[Federal Register: May 19, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 97)]
[Presidential Documents]               
[Page 29037-29038]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

                        Presidential Documents 

[[Page 29037]]

                Proclamation 7788 of May 14, 2004

                World Trade Week, 2004

                By the President of the United States of America

                A Proclamation

                Participating in the world economy makes America's 
                economy stronger. By opening new markets for American 
                products and services, bringing lower prices and more 
                choices to American consumers, and attracting foreign 
                companies to invest and hire in the United States, free 
                and fair trade helps create better jobs for American 
                workers. During World Trade Week, we celebrate the 
                benefits trade brings to our citizens, our economy, and 
                to countries and people around the world.

                Since World War II, the United States has led the world 
                in advancing trade to create jobs for American workers, 
                increase choice for consumers, and ensure that quality 
                American goods and services are sold on every 
                continent. Today, millions of American jobs depend on 
                our goods and services being sold overseas, and 
                foreign-owned companies and their suppliers employ 
                millions of Americans here at home.

                My Administration has aggressively negotiated trade 
                agreements that slash foreign tariffs and remove the 
                barriers to selling American goods and services around 
                the world. Since 2001, we have entered into free trade 
                agreements with Chile and Singapore and concluded 
                negotiations with Australia, Morocco, the Dominican 
                Republic, and five countries in Central America. Free 
                trade agreement negotiations with Colombia, Ecuador, 
                Peru, Panama, Bahrain, Thailand, and five member 
                countries of the Southern African Customs Union are in 
                progress or about to begin. We are also working with 
                our neighbors in the Western Hemisphere to create a 
                Free Trade Area of the Americas that will form the 
                world's largest common market and improve the lives of 
                citizens in America and these countries. By opening 
                foreign markets to American exports and encouraging 
                foreign countries to set up operations in the United 
                States, all of these agreements help create more and 
                better jobs in our Nation. They also help increase 
                prosperity for our workers.

                For American businesses and their employees to continue 
                to outperform other countries, America must remain the 
                best place to do business and invest capital. In 
                addition, we must ensure that our citizens are prepared 
                for the high-skilled jobs our economy is creating. By 
                fostering an environment where the entrepreneurial 
                spirit flourishes and by providing workers with the 
                best skills and education in the world, we can maintain 
                our country's economic leadership and help all our 
                citizens achieve a better life.

                NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the 
                United States of America, by virtue of the authority 
                vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United 
                States, do hereby proclaim May 16 through May 22, 2004, 
                as World Trade Week. I encourage all Americans to 
                observe this week with events, trade shows, and 
                educational programs that celebrate the benefits of 
                trade to our Nation and the global economy.

[[Page 29038]]

                IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 
                fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two 
                thousand four, and of the Independence of the United 
                States of America the two hundred and twenty-eighth.

                    (Presidential Sig.)B

[FR Doc. 04-11463
Filed 5-18-04; 8:45 am]

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