National Cancer Institute
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NCI Highlights
Virtual and Standard Colonoscopy Both Accurate

New Study of Targeted Therapies for Breast Cancer

The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research FY 2009

Cancer Trends Progress Report: 2007 Update

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You CAN Quit Smoking Now!

Cervical Cancer
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Related Page
PDQ® - NCI's Comprehensive Cancer Database
Full description of the NCI PDQ database.
General Cancer Resources
Coping with Cancer
Managing side effects and complications caused by cancer and its treatment.

Support and Resources
Information about cancer support organizations, finances, insurance, home care, and hospice care.

Educational Materials About Clinical Trials
Types of trials, how they work, risks and benefits of taking part.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies used in addition to, or instead of, conventional cancer treatments.
Definition of cervical cancer: Cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix (the organ connecting the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular Pap tests (a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope).

Estimated new cases and deaths from cervical (uterine cervix) cancer in the United States in 2008:

New cases: 11,070
Deaths: 3,870

See the online booklet What You Need To Know About™ Cancer of the Cervix to learn about cervical cancer symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and questions to ask the doctor.

For an overview of research advances, see Cancer Advances In Focus: Cervical Cancer.
Information about treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and vaccine therapy
Cervical Cancer Treatment
[patient] [health professional]

Angiogenesis Inhibitors Therapy: Questions and Answers

Cryosurgery in Cancer Treatment: Q & A

Lasers in Cancer Treatment: Q & A

Metastatic Cancer: Q&A
Prevention, Genetics, Causes
Information related to prevention, genetics, and risk factors
Cervical Cancer Prevention
[patient] [health professional]

HPV Vaccines for Cervical Cancer

Overall HPV Prevalence in U.S. Women

Cancer Risk: Understanding the Puzzle

Screening and Testing
Information about methods of cancer detection including new imaging technologies, tumor markers, and biopsy procedures
Cervical Cancer Screening
[patient] [health professional]

New Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines

The Pap Test: Questions and Answers

Pap Tests and Cervical Health

  Clinical Trials
Information and current news about clinical trials and trial-related data
Cervical Cancer Trial Results

How to Find a Cancer Treatment Trial

Search for Clinical Trials
Cancer Literature
Resources available from the PubMed database
Cancer Topic Searches: Gynecologic Cancers

Cancer Literature in PubMed
Research and Related Information
Includes NCI-supported research, funding opportunities, and special reports
NCI Funded Research Portfolio

Cancer Research Portfolio: NCI Funding Opportunities

Cervical Cancer - NCI Office of Women's Health

Gynecology SPOREs

Gynecologic Cancers Progress Review Group Report
Information related to cancer incidence, mortality, and survival
Cancer Stat Fact Sheet: Cancer of the Cervix Uteri

Snapshot of Cervical Cancer

Finding Cancer Statistics

Understanding Cancer Statistics

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health