen economy totally redefines the way we look at the use of energy in transportation. In the 2003 State of the Union Address, President Bush outlined a bold initiative to transition to a hydrogen energy economy. Hydrogen presents opportunities to meet the Department's strategic Goals:

Safety: Enhance public health and safety by working toward the elimination of transportation-related deaths and injuries. US DOT's operating administrations are working to develop regulations that help ensure the safe design and operation of hydrogen vehicles and infrastructure

Mobility: Advance accessible, efficient, intermodal transportation for the movement of people and goods. Hydrogen vehicles offer opportunities to deploy vehicles where air quality restrictions prohibit conventional technology.

Global Connectivity: Facilitate a more efficient domestic and global transportation system that enables economic growth and development. Hydrogen Fuel initiatives involve Global Partnerships and international companies that span continents and borders. Transportation and energy are the lifeblood of the global economy. US DOT's efforts are helping to make hydrogen a cornerstone of sustainable growth.

Environmental Stewardship: Promote transportation solutions that enhance communities and protect the natural and built environment. Fuel-cell buses and heavy-duty vehicles will reduce transportation's impact on the environment

Security: Balance homeland and national security transportation requirements with the mobility needs of the Nation for personal travel and commerce. Hydrogen offers the potential for the use of domestic distributed resources that are better protected from widespread disruption.

Today we are looking into the best ways to use fuel cells to power heavy vehicles. This work has already put fuel cell buses on the road, and may soon put new fuel-cell powered vehicles on the nation's rails and waterways. These developments are answering the need for and providing a solution to communities searching for clean, safe, sustainable transportation solutions.

As hydrogen technology advances at a revolutionary pace we will keep our commitment to safety. That is why the Department is leading the way in demonstrating and deploying new and safer hydrogen distribution and delivery systems including high-pressure composite storage systems. The Research and Special Programs Administration has already reviewed and granted exemptions for composite vessel and hydride storage technologies, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has initiated its hydrogen vehicle rulemaking process.

US DOT has successfully regulated hydrogen transport for decades. The experience and expertise that this Department brings to the table are playing a vital role in helping the President meet his commitment to a hydrogen future.

For links to other Federal Hydrogen Activities and Agencies please visit hydrogen.gov.

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For additional information, please contact us at hydrogen@dot.gov.