[Federal Register: July 7, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 129)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 40843-40850]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



47 CFR Part 101

[WT Docket No. 04-143; FCC 04-77]

Rechannelization of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band for Fixed 
Microwave Services.

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The NPRM proposes rechannelization of portions of the 17.7-
19.7 GHz band (``18 GHz band''). We believe that such action is 
necessary to accommodate the terrestrial fixed services (``FS'') 
licensees within the 18 GHz band that need to relocate and to meet the 
needs of those FS licensees who seek narrow bandwidth channels. We 
believe that our proposals and decisions herein will promote more 
efficient use of the remaining FS spectrum in the 18 GHz band and help 
to increase spectrum availability for new FS operations, both by 
incumbents and new entrants.

DATES: Comments are due on or before August 6, 2004, Reply comments are 
due September 7, 2004.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Daronco, Attorney, 202-418-2487.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Notice 
of Proposed Rulemaking, (NPRM), released on April 19, 2004, (FCC 04-
77). The full text of the NPRM is available for inspection and copying 
during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Room CY-A257, 
445 12th St., SW., Washington DC 20554. The complete text may also be 
purchased from the Commission's duplicating contractor, Best Copy and 
Printing, Inc., (BCPI), Portals II, 445 12th St., SW., Room CY-B402, 
Washington DC, the complete item is available on the Commission's Web 
site at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb.


    1. In this NPRM, we address the channelization of the 17.7-19.7 GHz 
band (``18 GHz band'') in an effort to promote effective utilization of 
the portion of the band that is designated for use by terrestrial fixed 
services (``FS''). Previously, the Commission adopted a band plan to 
accommodate sharing of the 18 GHz band by the FS, Geostationary 
Satellite Orbit Fixed Satellite Service (``GSO/FSS''), Non-
Geostationary Satellite Orbit Fixed-Satellite Service (``NGSO/FSS''), 
and Mobile-Satellite Service feeder links (``MSS/FL''). As part of this 
band plan, the Commission authorized the ``blanket licensing'' of 
satellite earth stations in some portions of the band where the FS had 
previously been co-primary. While the FS community continues to have 
access to portions of the 18 GHz band either on an exclusive primary or 
co-primary basis, there is a need to rechannelize the FS portion of the 
18 GHz band so that it can effectively and efficiently utilize the 
spectrum. We believe that such action is necessary not only to 
accommodate the FS licensees within the 18 GHz band that need to 
relocate but also to meet the needs of those FS licensees who seek 
narrow bandwidth channels. We believe that our proposals and decisions 
herein will promote more efficient use of the remaining FS spectrum in 
the 18 GHz band and help to increase spectrum

[[Page 40844]]

availability for new FS operations, both by incumbents and new 
    2. The significant proposals contained in the NPRM are as follows:
    We propose a band plan for the FS paired and unpaired spectrum from 
17.7-18.3 GHz and 19.3-19.7 GHz, based on a filing by the Fixed 
Wireless Communications Coalition (``FWCC''), consisting of a variety 
of channel bandwidths (including narrower bandwidths and those of 
thirty and fifty megahertz) and a block of unpaired spectrum from 17.7-
17.74 GHz.
    We propose to designate a contiguous 500 megahertz block of one-way 
spectrum from 17.8-18.3 GHz for use by multichannel video programming 
distributors (``MVPDs''). We give licensees flexibility within such 
block to determine the appropriate bandwidth for their operations.
    We decline to grant a request filed by the by FWCC and the National 
Spectrum Managers Association (``NSMA'') for a blanket waiver of the 
Commission's Rules to permit FS users to be licensed largely in 
accordance with the proposed band plan. Instead, we have determined 
that we will consider individual waiver requests meeting the conditions 
stated in the NPRM.

A. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

    3. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), the 
Commission has prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
(``IRFA'') of the possible economic impact on small entities of the 
policies and rules proposed in this NPRM. Written public comments are 
requested on the IRFA. Comments must be identified as responses to the 
IRFA and must be filed by the deadlines for comments on the NPRM. The 
Commission will send a copy of the NPRM, including the IRFA, to the 
Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration 
(``SBA''). In addition, the NPRM and IRFA (or summaries thereof) will 
be published in the Federal Register.

B. Need for and Objectives of the Proposed Rule

    4. The Commission undertook this rulemaking proceeding to 
rechannelize that portion of the 17.7-19.7 GHz (18 GHz) band that is 
now designated as either exclusively primary or co-primary for the 
terrestrial fixed service (``FS''), in order to accommodate the 
licensees who need to relocate and to suit the needs of those who seek 
narrow bandwidth channels. Our proposed actions in this proceeding will 
also create more efficient use of the remaining FS spectrum and help to 
increase spectrum availability for new licensees.
    5. Specifically, we propose a band plan for the FS paired and 
unpaired spectrum from 17.7-18.3 GHz and 19.3-19.7 GHz consisting of a 
variety of channel bandwidths (including narrower bandwidths and those 
of thirty and fifty megahertz) and a block of unpaired spectrum from 
17.7-17.74 GHz. We also propose to designate a contiguous 500 megahertz 
block of one-way spectrum from 17.8-18.3 GHz for use by multichannel 
video programming distributors (``MVPDs''). We propose to give MVPD and 
private cable operator (``PCO'') licensees flexibility within such 
block to determine the appropriate bandwidth for their operations.

C. Legal Basis

    6. The proposed action is authorized under the Administrative 
Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553; and Sections 1, 4(i), 7, 301, 303, 308, 
and 309(j) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 
151, 154(i), 157, 301, 303, 308, and 309(j)

D. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to Which 
the Proposed Rules Will Apply

    7. The RFA directs agencies to provide a description of and, where 
feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities that may be 
affected by the proposed rules, if adopted. The RFA defines the term 
``small entity'' as having the same meaning as the terms ``small 
business,'' ``small organization,'' and ``small governmental 
jurisdiction.'' In addition, the term ``small business'' has the same 
meaning as the term ``small business concern'' under the Small Business 
Act. A small business concern is one which: (i) is independently owned 
and operated; (ii) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (iii) 
satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business 
    8. Small Businesses. Nationwide, there are a total of 22.4 million 
small businesses, according to SBA data.
    9. Small Organizations. Nationwide, there are approximately 1.6 
million small organizations.
    10. Small Governmental Jurisdictions. The term ``small governmental 
jurisdiction'' is defined as ``governments of cities, towns, townships, 
villages, school districts, or special districts, with a population of 
less than fifty thousand.'' As of 1997, there were approximately 87,453 
governmental jurisdictions in the United States. This number includes 
39,044 county governments, municipalities, and townships, of which 
37,546 (approximately 96.2%) have populations of fewer than 50,000, and 
of which 1,498 have populations of 50,000 or more. Thus, we estimate 
the number of small governmental jurisdictions overall to be 84,098 or 
    11. The proposed rechannelization would affect all common carrier 
and private operational fixed microwave licensees who are authorized 
under part 101 of the Commission's Rules for use of the 18 GHz 
    12. Fixed Microwave Services. The Commission has not created a size 
standard for a small business specifically with respect to fixed 
microwave services. For purposes of this analysis, the Commission uses 
the SBA size standard for the category ``Cellular and Other 
Telecommunications,'' which is 1,500 or fewer employees. The Commission 
does not have data specifying the number of these licensees that have 
more than 1,500 employees, and thus is unable at this time to estimate 
with greater precision the number of fixed microwave service licensees 
that would qualify as small business concerns under the SBA's small 
business size standard. Consequently, the Commission estimates that 
there are up to 22,015 common carrier fixed microwave licensees and up 
to 61,670 private operational-fixed microwave licensees and broadcast 
auxiliary radio licensees in the microwave services that may be small 
and may be affected by the rules and policies adopted herein. We note, 
however, that the common carrier microwave fixed licensee category 
includes some large entities.
    13. Other proposed rule changes would affect PCOs and other MVPDs. 
Below, we further describe and estimate the number of small entity 
licensees and regulatees that may be affected by these rules.
    14. Cable and Other Program Distribution. This category includes 
cable systems operators, closed circuit television services, direct 
broadcast satellite services, multipoint distribution systems, 
satellite master antenna systems, and subscription television services. 
The SBA has developed small business size standard for this census 
category, which includes all such companies generating $12.5 million or 
less in revenue annually. According to Census Bureau data for 1997, 
there were a total of 1,311 firms in this category, total, that had 
operated for the entire year. Of this total, 1,180 firms had annual 
receipts of under $10 million and an additional 52 firms had receipts 
of $10 million or more but less than $25 million. Consequently, the 
Commission estimates that the majority

[[Page 40845]]

of providers in this service category are small businesses that may be 
affected by the rules and policies proposed herein.
    15. Cable System Operators (Rate Regulation Standard). The 
Commission has developed its own small business size standard for cable 
system operators, for purposes of rate regulation. Under the 
Commission's rules, a ``small cable company'' is one serving fewer than 
400,000 subscribers nationwide. The most recent estimates indicate that 
there were 1,439 cable operators who qualified as small cable system 
operators at the end of 1995. Since then, some of those companies may 
have grown to serve over 400,000 subscribers, and others may have been 
involved in transactions that caused them to be combined with other 
cable operators. Consequently, the Commission estimates that there are 
now fewer than 1,439 small entity cable system operators that may be 
affected by the rules and policies proposed herein.
    16. Cable System Operators (Telecom Act Standard). The 
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, also contains a size standard 
for small cable system operators, which is ``a cable operator that, 
directly or through an affiliate, serves in the aggregate fewer than 1 
percent of all subscribers in the United States and is not affiliated 
with any entity or entities whose gross annual revenues in the 
aggregate exceed $250,000,000.'' The Commission has determined that 
there are 67,700,000 subscribers in the United States. Therefore, an 
operator serving fewer than 677,000 subscribers shall be deemed a small 
operator, if its annual revenues, when combined with the total annual 
revenues of all its affiliates, do not exceed $250 million in the 
aggregate. Based on available data, the Commission estimates that the 
number of cable operators serving 677,000 subscribers or fewer, totals 
1,450. The Commission neither requests nor collects information on 
whether cable system operators are affiliated with entities whose gross 
annual revenues exceed $250 million, and therefore are unable, at this 
time, to estimate more accurately the number of cable system operators 
that would qualify as small cable operators under the size standard 
contained in the Communications Act of 1934.
    17. Multipoint Distribution Service, Multichannel Multipoint 
Distribution Service, and Instructional Television Fixed Service. 
Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service (MMDS) systems, often 
referred to as ``wireless cable,'' transmit video programming to 
subscribers using the microwave frequencies of the Multipoint 
Distribution Service (MDS) and Instructional Television Fixed Service 
(ITFS). In connection with the 1996 MDS auction, the Commission defined 
``small business'' as an entity that, together with its affiliates, has 
average gross annual revenues that are not more than $40 million for 
the preceding three calendar years. The SBA has approved of this 
standard. The MDS auction resulted in 67 successful bidders obtaining 
licensing opportunities for 493 Basic Trading Areas (BTAs). Of the 67 
auction winners, 61 claimed status as a small business. At this time, 
we estimate that of the 61 small business MDS auction winners, 48 
remain small business licensees. In addition to the 48 small businesses 
that hold BTA authorizations, there are approximately 392 incumbent MDS 
licensees that have gross revenues that are not more than $40 million 
and are thus considered small entities.
    18. Satellite Master Antenna Television (``SMATV'') Systems. The 
SBA definition of small entities for cable and other program 
distribution services includes SMATV services and, thus, small entities 
are defined as all such companies generating $12.5 million or less in 
annual receipts. Industry sources estimate that approximately 5,200 
SMATV operators were providing service as of December 1995. Other 
estimates indicate that SMATV operators serve approximately 1.5 million 
residential subscribers as of July 2001. The best available estimates 
indicate that the largest SMATV operators serve between 15,000 and 
55,000 subscribers each. Most SMATV operators serve approximately 
3,000-4,000 customers. Because these operators are not rate regulated, 
they are not required to file financial data with the Commission. 
Furthermore, we are not aware of any privately published financial 
information regarding these operators. Based on the estimated number of 
operators and the estimated number of units served by the largest ten 
SMATVs, we believe that a substantial number of SMATV operators qualify 
as small entities.
    19. Open Video Services. Open Video Service (OVS) systems provide 
subscription services. The SBA has created a small business size 
standard for Cable and Other Program Distribution. This standard 
provides that a small entity is one with $12.5 million or less in 
annual receipts. The Commission has certified approximately 25 OVS 
operators to serve 75 areas, and some of these are currently providing 
service. Affiliates of Residential Communications Network, Inc. (RCN) 
received approval to operate OVS systems in New York City, Boston, 
Washington, D.C., and other areas. RCN has sufficient revenues to 
assure that they do not qualify as a small business entity. Little 
financial information is available for the other entities that are 
authorized to provide OVS and are not yet operational. Given that some 
entities authorized to provide OVS service have not yet begun to 
generate revenues, the Commission concludes that up to 24 OVS operators 
(those remaining) might qualify as small businesses that may be 
affected by the rules and policies proposed herein.

E. Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other 
Compliance Requirements

    20. Under the proposal contained in the NPRM, we are effecting a 
change wherein we will allow 18 GHz applicants to propose to operate on 
spectrum utilizing different bandwidth channels in addition to the ones 
already in existence. The proposal does not include any changes in the 
language of FCC Forms nor does it require extra filings. We are also 
allowing certain flexibility for some modifications to be achieved 
without the necessity of filing any applications.

F. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant Economic Impact on Small 
Entities, and Significant Alternatives Considered

    21. The RFA requires an agency to describe any significant, 
specifically small business, alternatives that it has considered in 
reaching its proposed approach, which may include the following four 
alternatives (among others): ``(i) The establishment of differing 
compliance or reporting requirements or timetables that take into 
account the resources available to small entities; (ii) the 
clarification, consolidation, or simplification of compliance or 
reporting requirements under the rule for small entities; (iii) the use 
of performance, rather than design standards; and (iv) an exemption 
from coverage of the rule, or any part thereof, for small entities.''
    22. We note that, although we decline to grant a blanket waiver to 
accommodate licensees needing an immediate switch to channels of sizes 
not currently available, we will consider granting waivers as 
appropriate where applicants have met the conditions stated in the 
NPRM. This will assist all such licensees, and especially small entity 
licensees, that need less bandwidth than is currently provided.
    23. We are attempting to reduce a regulatory burden. We will 
continue to examine alternatives in the future with the objective of 
eliminating unnecessary

[[Page 40846]]

regulations and minimizing any significant impact on small entities. We 
seek comment on significant alternatives commenters believe we should 

G. Federal Rules That Overlap, Duplicate, or Conflict With These 
Proposed Rules


Paperwork Reduction Analysis

    24. This NPRM does not contain either a proposed or modified 
information collection.

Ordering Clauses

    1. Pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 302, and 303(f) and (r) of the 
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 1, 154(i), 302, and 
303(f) and (r), notice is hereby given of the proposed regulatory 
changes described in this NPRM and that comment is sought on these 
    2. Pursuant to section 4(i) of the Communications Act of 1934, as 
amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), and Sec.  1.925 of the Commission's rules, 
47 CFR 1.925, the Request for Blanket Waiver, filed May 29, 2002, by 
the Fixed Wireless Communications Coalition and the National Spectrum 
Managers Association, is hereby denied.
    3. The Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, 
Reference Information Center, shall send a copy of this NPRM, including 
the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for 
Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration.

List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 101

Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,

Proposed Rules

    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
Communications Commission proposes to amend 47 CFR part 101 as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 101 continues to read as 

    Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303.

    2. Section 101.147 is amended by revising paragraph (r) to read as 

Sec.  101.147  Frequency assignments.

* * * * *
    (r) 17,700 to 19,700 and 24,250 to 25,250 MHz: Operation of 
stations using frequencies in these bands is permitted to the extent 
specified in this paragraph. Until November 19, 2012, stations 
operating in the band 18.3-18.58 GHz that were licensed or had 
applications pending before the Commission as of November 19, 2002 
shall operate on a shared co-primary basis with other services under 
parts 21, 25, and 74 of this chapter. Until October 31, 2011, 
operations in the band 19.26-19.3 GHz and low power systems operating 
pursuant to Sec.  101.147(r)(10) shall operate on a co-primary basis. 
Until June 8, 2010, stations operating in the band 18.58'18.8 GHz that 
were licensed or had applications pending before the Commission as of 
June 8, 2000 may continue those operations on a shared co-primary basis 
with other services under parts 21, 25, and 74 of this chapter. Until 
June 8, 2010, stations operating in the band 18.8-19.3 GHz that were 
licensed or had applications pending before the Commission as of 
September 18, 1998 may continue those operations on a shared co-primary 
basis with other services under parts 21, 25, and 74 of this chapter. 
After November 19, 2012, stations operating in the band 18.3-18.58 GHz 
are not entitled to protection from fixed-satellite service operations 
and must not cause unacceptable interference to fixed-satellite service 
station operations. After June 8, 2010, operations in the 18.58-19.30 
GHz band are not entitled to protection from fixed-satellite service 
operations and must not cause unacceptable interference to fixed-
satellite service station operations. After November 19, 2002, no 
applications for new stations for part 101 licenses will be accepted in 
the 18.3-18.58 GHz band. After June 8, 2000, no applications for new 
stations for part 101 licenses will be accepted in the 18.58-19.3 GHz 
band. Licensees, except 24 GHz band licensees, may use either a two-way 
link or one frequency of a frequency pair for a one-way link and must 
coordinate proposed operations pursuant to the procedures required in 
Sec.  101.103.
    [Option 1] Applicants who request one-way spectrum in 17.7-18.3 GHz 
can use any size channels necessary, but must request contiguous 
spectrum (minus channels that are already licensed in the area and thus 
blocked) for all their needs in order to prevent such applicants from 
spacing their channels in a manner that effectively could prevent other 
licensees from using the remaining spectrum within the same area. 
However, channels still must meet the efficiency requirements of Sec.  
    [Option 2] Applicants who request one-way spectrum in 17.7-18.58 
GHz can use any size channels necessary, but must request contiguous 
spectrum (minus channels that are already licensed in the area and thus 
blocked) for all their needs in order to prevent such applicants from 
spacing their channels in a manner that effectively could prevent other 
licensees from using the remaining spectrum within the same area. 
However, channels still must meet the efficiency requirements of Sec.  
    (1) 1.25 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
17700.625..................................................           NA
17701.875..................................................           NA
17703.125..................................................           NA
17704.375..................................................           NA
17705.625..................................................           NA
17706.875..................................................           NA
17708.125..................................................           NA
17709.375..................................................           NA
17710.625..................................................           NA
17711.875..................................................           NA
17713.125..................................................           NA
17714.375..................................................           NA
17715.625..................................................           NA
17716.875..................................................           NA
17718.125..................................................           NA
17719.375..................................................           NA
17721.625..................................................           NA
17722.875..................................................           NA
17723.125..................................................           NA
17724.375..................................................           NA
17725.625..................................................           NA
17726.875..................................................           NA
17728.125..................................................           NA
17729.375..................................................           NA
17730.625..................................................           NA
17731.875..................................................           NA
17733.125..................................................           NA
17734.375..................................................           NA
17735.625..................................................           NA
17736.875..................................................           NA
17738.125..................................................           NA
17739.375..................................................           NA
18060.625..................................................    19620.625
18061.875..................................................    19621.875
18063.125..................................................    19623.125
18064.375..................................................    19624.375
18065.625..................................................    19625.625
18066.875..................................................    19626.875
18068.125..................................................    19628.125
18069.375..................................................    19629.375
18070.625..................................................    19630.625
18071.875..................................................    19631.875
18073.125..................................................    19633.125
18074.375..................................................    19634.375
18075.625..................................................    19635.625
18076.875..................................................    19636.875
18078.125..................................................    19638.125
18079.375..................................................    19639.375
18080.625..................................................    19640.625
18081.875..................................................    19641.875
18083.125..................................................    19643.125
18084.375..................................................    19644.375
18085.625..................................................    19645.625
18086.875..................................................    19646.875
18088.125..................................................    19648.125
18089.375..................................................    19649.375
18090.625..................................................    19650.625
18091.875..................................................    19651.875

[[Page 40847]]

18093.125..................................................    19653.125
18094.375..................................................    19654.375
18095.625..................................................    19655.625
18096.875..................................................    19656.875
18098.125..................................................    19658.125
18099.375..................................................    19659.375
18100.625..................................................    19660.625
18101.875..................................................    19661.875
18103.125..................................................    19663.125
18104.375..................................................    19664.375
18105.625..................................................    19665.625
18106.875..................................................    19666.875
18108.125..................................................    19668.125
18109.375..................................................    19669.375
18110.625..................................................    19670.625
18111.875..................................................    19671.875
18113.125..................................................    19673.125
18114.375..................................................    19674.375
18115.625..................................................    19675.625
18116.875..................................................    19676.875
18118.125..................................................    19678.125
18119.375..................................................    19679.375
18120.625..................................................    19680.625
18121.875..................................................    19681.875
18123.125..................................................    19683.125
18124.375..................................................    19684.375
18125.625..................................................    19685.625
18126.875..................................................    19686.875
18128.125..................................................    19688.125
18129.375..................................................    19689.375
18130.625..................................................    19690.625
18131.875..................................................    19691.875
18133.125..................................................    19693.125
18134.375..................................................    19694.375
18135.625..................................................    19695.625
18136.875..................................................    19696.875
18138.125..................................................    19698.125
18139.375..................................................    19699.375

    (2) 2 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channel:

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
18141.0....................................................          N/A

    (3) 2.5 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
17701.25...................................................          N/A
17703.75...................................................          N/A
17706.25...................................................          N/A
17708.75...................................................          N/A
17711.25...................................................          N/A
17713.75...................................................          N/A
17716.25...................................................          N/A
17718.75...................................................          N/A
17721.25...................................................          N/A
17723.75...................................................          N/A
17726.25...................................................          N/A
17728.75...................................................          N/A
17731.25...................................................          N/A
17733.75...................................................          N/A
17736.25...................................................          N/A
17738.75...................................................          N/A
18061.25...................................................     19621.25
18063.75...................................................     19623.75
18066.25...................................................     19626.25
18068.75...................................................     19628.75
18071.25...................................................     19631.25
18073.75...................................................     19633.75
18076.25...................................................     19636.25
18078.75...................................................     19638.75
18081.25...................................................     19641.25
18083.75...................................................     19643.75
18086.25...................................................     19646.25
18088.75...................................................     19648.75
18091.25...................................................     19651.25
18093.75...................................................     19653.75
18096.25...................................................     19656.25
18098.75...................................................     19658.75
18101.25...................................................     19661.25
18103.75...................................................     19663.75
18106.25...................................................     19666.25
18108.75...................................................     19668.75
18111.25...................................................     19671.25
18113.75...................................................     19673.75
18116.25...................................................     19676.25
18118.75...................................................     19678.75
18121.25...................................................     19681.25
18123.75...................................................     19683.75
18126.25...................................................     19686.25
18128.75...................................................     19688.75
18131.25...................................................     19691.25
18133.75...................................................     19693.75
18136.25...................................................     19696.25
18138.75...................................................     19698.75

    (4) 5 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
  340 Megahertz separation (* channels no longer available on a primary
18762.5*...................................................     19102.5*
18767.5*...................................................     19107.5*
18772.5*...................................................     19112.5*
18777.5*...................................................     19117.5*
18782.5*...................................................     19122.5*
18787.5*...................................................     19127.5*
18792.5*...................................................     19132.5*
18797.5*...................................................     19137.5*
18802.5*...................................................     19142.5*
18807.5*...................................................     19147.5*
18812.5*...................................................     19152.5*
18817.5*...................................................     19157.5*

    (5) 5 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
                        1560 Megahertz separation
 17702.5...................................................          N/A
17707.5....................................................          N/A
17712.5....................................................          N/A
17717.5....................................................          N/A
17722.5....................................................          N/A
17727.5....................................................          N/A
17732.5....................................................          N/A
17737.5....................................................          N/A
18062.5....................................................      19622.5
18067.5....................................................      19627.5
18072.5....................................................      19632.5
18077.5....................................................      19637.5
18082.5....................................................      19642.5
18087.5....................................................      19647.5
18092.5....................................................      19652.5
18097.5....................................................      19657.5
18102.5....................................................      19662.5
18107.5....................................................      19667.5
18112.5....................................................      19672.5
18117.5....................................................      19677.5
18122.5....................................................      19682.5
18127.5....................................................      19687.5
18132.5....................................................      19692.5
18137.5....................................................      19697.5

    (6) 6 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels: New channels 
from 17.8-18.3 GHz may be of any channel size but must be contiguous 
and used for video use by an MVPD.

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
 216 Megahertz separation (* channels are no longer available on primary
18145.0....................................................          N/A
18151.0....................................................     18367.0*
18157.0....................................................     18373.0*
18163.0....................................................     18379.0*
18169.0....................................................     18385.0*
18175.0....................................................     18391.0*
18181.0....................................................     18397.0*
18187.0....................................................     18403.0*
18193.0....................................................     18409.0*
18199.0....................................................     18415.0*
18205.0....................................................     18421.0*
18211.0....................................................     18427.0*
18217.0....................................................     18433.0*
18223.0....................................................     18439.0*
18229.0....................................................     18445.0*
18235.0....................................................     18451.0*
18241.0....................................................     18457.0*
18247.0....................................................     18463.0*
18253.0....................................................     18469.0*
18259.0....................................................     18475.0*
18265.0....................................................     18481.0*
18271.0....................................................     18487.0*
18277.0....................................................     18493.0*
18283.0....................................................     18499.0*
18289.0....................................................     18505.0*
18295.0....................................................     18511.0*
18301.0*...................................................     18517.0*
18307.0*...................................................     18523.0*
18313.0*...................................................     18529.0*
18319.0*...................................................     18535.0*
18325.0*...................................................     18541.0*
18331.0*...................................................     18547.0*
18337.0*...................................................     18553.0*
18343.0*...................................................     18559.0*
18349.0*...................................................     18565.0*
18355.0*...................................................     18571.0*
18361.0*...................................................     18577.0*

    (7) 10 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

[[Page 40848]]

                Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
1560 Megahertz separation (* channels are no longer available on primary
17705.0.................................................        19265.0*
17715.0.................................................        19275.0*
17725.0.................................................        19285.0*
17735.0.................................................        19295.0*
17745.0.................................................        19305.0
17755.0.................................................        19315.0
17765.0.................................................        19325.0
17775.0.................................................        19335.0
17785.0.................................................        19345.0
17795.0.................................................        19355.0
17805.0.................................................        19365.0
17815.0.................................................        19375.0
17825.0.................................................        19385.0
17835.0.................................................        19395.0
17845.0.................................................        19405.0
17855.0.................................................        19415.0
17865.0.................................................        19425.0
17875.0.................................................        19435.0
17885.0.................................................        19445.0
17895.0.................................................        19455.0
17905.0.................................................        19465.0
17915.0.................................................        19475.0
17925.0.................................................        19485.0
17935.0.................................................        19495.0
17945.0.................................................        19505.0
17955.0.................................................        19515.0
17965.0.................................................        19525.0
17975.0.................................................        19535.0
17985.0.................................................        19545.0
17995.0.................................................        19555.0
18005.0.................................................        19565.0
18015.0.................................................        19575.0
18025.0.................................................        19585.0
18035.0.................................................        19595.0
18045.0.................................................        19605.0
18055.0.................................................        19615.0
18065.0.................................................        19625.0
18075.0.................................................        19635.0
18085.0.................................................        19645.0
18095.0.................................................        19655.0
18105.0.................................................        19665.0
18115.0.................................................        19675.0
18125.0.................................................        19685.0
18135.0.................................................        19695.0
                        340 Megahertz Separation
18585.0*................................................        18925.0*
18595.0*................................................        18935.0*
18605.0*................................................        18945.0*
18615.0*................................................        18955.0*
18625.0*................................................        18965.0*
18635.0*................................................        18975.0*
18645.0*................................................        18985.0*
18655.0*................................................        18995.0*
18665.0*................................................        19005.0*
18675.0*................................................        19015.0*
18685.0*................................................        19025.0*
18695.0*................................................        19035.0*
18705.0*................................................        19045.0*
18715.0*................................................        19055.0*
18725.0*................................................        19065.0*
18735.0*................................................        19075.0*
18745.0*................................................        19085.0*
18755.0*................................................        19095.0*
18765.0*................................................        19105.0*
18775.0*................................................        19115.0*
18785.0*................................................        19125.0*
18795.0*................................................        19135.0*
18805.0*................................................        19145.0*
18815.0*................................................        19155.0*

    (8) 20 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
1560 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on primary
17710.0.................................................        19270.0*
17730.0.................................................        19290.0*
17750.0.................................................        19310.0
17770.0.................................................        19330.0
17790.0.................................................        19350.0
17810.0.................................................        19370.0
17830.0.................................................        19390.0
17850.0.................................................        19410.0
17870.0.................................................        19430.0
17890.0.................................................        19450.0
17910.0.................................................        19470.0
17930.0.................................................        19490.0
17950.0.................................................        19510.0
17970.0.................................................        19530.0
17990.0.................................................        19550.0
18010.0.................................................        19570.0
18030.0.................................................        19590.0
18050.0.................................................        19610.0
18070.0.................................................        19630.0
18090.0.................................................        19650.0
18110.0.................................................        19670.0
18130.0.................................................        19690.0
                        340 Megahertz Separation
18590.0*................................................        18930.0*
18610.0*................................................        18950.0*
18630.0*................................................        18970.0*
18650.0*................................................        18990.0*
18670.0*................................................        19010.0*
18690.0*................................................        19030.0*
18710.0*................................................        19050.0*
18730.0*................................................        19070.0*
18750.0*................................................        19090.0*
18770.0*................................................        19110.0*
18790.0*................................................        19130.0*
18810.0*................................................        19150.0*

[[Page 40849]]

    (9) 30 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
                        1560 Megahertz Separation
17715.0....................................................          N/A
17755.0....................................................      19315.0
17785.0....................................................      19345.0
17815.0....................................................      19375.0
17845.0....................................................      19405.0
17875.0....................................................      19435.0
17905.0....................................................      19465.0
17935.0....................................................      19495.0
17965.0....................................................      19525.0
17995.0....................................................      19555.0
18025.0....................................................      19585.0
18055.0....................................................      19615.0
18085.0....................................................      19645.0
18115.0....................................................      19675.0

    (10) 40 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
1560 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on primary
17720.0.................................................        19280.0*
17760.0.................................................        19320.0
17800.0.................................................        19360.0
17840.0.................................................        19400.0
17880.0.................................................        19440.0
17920.0.................................................        19480.0
17960.0.................................................        19520.0
18000.0.................................................        19560.0
18040.0.................................................        19600.0
18080.0.................................................        19640.0
18120.0.................................................        19680.0

    (11) 50 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                  Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
                        1560 Megahertz Separation
17765.0....................................................      19325.0
17815.0....................................................      19375.0
17865.0....................................................      19425.0
17915.0....................................................      19475.0
17965.0....................................................      19525.0
18015.0....................................................      19575.0
18065.0....................................................      19625.0
18115.0....................................................      19675.0

    (12) 80 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
1560 Megahertz Separation (* channels are no longer available on primary
17740.0.................................................        19300.0*
17820.0.................................................        19380.0
17900.0.................................................        19460.0
17980.0.................................................        19540.0
18060.0.................................................        19620.0

    (13) 220 Megahertz maximum authorized bandwidth channels:

                Transmit (receive) (MHz)                    (transmit)
          (* channels are no longer available on primary basis)
17810.0.................................................        18470.0*
18030.0.................................................        19370.0*
18250.0*................................................        19590.0
17810.0 (new channel pairing)...........................        19590.0

    (14) The following frequencies on channels 35-39 are available for 
point-to-multipoint systems and are available by geographic area 
licensing in the 24 GHz Service to be used as the licensee desires. The 
24 GHz spectrum can be aggregated or disaggregated and does not have to 
be used in the transmit/receive manner shown except to comply with 
international agreements along the U.S. borders. Channels 35 through 39 
are licensed in the 24 GHz Service by Economic Areas for any digital 
fixed service. Channels may be used at either nodal or subscriber 
station locations for transmit or receive but must be coordinated with 
adjacent channel and adjacent area users in accordance with the 
provisions of Sec.  101.509. Stations also must comply with 
international coordination agreements.

                                      Nodal station       User station
            Channel No.               frequency band     frequency band
                                       (MHz) limits       (MHz) limits
25................................      18,820-18,830      19,160-19,170
26................................      18,830-18,840      19,170-19,180
27................................      18,840-18,850      19,180-19,190
28................................      18,850-18,860      19,190-19,200
29................................      18,860-18,870      19,200-19,210
30................................      18,870-18,880      19,210-19,220
31................................      18,880-18,890      19,220-19,230
32................................      18,890-18,900      19,230-19,240
33................................      18,900-18,910      19,240-19,250
34................................      18,910-18,920      19,250-19,260
35................................      24,250-24,290      25,050-25,090
36................................      24,290-24,330      25,090-25,130
37................................      24,330-24,370      25,130-25,170
38................................      24,370-24,410      25,170-25,210
39................................      24,410-24,450      25,210-25,250

    (15) Special provision for low power systems in the 17,700-19,700 
MHz band: Notwithstanding other provisions in part 101 and except for 
specified areas around Washington, DC, and Denver, Colorado, licensees 
of point-to-multipoint channel pairs 25-29 identified in paragraph 
(r)(9) of this section may continue to operate in accordance with the 
requirements of Sec.  101.85 and may operate multiple low power 
transmitting devices within a defined service area. Operations are 
prohibited within 55 km when used outdoor and within 20 km when used 
indoor of the coordinates 38 deg.48' N/76 deg.52' W (Washington, DC 
area) and 39 deg.43' N/104 deg.46' W (Denver, Colorado area). The 
service area will be a 28 kilometer omnidirectional radius originating 
from specified center reference coordinates. The specified center 
coordinates must be no closer than 56 kilometers from any co-channel 
nodal station or the specified center coordinates of another co-channel 
system. Applicants/licensees do not need to specify the location of 
each individual transmitting device operating within their defined 
service areas. Such

[[Page 40850]]

operations are subject to the following requirements on the low power 
transmitting devices:
    (i) Power must not exceed one watt EIRP and 100 milliwatts 
transmitter output power;
    (ii) A frequency tolerance of 0.001% must be maintained; and
    (iii) The mean power of emissions shall be attenuated in accordance 
with the following schedule:
    (A) In any 4 kHz band, the center frequency of which is removed 
from the center frequency of the assigned channel by more than 50 
percent of the channel bandwidth and is within the bands 18,820-18,870 
MHz or 19,160-19,210 MHz:

A = 35 + .003(F - 0.5B) dB


80 dB (whichever is the lesser attenuation).


A = Attenuation (in decibels) below output power level contained within 
the channel for a given polarization.
B = Bandwidth of channel in kHz.
F = Absolute value of the difference between the center frequency of 
the 4 kHz band measured at the center frequency of the channel in kHz.

    (B) In any 4 kHz band the center frequency of which is outside the 
bands 18.820-18.870 GHz: At least 43+10 log P (mean output power in 
watts) decibels.
    (iv) Low power stations authorized in the band 18.8-19.3 GHz after 
June 8, 2000, are restricted to indoor use only.
* * * * *
    3. Section 101.603 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2) and 
(b)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec.  101.603 Permissible communications.
    (a) * * *
    (2) In the frequency bands 6425-6525 MHz, 17,800-18,580 MHz, and on 
frequencies above 21,200 MHz, licensees may deliver any of their own 
products and services to any receiving location;
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) Be used to provide the final RF link in the chain of 
transmission of program material to cable television systems, 
multipoint distribution systems or master antenna TV systems, except in 
the frequency bands 6425-6525 MHz and 17,800-18,580 MHz and on 
frequencies above 21,200 MHz.

[FR Doc. 04-15237 Filed 7-6-04; 8:45 am]