[Federal Register: October 15, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 199)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 61155-61157]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Parts 222 and 223

[Docket No.;I.D. 100404B]
RIN 0648-AS79

Sea Turtle Conservation; Shrimp Trawling Requirements

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Temporary rule.


SUMMARY: NMFS issues this temporary authorization for a period of 30 
days, to allow the use of limited tow times by shrimp trawlers as an 
alternative to the use of Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) in the state 
waters of Alabama and Mississippi, and the state waters of Louisiana 
from the Mississippi/Louisiana border to a line at 90[deg] 03' 00'' 
West longitude (approximately the west end of Grand Isle). This action 
is necessary because excessive debris as a result of Hurricane Ivan may 
affect fishermen's ability to use TEDs effectively. When a TED is 
clogged with debris, it can no longer catch shrimp effectively nor can 
it effectively exclude turtles.

DATES: Effective from October 12, 2004 through November 12, 2004.

ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of the Environmental Assessment on this 
action should be addressed to the Chief, Marine Mammal Species 
Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, 
Silver Spring, MD 20910.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bob Hoffman, 727-570-5312, or Barbara 
A. Schroeder, 301-713-1401.



    All sea turtles that occur in U.S. waters are listed as either 
endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 
(ESA). The Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii), leatherback 
(Dermochelys coriacea), and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles 
are listed as endangered. The loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green

[[Page 61156]]

(Chelonia mydas) turtles are listed as threatened, except for breeding 
populations of green turtles in Florida and on the Pacific coast of 
Mexico, which are listed as endangered.
    Sea turtles are incidentally taken and killed as a result of 
numerous activities, including fishery trawling activities in the Gulf 
of Mexico and along the Atlantic seaboard. Taking endangered sea 
turtles is prohibited under the ESA, subject to limited exceptions. 
Through section 4(d) of the ESA, NMFS implemented regulations at 50 CFR 
223.206 extending the taking prohibition to threatened sea turtles. 
Exceptions to the taking prohibition are also authorized according to 
the terms and conditions of a biological opinion issued under section 7 
of the ESA, or according to an incidental take permit issued under 
section 10 of the ESA. The incidental taking of turtles during shrimp 
or summer flounder trawling is exempted from the taking prohibition of 
section 9 of the ESA if the conservation measures specified in the sea 
turtle conservation regulations (50 CFR 223) are followed. The 
regulations require most shrimp trawlers and summer flounder trawlers 
operating in the southeastern United States (Atlantic area, Gulf area, 
and summer flounder sea turtle protection area, see 50 CFR 223.206) to 
have a NMFS-approved TED installed in each net that is rigged for 
fishing to provide for the escape of sea turtles. TEDs currently 
approved by NMFS include single-grid hard TEDs and hooped hard TEDs 
conforming to a generic description, the flounder TED, and one type of 
soft TED the Parker soft TED (see 50 CFR 223.207).
    TEDs incorporate an escape opening, usually covered by a webbing 
flap, that allows sea turtles to escape from trawl nets. To be approved 
by NMFS, a TED design must be shown to be 97 percent effective in 
excluding sea turtles during testing based upon specific testing 
protocols (50 CFR 223.207(e)(1)). Most approved hard TEDs are described 
in the regulations (50 CFR 223.207(a)) according to generic criteria 
based upon certain parameters of TED design, configuration, and 
installation, including height and width dimensions of the TED opening 
through which the turtles escape.
    The regulations governing sea turtle take prohibitions and 
exemptions provide for the use of limited tow times as an alternative 
to the use of TEDs for vessels with certain specified characteristics 
or under certain special circumstances. The provisions of 50 CFR 
223.206(d)(3)(ii) specify that the NOAA Assistant Administrator for 
Fisheries (AA) may authorize compliance with tow time restrictions as 
an alternative to the TED requirement if the AA determines that the 
presence of algae, seaweed, debris, or other special environmental 
conditions in a particular area makes trawling with TED-equipped nets 
impracticable. The provisions of 50 CFR 223.206(d)(3)(i) specify the 
maximum tow times that may be used when tow-time limits are authorized 
as an alternative to the use of TEDs. The tow times may be no more than 
55 minutes from April 1 through October 31 and no more than 75 minutes 
from November 1 through March 31, as measured from the time that the 
trawl doors enter the water until they are removed from the water. 
These tow time limits are designed to minimize the level of mortality 
of sea turtles that are captured by trawl nets not equipped with TEDs.

Recent Events

    On September 27, 28, and 29, 2004, the NOAA Fisheries' Southeast 
Regional Administrator received requests from the Marine Fisheries 
Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural 
Resources (ADCNR), the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources 
(MDMR), and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), 
respectively, to allow the use of tow times as an alternative to TEDs 
in state waters because of excessive storm-related debris on the 
fishing grounds as a result of Hurricane Ivan. After an investigation, 
the ADCNR, MDMR, and LDWF have determined that this debris is affecting 
the fishermen's ability to use TEDs effectively. When a TED is clogged 
with debris, it can no longer catch shrimp effectively nor can it 
effectively exclude turtles. Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana have 
stated that their marine enforcement agencies will increase patrols to 
enforce the tow time restrictions.
    NOAA Fisheries gear technicians interviewed fishermen and surveyed 
parts of the affected areas in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The 
interviews and surveys conducted by the gear technicians indicate that 
problems with debris exist in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana state 
waters that are likely to affect the effectiveness of TEDs.

Special Environmental Conditions

    The AA finds that debris washed into the state waters of Alabama 
and Mississippi and the state waters of Louisiana from the Mississippi/
Louisiana border to a line at 90[deg] 03' 00'' West longitude 
(approximately the west end of Grand Isle) by Hurricane Ivan has 
created special environmental conditions that make trawling with TED-
equipped nets impracticable. Therefore, the AA issues this temporary 
rule to authorize the use of restricted tow times as an alternative to 
the use of TEDs in the state waters of Alabama and Mississippi and the 
state waters of Louisiana from the Mississippi/Louisiana border to a 
line at 90o 03' 00'' West longitude (approximately the west end of 
Grand Isle) for a period of 30 days. Through October 31, 2004, a shrimp 
trawler utilizing this authorization must limit tow times to no more 
than 55 minutes, measured from the time trawl doors enter the water 
until they are completely retrieved from the water. From November 1, 
2004, through November 12, 2004, unless terminated earlier, tow times 
must be limited to no more than 75 minutes measured from the time trawl 
doors enter the water until they are retrieved from the water. The 
marine patrols of the affected states are continuing to monitor the 
situation and will cooperate with NMFS in determining the extent of the 
ongoing debris problem in this area. Moreover, the affected states have 
stated that their marine patrols will enforce the restricted tow times. 
Ensuring compliance with tow time restrictions is critical to effective 
sea turtle protection, and the commitment from the affected states 
marine patrols to enforce tow time restrictions is an important factor 
enabling NMFS to issue this authorization.

Continued Use of TEDs

    NMFS encourages shrimp trawlers in the affected areas to continue 
to use TEDs if possible, even though they are authorized under this 
action to use restricted tow times. The use of TEDs negates the tow 
time restrictions. NMFS studies have shown that the problem of clogging 
by seagrass, algae, or by other debris is not unique to TED-equipped 
nets. When fishermen trawl in problem areas, they may experience 
clogging with or without TEDs. A particular concern of fishermen, 
however, is that clogging in a TED-equipped net may hold open the 
turtle escape opening and increase the risk of shrimp loss. On the 
other hand, TEDs also help exclude certain types of debris and allow 
shrimpers to conduct longer tows.
    NMFS' gear experts have provided several general operational 
recommendations to fishermen to maximize the debris exclusion ability 
of TEDs that may allow some fishermen to continue using TEDs without 
resorting to restricted tow times. To exclude debris, NMFS recommends 
the use of hard TEDs made of either solid rod or

[[Page 61157]]

of hollow pipe that incorporate a bent angle at the escape opening, in 
a bottom-opening configuration. In addition, the installation angle of 
a hard TED in the trawl extension is an important performance element 
in excluding debris from the trawl. High installation angles can result 
in debris clogging the bars of the TED; NMFS recommends an installation 
angle of 45[deg], relative to the normal horizontal flow of water 
through the trawl, to optimize the TED's ability to exclude turtles and 
debris. Furthermore, the use of accelerator funnels, which are 
allowable modifications to hard TEDs, is not recommended in areas with 
heavy amounts of debris or vegetation. Lastly, the webbing flap that is 
usually installed to cover the turtle escape opening may be modified to 
help exclude debris quickly: the webbing flap can either be cut 
horizontally to shorten it so that it does not overlap the frame of the 
TED or be slit in a fore-and-aft direction to facilitate the exclusion 
of debris. The use of the double cover flap TED will also aid in debris 
    All of these recommendations represent legal configurations of TEDs 
for shrimpers fishing in the affected areas. This action does not 
authorize any other departure from the TED requirements, including any 
illegal modifications to TEDs. In particular, if TEDs are installed in 
trawl nets, they may not be sewn shut.

Alternative to Required Use of TEDs

    The authorization provided by this rule applies to all shrimp 
trawlers that would otherwise be required to use TEDs in accordance 
with the requirements of 50 CFR 223.206(d)(2) who are operating in the 
state waters of Alabama and Mississippi, and the state waters of 
Louisiana from the Mississippi/Louisiana border to a line at 90[deg] 
03' 00'' West longitude (approximately the west end of Grand Isle) for 
a period of 30 days. Instead of the required use of TEDs, shrimp 
trawlers may opt to comply with the sea turtle conservation regulations 
by using restricted tow times.

Alternative to Required Use of TEDs; Termination

    The AA, at any time, may withdraw or modify this temporary 
authorization to use tow time restrictions in lieu of TEDs, through 
publication of a notice in the Federal Register, if necessary to ensure 
adequate protection of endangered and threatened sea turtles. Under 
this procedure, the AA may modify the affected area or impose any 
necessary additional or more stringent measures, including more 
restrictive tow times, synchronized tow times, or withdrawal of the 
authorization if the AA determines that the alternative authorized by 
this rule is not sufficiently protecting turtles or no longer needed. 
The AA may also terminate this authorization if information from 
enforcement, state authorities, or NMFS indicate compliance cannot be 
monitored effectively. This authorization will expire automatically on 
November 12, 2004, unless it is explicitly extended through publication 
in the Federal Register.


    This action has been determined to be not significant for purposes 
of E.O. 12866.
    The AA has determined that this action is necessary to respond to 
an emergency situation to allow more efficient fishing for shrimp, 
while providing adequate protection for endangered and threatened sea 
turtles pursuant to the ESA and applicable regulations.
    Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B), the AA finds that there is good 
cause to waive prior notice and opportunity to comment on this 
temporary rule as such procedures are impracticable and contrary to the 
public interest. Unusually high amounts of debris are creating special 
environmental conditions that make trawling with TED-equipped nets 
impracticable. Providing notice and comment would prevent the agency 
from providing relief within the necessary time frame because shrimp 
loss and sea turtle lethal take is likely to occur in the interim 
period prior to finalizing this temporary rule. These resources would 
be impacted unnecessarily through a notice and comment period process.
    For the same reasons, the AA finds that there is good cause to 
waive the 30-day delay in effective date pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
553(d)(3). The temporary rule grants a short-term exemption to the 
requirement to use TEDs, and, therefore, allows fishermen to choose 
between deploying TEDs or using tow-times. This temporary rule relieves 
a restriction and is not subject to a 30-day delay in effective date, 
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(1). NMFS is making the rule effective 
October 12, 2004 through November 12, 2004.
    Since prior notice and an opportunity for public comment are not 
required to be provided for this action by 5 U.S.C. 553, or by any 
other law, the analytical requirements of 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. are 
    The AA prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for this rule. 
Copies of the EA are available (see ADDRESSES).

    Dated: October 12, 2004.
Rebecca Lent,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 04-23190 Filed 10-12-04; 3:54 pm]