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Community Advisory Groups (CAGs) at Superfund Sites: Quick Reference Fact Sheet
English (EPA 540-F-96-016), August 1996
Spanish-Mexican (EPA 540-F-97-031), August 1996
Spanish-Puerto Rican (EPA 540-F-98-056), September 1998

EPA's Guidance for Community Advisory Groups at Superfund Sites (OSWER Directive 9230.0-28) was issued in December 1995 for Community Involvement Coordinators (CICs) and Site Managers to encourage the use of Community Advisory Groups (CAGs) at Superfund Sites and to promote a better understanding of CAGs at Superfund sites. This fact sheet summarizes the main points in the guidance.

The Community Adivisory Group Toolkit for the Community (PDF) (137 pp, 1.4MB)
EPA 540-R-97-037, September 1998

This Toolkit is designed to provide a variety of information to help you set up your Community Advisory Group. The Toolkit has two parts:

About the Community Advisory Group Toolkit:
A Summary of the Tools

English (EPA 540-K-97-007), September 1998 (PDF) (15 pp, 598K)
Spanish (EPA 540-K-98-006), September 1998

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed the Community Advisory Group Toolkit to help you organize and run your Group. The Toolkit contains outlines, forms, publications, and other "tools" you can use in establishing and operating your Group. This booklet briefly describes the information, tips, and tools in the Toolkit. It can help you understand what a Community Advisory Group is and decide if your community needs one. If you live in an area that already has a Community Advisory Group, this information can help you become more involved in it. Each Community Advisory Group and the Community Involvement staff in each EPA Regional Office has a Toolkit containing all the materials described.

Superfund Today - Focus on the Community Advisory Group Program (PDF) (4 pp, 174K)
(EPA 540-K-96-005), May 1996

This issue of Superfund Today contains information on how to get your community advisory group up and running and highlights a Community Advisory Group in action.

Community Advisory Groups: Partners in Decisions at Hazardous Waste Sites, Case Studies
(EPA 540-R-96-043), Winter 1996

This document includes case studies of Community Advisory Groups at five hazardous waste sites. The case studies were developed based on interviews with community members involved in the Community Advisory Groups at these sites, EPA personnel, and State and local government personnel involved in the site cleanup efforts.

Evaluation Report on the Pine Street Barge Canal Coordinating Council, Burlington, VT: Lessons Learned from this Region 1 Community Advisory Group
July 2000

Document (PDF) (12 pp, 354K)

Appendix A
Part 1 (PDF) (6 pp, 1MB)
Part 2 (PDF) (6 pp, 802K)

Appendix B (PDF) (6 pp, 341K)

Appendix C
Part 1 (PDF) (8 pp, 1.5MB)
Part 2 (PDF) (7 pp, 1MB)
Part 3 (PDF) (7 pp, 1.1MB)
Part 4 (PDF) (7 pp, 958K)
Part 5 (PDF) (7 pp, 869K)
Part 6 (PDF) (8 pp, 1.3MB)
Part 7 (PDF) (7 pp, 1.3MB)
Part 8 (PDF) (7 pp, 624K)

The Pine Street Barge Canal Coordinating Council is an 11-member Community Advisory Group formed in 1993 to address the complex issues regarding cleanup of the Pine Street Barge Canal Superfund site in Burlington, Vermont. The group includes a cross-section of stakeholders—citizens, environmental groups, potentially responsible parties (PRPs), the City of Burlington, State of Vermont, EPA, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It was established in response to nearly unanimous community opposition to the original remedy proposed by EPA in 1992, which was withdrawn in 1993.

A Review of Community Advisory Groups in Region 5: Lessons Learned (PDF) (13 pp, 89K)
October 1998

As part of its commitment to promoting community involvement at hazardous waste sites, EPA Region 5 conducted an informal review and evaluation of its support to Community Advisory Groups. This document summarizes lessons learned in the course of this review. Information was gathered via interviews with leaders of six selected Community Advisory Groups in order to learn more about how they are working and to determine what EPA can do to better support these groups. Interviewees were asked a series of questions that allowed them to share their insights and experiences forming and operating a Community Advisory Group and to suggest ways EPA can assist local groups in their efforts.

Guidance for Community Advisory Groups at Superfund Sites (PDF) (36 pp, 228K)
(EPA 540-K-96-001), December 1995

This guidance document is designed to assist EPA staff [primarily Community Involvement Coordinators (CICs) and Site Managers, such as Remedial Project Managers, On-Scene Coordinators, and Site Assessment Managers] in working with CAGs at Superfund sites (this includes remedial and appropriate removal sites).

Technical Assistance Grants web site

A Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) provides money for activities that help your community participate in decision making at eligible Superfund sites. An initial grant up to $50,000 is available for any Superfund site that is on the EPA's National Priorities List (NPL), proposed for listing on the NPL and a response action has begun. EPA's NPL is a list of the most hazardous waste sites nationwide.

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