Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee

November 27th, 2007

Tuesday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern
Call in number:  888-790-5019
Passcode:  92886
Leader’s Name:  Timothy Creagan †
Conference ID:  5895859 †
TOHRU Meeting name:  TEITAC
Federal Relay Conference Captioning:  862663
Leader’s Name and Conference ID will only be needed if you have difficulty dialing in or ask to speak to an operator.

Tuesday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern

1:00 – 1:10 Introduction and Roll Call by Co-Chairs (Jim Tobias & Mike Paciello)
1:10 – 2:10 Consensus Review of User Interface / Content provisions
2:10 – 2:45 Report from Co-Chairs on TEITAC provision Status
2:45 – 2:55 Public Comment
2:55 – 3:00 Summation & Concluding Comments (Jim Tobias & Mike Paciello)  

Because this is an official meeting of the TEITAC the following protocols are in place:

  1. Only TEITAC members can speak for the first hour and forty-five minutes.
  2. Members of the general public may ask questions or comment during the last fifteen minutes of the call.
  3. People who are not TEITAC committee members may speak before the public comment period if a TEITAC member asks them to address a particular point of expertise.  Otherwise, contributions should be reserved until the public comment period.
  4. Attendance will be taken.
  5. *6 (star, six) mutes/un-mutes your line.  Please mute your line when you are not speaking.  Please do not put the call on hold from your end.