[Federal Register: February 2, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 22)]
[Reader Aids]               
[Page 5141-5148]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


Part III

Reader Aids


Cumulative List of Public Laws

109th Congress, Second Session; Republication

[[Page 5142]]


    Editorial Note: This document was originally published on 
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at 72 FR 4566-4572. Due to numerous 
printing errors, it is being reprinted in its entirety.
    This is the cumulative list of public laws for the 109th Congress, 
Second Session. Other cumulative lists (1993-2006) are available online 
at http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/laws/past/index.html. 

Comments may be addressed to the Director, Office of the Federal 
Register, Washington, DC 20408 or send e-mail to info@nara.fedreg.gov.
    The text of laws may be ordered in individual pamphlet form 
(referred to as ``slip laws'') from the Superintendent of Documents, 
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (phone, 202-512-
2470). The text will also be made available on the Internet from GPO 
Access at http://www.gpoacess.gov/plaws/index.html. Some laws may not 

yet be available online or for purchase.

   Public Law                                Title                                    Approved         120 Stat.

109-170.........  To amend the USA PATRIOT ACT to extend the sunset of         Feb. 3, 2006.........  3
                   certain provisions of such Act.
109-171.........  Deficit Reduction Act of 2005..............................  Feb. 8, 2006.........  4
109-172*........  State High Risk Pool Funding Extension Act of 2006.........  Feb. 10, 2006........  185
109-174.........  Making supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2006 for  Feb. 18, 2006........  189
                   the Small Business Administration's disaster loans
                   program, and for other purposes.
109-175.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Feb. 27, 2006........  190
                   Service located at 57 Rolfe Square in Cranston, Rhode
                   Island, shall be known and designated as the ``Holly A.
                   Charette Post Office''.
109-176.........  Katrina Emergency Assistance Act of 2006...................  Mar. 6, 2006.........  191
109-177.........  USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005....  Mar. 9, 2006.........  192
109-178.........  USA PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of   Mar. 9, 2006.........  278
109-179.........  To facilitate shareholder consideration of proposals to      Mar. 13, 2006........  283
                   make Settlement Common Stock under the Alaska Native
                   Claims Settlement Act available to missed enrollees,
                   eligible elders, and eligible persons born after December
                   18, 1971, and for other purposes.
109-180.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 14, 2006........  284
                   Service located at 4422 West Sciota Street in Scio, New
                   York, as the ``Corporal Jason L. Dunham Post Office''.
109-181.........  To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide criminal   Mar. 16, 2006........  285
                   penalties for trafficking in counterfeit marks.
109-182.........  Increasing the statutory limit on the public debt..........  Mar. 20, 2006........  289
109-183.........  Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basin Endangered Fish      Mar. 20, 2006........  290
                   Recovery Programs Reauthorization Act of 2005.
109-184.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  292
                   Service located at 312 East North Avenue in Flora,
                   Illinois, as the ``Robert T. Ferguson Post Office
109-185.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  293
                   Service located at 2000 McDonough Street in Joliet,
                   Illinois, as the ``John F. Whiteside Joliet Post Office
109-186.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  294
                   Service located at 105 NW Railroad Avenue in Hammond,
                   Louisiana, as the ``John J. Hainkel, Jr. Post Office
109-187.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  295
                   Service located at 1202 1st Street in Humble, Texas, as
                   the ``Lillian McKay Post Office Building''.
109-188.........  To redesignate the facility of the United States Postal      Mar. 20, 2006........  296
                   Service located at 1927 Sangamon Avenue in Springfield,
                   Illinois, as the ``J.M. Dietrich Northeast Annex''.
109-189.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  297
                   Service located at 102 South Walters Avenue in
                   Hodgenville, Kentucky, as the ``Abraham Lincoln Birthplace
                   Post Office Building''.
109-190.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  298
                   Service located at 3038 West Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh,
                   Pennsylvania, as the ``Congressman James Grove Fulton
                   Memorial Post Office Building''.
109-191.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  299
                   Service located at 6483 Lincoln Street in Gagetown,
                   Michigan, as the ``Gagetown Veterans Memorial Post
109-192.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  300
                   Service located at 201 North 3rd Street in Smithfield,
                   North Carolina, as the ``Ava Gardner Post Office''.
109-193.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  301
                   Service located on Franklin Avenue in Pearl River, New
                   York, as the ``Heinz Ahlmeyer, Jr. Post Office Building''.
109-194.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  302
                   Service located at 8501 Philatelic Drive in Spring Hill,
                   Florida, as the ``Staff Sergeant Michael Schafer Post
                   Office Building''.
109-195.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  303
                   Service located at 205 West Washington Street in Knox,
                   Indiana, as the ``Grant W. Green Post Office Building''.
109-196.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  304
                   Service located at 770 Trumbull Drive in Pittsburgh,
                   Pennsylvania, as the ``Clayton J. Smith Memorial Post
                   Office Building''.
109-197.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  305
                   Service located at 130 East Marion Avenue in Punta Gorda,
                   Florida, as the ``U.S. Cleveland Post Office Building''.
109-198.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  306
                   Service located at 37598 Goodhue Avenue in Dennison,
                   Minnesota, as the ``Albert H. Quie Post Office''.
109-199.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  307
                   Service located at 545 North Rimsdale Avenue in Covina,
                   California, as the ``Lillian Kinkella Keil Post Office''.
109-200.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  308
                   Service located at 1826 Pennsylvania Avenue in Baltimore,
                   Maryland, as the ``Maryland State Delegate Lena K. Lee
                   Post Office Building''.
109-201.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  309
                   Service located at 320 High Street in Clinton,
                   Massachusetts, as the ``Raymond J. Salmon Post Office''.
109-202.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  310
                   Service located at 12760 South Park Avenue in Riverton,
                   Utah, as the ``Mont and Mark Stephensen Veterans Memorial
                   Post Office Building''.
109-203.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 20, 2006........  3111
                   Service located at 1271 North King Street in Honolulu,                              
                   Oahu, Hawaii, as the ``Hiram L. Fong Post Office                                    

  *Note: Public Law 109-173 passed during the First Session of the 109th Congress and appeared in 
 that listing of cumulative Public Laws.

[[Page 5143]]

   Public Law                                Title                                    Approved         120 Stat.

109-204.........  To make available funds included in the Deficit Reduction    Mar. 20, 2006........  312
                   Act of 2005 for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
                   Program for fiscal year 2006, and for other purposes.
109-205.........  To authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment    Mar. 23, 2006........  313
                   (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of
109-206.........  To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient   Mar. 23, 2006........  315
                   clinic in Appleton, Wisconsin, as the ``John H. Bradley
                   Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic''.
109-207.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Mar. 23, 2006........  316
                   Service located at 122 South Bill Street in Francesville,
                   Indiana, as the Malcolm Melville ``Mac'' Lawrence Post
109-208.........  National Flood Insurance Program Enhanced Borrowing          Mar. 23, 2006........  317
                   Authority Act of 2006.
109-209.........  To extend through December 31, 2006, the authority of the    Mar. 24, 2006........  318
                   Secretary of the Army to accept and expend funds
                   contributed by non-Federal public entities to expedite the
                   processing of permits.
109-210.........   To waive the passport fees for a relative of a deceased     Mar. 24, 2006........  319
                   member of the Armed Forces proceeding abroad to visit the
                   grave of such member or to attend a funeral or memorial
                   service for such member.
109-211.........  To extend the educational flexibility program under section  Mar. 24, 2006........  320
                   4 of the Education Flexibility Partnership Act of 1999.
109-212.........  Higher Education Extension Act of 2006.....................  Apr. 1, 2006.........  321
109-213.........  To award a congressional gold medal on behalf of the         Apr. 11, 2006........  322
                   Tuskegee Airmen, collectively, in recognition of their
                   unique military record, which inspired revolutionary
                   reform in the Armed Forces.
109-214.........  To transfer jurisdiction of certain real property to the     Apr. 11, 2006........  326
                   Supreme Court.
109-215.........  Milk Regulatory Equity Act of 2005.........................  Apr. 11, 2006........  328
109-216.........  Providing for the appointment of Phillip Frost as a citizen  Apr. 13, 2006........  331
                   regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian
109-217.........  Providing for the reappointment of Alan G. Spoon as a        Apr. 13, 2006........  332
                   citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian
109-218.........  Local Community Recovery Act of 2006.......................  Apr. 20, 2006........  333
109-219.........  Glendo Unit of the Missouri River Basin Project Contract     May 5, 2006..........  334
                   Extension Act of 2005.
109-220.........  Approving the location of the commemorative work in the      May 5, 2006..........  335
                   District of Columbia honoring former President Dwight D.
109-221.........  Native American Technical Corrections Act of 2006..........  May 12, 2006.........  336
109-222.........  Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005.....  May 17, 2006.........  345
109-223.........  To memorialize and honor the contribution of Chief Justice   May 18, 2006.........  374
                   William H. Rehnquist.
109-224.........  To require the Secretary of the Interior to accept the       May 18, 2006.........  376
                   conveyance of certain land, to be held in trust for the
                   benefit of the Puyallup Indian tribe.
109-225.........  James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act of     May 25, 2006.........  378
109-226.........  Coastal Barrier Resources Reauthorization Act of 2005......  May 25, 2006.........  381
109-227.........  Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunities Act.................  May 29, 2006.........  385
109-228.........  Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act....................  May 29, 2006.........  387
109-229.........  To provide for the participation of employees in the         May 31, 2006.........  390
                   judicial branch in the Federal leave transfer program for
                   disasters and emergencies.
109-230.........  San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Act..............  June 15, 2006........  391
109-231.........  To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical      June 15, 2006........  394
                   Center in Muskogee, Oklahoma, as the Jack C. Montgomery
                   Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
109-232.........  Lewis and Clark Commemorative Coin Correction Act..........  June 15, 2006........  395
109-233.........  Veterans' Housing Opportunity and Benefits Improvement Act   June 15, 2006........  397
                   of 2006.
109-234.........  Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the   June 15, 2006........  418
                   Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, 2006.
109-235.........  Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005..................  June 15, 2006........  491
109-236.........  Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006....  June 15, 2006........  493
109-237.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        June 23, 2006........  506
                   Service located at 520 Colorado Avenue in Arriba,
                   Colorado, as the ``William H. Emery Post Office''.
109-238.........  Second Higher Education Extension Act of 2006..............  June 30, 2006........  507
109-239.........  Safe and Timely Interstate Placement of Foster Children Act  July 3, 2006.........  508
                   of 2006.
109-240.........  Rural Health Care Capital Access Act of 2006...............  July 10, 2006........  515
109-241.........  Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006........  July 11, 2006........  516
109-242.........  Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006......................  July 19, 2006........  570
109-243.........  Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005...........  July 24, 2006........  572
109-244.........  Authorizing the printing and binding of a supplement to,     July 25, 2006........  574
                   and revised edition of, Senate Procedure.
109-245.........  To amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to the   July 26, 2006........  575
                   National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control
                   and Prevention.
109-246.........  Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting  July 27, 2006........  577
                   Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006.
109-247.........  Louis Braille Bicentennial--Braille Literacy Commemorative   July 27, 2006........  582
                   Coin Act.
109-248.........  Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006.........  July 27, 2006........  587
109-249.........  To exempt persons with disabilities from the prohibition     July 27, 2006........  651
                   against providing section 8 rental assistance to college
109-250.........  To amend section 1113 of the Social Security Act to          July 27, 2006........  652
                   temporarily increase funding for the program of temporary
                   assistance for United States citizens returned from
                   foreign countries, and for other purposes.
109-251.........  Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in    Aug. 1, 2006.........  654
                   the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003, and for
                   other purposes.
109-252.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 1, 2006.........  655
                   Service located at 306 2nd Avenue in Brockway, Montana, as
                   the ``Paul Kasten Post Office Building''.
109-253.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 1, 2006.........  656
                   Service located at 100 Avenida RL Rodriguez in Bayamon,
                   Puerto Rico, as the ``Dr. Jose Celso Barbosa Post Office
109-254.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 1, 2006.........  657
                   Service located at 210 West 3rd Avenue in Warren,
                   Pennsylvania, as the ``William F. Clinger, Jr. Post Office
109-255.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 1, 2006.........  658
                   Service located at 80 Killian Road in Massapequa, New
                   York, as the ``Gerard A. Fiorenza Post Office Building''.

[[Page 5144]]

109-256.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 1, 2006.........  659
                   Service located at 170 East Main Street in Patchogue, New
                   York, as the ``Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy Post Office
109-257.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 1, 2006.........  660
                   Service located at 3000 Homewood Avenue in Baltimore,
                   Maryland, as the ``State Senator Verda Welcome and Dr.
                   Henry Welcome Post Office Building''.
109-258.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 2, 2006.........  661
                   Service located at 2404 Race Street in Jonesboro,
                   Arkansas, as the ``Hattie W. Caraway Station''.
109-259.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 2, 2006.........  662
                   Service located at 8624 Ferguson Road in Dallas, Texas, as
                   the ``Francisco `Pancho' Medrano Post Office Building''.
109-260.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 2, 2006.........  663
                   Service located at 1 Boyden Street in Badin, North
                   Carolina, as the ``Mayor John Thompson `Tom' Garrison
                   Memorial Post Office''.
109-261.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 2, 2006.........  664
                   Service located at 535 Wood Street in Bethlehem,
                   Pennsylvania, as the ``H. Gordon Payrow Post Office
109-262.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 2, 2006.........  665
                   Service located at 7 Columbus Avenue in Tuckahoe, New
                   York, as the ``Ronald Bucca Post Office.
109-263.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 2, 2006.........  666
                   Service located at 1 Marble Street in Fair Haven, Vermont,
                   as the ``Matthew Lyon Post Office Building''.
109-264.........  To amend title 4 of the United States Code to clarify the    Aug. 3, 2006.........  667
                   treatment of self-employment for purposes of the
                   limitation on State taxation of retirement income.
109-265.........  Newlands Project Headquarters and Maintenance Yard Facility  Aug. 3, 2006.........  668
                   Transfer Act.
109-266.........  Electronic Duck Stamp Act of 2005..........................  Aug. 3, 2006.........  670
109-267.........  To amend the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 to extend  Aug. 4, 2006.........  680
                   the authorities provided in such Act until September 29,
109-268.........  To provide funding authority to facilitate the evacuation    Aug. 4, 2006.........  681
                   of persons from Lebanon, and for other purposes.
109-269.........  To redesignate the Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge in    Aug. 12, 2006........  682
                   Virginia as the Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National
                   Wildlife Refuge.
109-270.........  Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement   Aug. 12, 2006........  683
                   Act of 2006.
109-271.........  To make technical corrections to the Violence Against Women  Aug. 12, 2006........  750
                   and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005.
109-272.........  To preserve the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego,  Aug. 14, 2006........  770
                   California, by providing for the immediate acquisition of
                   the memorial by the United States.
109-273.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 17, 2006........  773
                   Service located at 7320 Reseda Boulevard in Reseda,
                   California, as the ``Coach John Wooden Post Office
109-274.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 17, 2006........  774
                   Service located at 215 West Industrial Park Road in
                   Harrison, Arkansas, as the ``John Paul Hammerschmidt Post
                   Office Building''.
109-275.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 17, 2006........  775
                   Service located at 100 Pitcher Street in Utica, New York,
                   as the ``Captain George A. Wood Post Office Building''.
109-276.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 17, 2006........  776
                   Service located at 1750 16th Street South in St.
                   Petersburg, Florida, as the ``Morris W. Milton Post
109-277.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 17, 2006........  777
                   Service located at 1400 West Jordan Street in Pensacola,
                   Florida, as the ``Earl D. Hutto Post Office Building''.
109-278.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 17, 2006........  778
                   Service located at 1310 Highway 64 NW. in Ramsey, Indiana,
                   as the ``Wilfred Edward `Cousin Willie' Sieg, Sr. Post
109-279.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Aug. 17, 2006........  779
                   Service located at 217 Southeast 2nd Street in Dimmitt,
                   Texas, as the ``Sergeant Jacob Dan Dones Post Office''.
109-280.........  Pension Protection Act of 2006.............................  Aug. 17, 2006........  780
109-281.........  YouthBuild Transfer Act....................................  Sept. 22, 2006.......  1173
109-282.........  Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006  Sept. 26, 2006.......  1186
109-283.........  United States-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.  Sept. 26, 2006.......  1191
109-284.........  To make technical corrections to the United States Code....  Sept. 27, 2006.......  1211
109-285.........  Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act.....................  Sept. 27, 2006.......  1215
109-286.........  Pueblo de San Ildefonso Claims Settlement Act of 2005......  Sept. 27, 2006.......  1218
109-287.........  Fourteenth Dalai Lama Congressional Gold Medal Act.........  Sept. 27, 2006.......  1231
109-288.........  Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006..........  Sept. 28, 2006.......  1233
109-289.........  Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007.............  Sept. 29, 2006.......  1257
109-290.........  Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act.......  Sept. 29, 2006.......  1317
109-291.........  Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006....................  Sept. 29, 2006.......  1327
109-292.........  Third Higher Education Extension Act of 2006...............  Sept. 30, 2006.......  1340
109-293.........  Iran Freedom Support Act...................................  Sept. 30, 2006.......  1344
109-294.........  Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act.........................  Oct. 3, 2006.........  1351
109-295.........  Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007...  Oct. 4, 2006.........  1355
109-296.........  To reauthorize the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of      Oct. 5, 2006.........  1464
                   1999 and to amend the swine reporting provisions of that
109-297.........  To extend the deadline for commencement of construction of   Oct. 5, 2006.........  1471
                   a hydroelectric project in the State of Alaska.
109-298.........  To extend the deadline for commencement of construction of   Oct. 5, 2006.........  1472
                   a hydroelectric project in the State of Wyoming.
109-299.........  Wichita Project Equus Beds Division Authorization Act of     Oct. 5, 2006.........  1473
109-300.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 5, 2006.........  1475
                   Service located at 7172 North Tongass Highway, Ward Cove,
                   Alaska, as the ``Alice R. Brusich Post Office Building''.
109-301.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 5, 2006.........  1476
                   Service located on Lindbald Avenue, Girdwood, Alaska, as
                   the ``Dorothy and Connie Hibbs Post Office Building''.
109-302.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 5, 2006.........  1477
                   Service located at 8801 Sudley Road in Manassas, Virginia,
                   as the ``Harry J. Parrish Post Office''.
109-303.........  Copyright Royalty Judges Program Technical Corrections Act.  Oct. 6, 2006.........  1478
109-304.........  To complete the codification of title 46, United States      Oct. 6, 2006.........  1485
                   Code, ``Shipping'', as positive law.
109-305.........  Railroad Retirement Technical Improvement Act of 2006......  Oct. 6, 2006.........  1719
109-306.........  To amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize         Oct. 6, 2006.........  1720
                   additional appropriations for the John F. Kennedy Center
                   for the Performing Arts for fiscal year 2007.
109-307.........  Children's Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2006  Oct. 6, 2006.........  1721
109-308.........  Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006...  Oct. 6, 2006.........  1725

[[Page 5145]]

109-309.........  To amend the Ojito Wilderness Act to make a technical        Oct. 6, 2006.........  1727
109-310.........  To designate the Post Office located at 5755 Post Road,      Oct. 6, 2006.........  1728
                   East Greenwich, Rhode Island, as the ``Richard L. Cevoli
                   Post Office''.
109-311.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 6, 2006.........  1729
                   Service located at 2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill
                   Park, New York, as the ``Major George Quamo Post Office
109-312.........  Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006....................  Oct. 6, 2006.........  1730
109-313.........  General Services Administration Modernization Act..........  Oct. 6, 2006.........  1734
109-314.........  National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Maintenance Fund  Oct. 6, 2006.........  1739
                   Act of 2005.
109-315.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 10, 2006........  1741
                   Service located at 110 Cooper Street in Babylon, New York,
                   as the ``Jacob Samuel Fletcher Post Office Building''.
109-316.........  To extend temporarily certain authorities of the Small       Oct. 10, 2006........  1742
                   Business Administration.
109-317.........  To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to study the      Oct. 11, 2006........  1743
                   suitability and feasibility of designating Castle Nugent
                   Farms located on St. Croix, Virgin Islands, as a unit of
                   the National Park System, and for other purposes.
109-318.........  To amend the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area Act of     Oct. 11, 2006........  1745
                   2000 to adjust the boundary of the Yuma Crossing National
                   Heritage Area, and for other purposes.
109-319.........  Ste. Genevieve County National Historic Site Study Act of    Oct. 11, 2006........  1746
109-320.........  Salt Cedar and Russian Olive Control Demonstration Act.....  Oct. 11, 2006........  1748
109-321.........  To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain    Oct. 11, 2006........  1753
                   water distribution facilities to the Northern Colorado
                   Water Conservancy District.
109-322.........  North American Wetlands Conservation Reauthorization Act of  Oct. 11, 2006........  1756
109-323.........  To extend the waiver authority for the Secretary of          Oct. 11, 2006........  1757
                   Education under title IV, section 105, of Public Law 109-
109-324.........  Rio Arriba County Land Conveyance Act......................  Oct. 11, 2006........  1758
109-325.........  To extend relocation expenses test programs for Federal      Oct. 11, 2006........  1760
109-326.........  Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 2006......  Oct. 11, 2006........  1761
109-327.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 12, 2006........  1767
                   Service located at 6101 Liberty Road in Baltimore,
                   Maryland, as the ``United States Representative Parren J.
                   Mitchell Post Office''.
109-328.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 12, 2006........  1768
                   Service located at 110 North Chestnut Street in Olathe,
                   Kansas, as the ``Governor John Anderson, Jr. Post Office
109-329.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 12, 2006........  1769
                   Service located at 350 Uinta Drive in Green River,
                   Wyoming, as the ``Curt Gowdy Post Office Building''.
109-330.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 12, 2006........  1770
                   Service located at 6029 Broadmoor Street in Mission,
                   Kansas, as the ``Larry Winn, Jr. Post Office Building''.
109-331.........  To designate the United States courthouse to be constructed  Oct. 12, 2006........  1771
                   in Greenville, South Carolina, as the ``Carroll A.
                   Campbell, Jr. United States Courthouse''.
109-332.........  To designate the Federal building and United States          Oct. 12, 2006........  1772
                   courthouse located at 221 and 211 West Ferguson Street in
                   Tyler, Texas, as the ``William M. Steger Federal Building
                   and United States Courthouse''.
109-333.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 12, 2006........  1773
                   Service located at 950 Missouri Avenue in East St. Louis,
                   Illinois, as the ``Katherine Dunham Post Office Building''.
109-334.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 12, 2006........  1774
                   Service located at 39-25 61st Street in Woodside, New
                   York, as the ``Thomas J. Manton Post Office Building''.
109-335.........  To designate the Federal building and United States          Oct. 12, 2006........  1775
                   courthouse located at 2 South Main Street in Akron, Ohio,
                   as the ``John F. Seiberling Federal Building and United
                   States Courthouse''.
109-336.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 12, 2006........  1776
                   Service located at 101 East Gay Street in West Chester,
                   Pennsylvania, as the ``Robert J. Thompson Post Office
109-337.........  Rio Grande Natural Area Act................................  Oct. 12, 2006........  1777
109-338.........  National Heritage Areas Act of 2006........................  Oct. 12, 2006........  1783
109-339.........  To designate the United States courthouse at 300 North       Oct. 13, 2006........  1863
                   Hogan Street, Jacksonville, Florida, as the ``John Milton
                   Bryan Simpson United States Courthouse''.
109-340.........  To authorize the Government of Ukraine to establish a        Oct. 13, 2006........  1864
                   memorial on Federal land in the District of Columbia to
                   honor the victims of the manmade famine that occurred in
                   Ukraine in 1932-1933.
109-341.........  To designate a portion of the Federal building located at    Oct. 13, 2006........  1865
                   2100 Jamieson Avenue, in Alexandria, Virginia, as the
                   ``Justin W. Williams United States Attorney's Building''.
109-342.........  To designate a parcel of land located on the site of the     Oct. 13, 2006........  1867
                   Thomas F. Eagleton United States Courthouse in St. Louis,
                   Missouri, as the ``Clyde S. Cahill Memorial Park''.
109-343.........  To designate the Federal building located at 320 North Main  Oct. 13, 2006........  1868
                   Street in McAllen, Texas, as the ``Kika de la Garza
                   Federal Building''.
109-344.........  Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006................  Oct. 13, 2006........  1869
109-345.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 13, 2006........  1882
                   Service located at 777 Corporation Street in Beaver,
                   Pennsylvania, as the ``Robert Linn Memorial Post Office
109-346.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 13, 2006........  1883
                   Service located at 105 North Quincy Street in Clinton,
                   Illinois, as the ``Gene Vance Post Office Building''.
109-347.........  Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006.....  Oct. 13, 2006........  1884
109-348.........  To designate the Investigations Building of the Food and     Oct. 13, 2006........  1963
                   Drug Administration located at 466 Fernandez Juncos Avenue
                   in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as the ``Andres Toro Building''.
109-349.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 13, 2006........  1964
                   Service located at 202 East Washington Street in Morris,
                   Illinois, as the ``Joshua A. Terando Morris Post Office
109-350.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Oct. 13, 2006........  1965
                   Service located at 40 South Walnut Street in Chillicothe,
                   Ohio, as the ``Larry Cox Post Office''.
109-351.........  Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006...........  Oct. 13, 2006........  1966
109-352.........  Wright Amendment Reform Act of 2006........................  Oct. 13, 2006........  2011
109-353.........  North Korea Nonproliferation Act of 2006...................  Oct. 13, 2006........  2015
109-354.........  To revise the boundaries of John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier   Oct. 16, 2006........  2017
                   Resources System Jekyll Island Unit GA-06P.
109-355.........  To replace a Coastal Barrier Resources System map relating   Oct. 16, 2006........  2018
                   to Coastal Barrier Resources System Grayton Beach Unit FL-
                   95P in Walton County, Florida.
109-356.........  2005 District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act........  Oct. 16, 2006........  2019
109-357.........  Byron Nelson Congressional Gold Medal Act..................  Oct. 16, 2006........  2044
109-358.........  Lake Mattamuskeet Lodge Preservation Act...................  Oct. 16, 2006........  2047

[[Page 5146]]

109-359.........  Long Island Sound Stewardship Act of 2006..................  Oct. 16, 2006........  2049
109-360.........  National Fish Hatchery System Volunteer Act of 2006........  Oct. 16, 2006........  2058
109-361.........  Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of      Oct. 16, 2006........  2062
109-362.........  Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act...  Oct. 17, 2006........  2064
109-363.........  To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey the        Oct. 17, 2006........  2074
                   Tylersville division of the Lamar National Fish Hatchery
                   and Fish Technology Center to the State of Pennsylvania,
                   and for other purposes.
109-364.........  John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for the       Oct. 17, 2006........  2083
                   Fiscal Year 2007.
109-365.........  Older Americans Act Amendments of 2006.....................  Oct. 17, 2006........  2522
109-366.........  Military Commissions Act of 2006...........................  Oct. 17, 2006........  2600
109-367.........  Secure Fence Act of 2006...................................  Oct. 26, 2006........  2638
109-368.........   To clarify the provision of nutrition services to older     Nov. 17, 2006........  2641
109-369.........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Nov. 17, 2006........  2642
                   year 2007, and for other purposes.
109-370.........  Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild and Scenic      Nov. 27, 2006........  2643
                   River Study Act of 2005.
109-371.........  Pactola Reservoir Reallocation Authorization Act of 2005...  Nov. 27, 2006........  2644
109-372.........  Idaho Land Enhancement Act.................................  Nov. 27, 2006........  2645
109-373.........  Fort McDowell Indian Community Water Rights Settlement       Nov. 27, 2006........  2650
                   Revision Act of 2006.
109-374.........  Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act............................  Nov. 27, 2006........  2652
109-375.........  Sierra National Forest Land Exchange Act of 2006...........  Dec. 1, 2006.........  2656
109-376.........  To provide for the conveyance of the reversionary interest   Dec. 1, 2006.........  2659
                   of the United States in certain lands to the Clint
                   Independent School District, El Paso County, Texas.
109-377.........  Pitkin County Land Exchange Act of 2006....................  Dec. 1, 2006.........  2660
109-378.........  To amend the National Trails System Act to update the        Dec. 1, 2006.........  2664
                   feasibility and suitability study originally prepared for
                   the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail and provide for
                   the inclusion of new trail segments, land components, and
                   campgrounds associated with that trail, and for other
109-379.........  Pueblo of Isleta Settlement and Natural Resources            Dec. 1, 2006.........  2666
                   Restoration Act of 2006.
109-380.........  To convey to the town of Frannie, Wyoming, certain land      Dec. 1, 2006.........  2671
                   withdrawn by the Commissioner of Reclamation.
109-381.........  To designate the State Route 1 Bridge in the State of        Dec. 1, 2006.........  2672
                   Delaware as the ``Senator William V. Roth, Jr. Bridge''.
109-382.........  New England Wilderness Act of 2006.........................  Dec. 1, 2006.........  2673
109-383.........  Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal      Dec. 9, 2006.........  2678
                   year 2007, and for other purposes.
109-384.........  To redesignate the facility of the Bureau of Reclamation     Dec. 12, 2006........  2680
                   located at 19550 Kelso Road in Byron, California, as the
                   ``C.W. `Bill' Jones Pumping Plant''.
109-385.........  Valle Vidal Protection Act of 2005.........................  Dec. 12, 2006........  2681
109-386.........  To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to revise         Dec. 12, 2006........  2683
                   certain repayment contracts with the Bostwick Irrigation
                   District in Nebraska, the Kansas Bostwick Irrigation
                   District No. 2, the Frenchman-Cambridge Irrigation
                   District, and the Webster Irrigation District No. 4, all a
                   part of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, and for
                   other purposes.
109-387.........  To provide for the conveyance of certain National Forest     Dec. 12, 2006........  2685
                   System land to the towns of Laona and Wabeno, Wisconsin,
                   and for other purposes.
109-388.........  Paint Bank and Wytheville National Fish Hatcheries           Dec. 12, 2006........  2688
                   Conveyance Act.
109-389.........  To provide for the conveyance of the former Konnarock        Dec. 12, 2006........  2690
                   Lutheran Girls School in Smyth County, Virginia, which is
                   currently owned by the United States and administered by
                   the Forest Service, to facilitate the restoration and
                   reuse of the property, and for other purposes.
109-390.........  Financial Netting Improvements Act of 2006.................  Dec. 12, 2006........  2692
109-391.........  Ouachita National Forest Boundary Adjustment Act of 2006...  Dec. 12, 2006........  2701
109-392.........  To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to          Dec. 12, 2006........  2703
                   reauthorize a program relating to the Lake Pontchartrain
                   Basin, and for other purposes.
109-393.........  To extend the time required for construction of a            Dec. 13, 2006........  2704
                   hydroelectric project, and for other purposes.
109-394.........  Esther Martinez Native American Languages Preservation Act   Dec. 14, 2006........  2705
                   of 2006.
109-395.........  Congressional Tribute to Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Act of 2006.  Dec. 14, 2006........  2708
109-396.........  Federal and District of Columbia Government Real Property    Dec. 15, 2006........  2711
                   Act of 2006.
109-397.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2722
                   Service located at 167 East 124th Street in New York, New
                   York, as the ``Tito Puente Post Office Building''.
109-398.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2723
                   Service located at 8135 Forest Lane in Dallas, Texas, as
                   the ``Dr. Robert E. Price Post Office Building''.
109-399.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2724
                   Service located at 200 Gateway Drive in Lincoln,
                   California, as the ``Beverly J. Wilson Post Office
109-400.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2725
                   Service located at 1213 East Houston Street in Cleveland,
                   Texas, as the ``Lance Corporal Robert A. Martinez Post
                   Office Building''.
109-401.........  To exempt from certain requirements of the Atomic Energy     Dec. 18, 2006........  2726
                   Act of 1954 a proposed nuclear agreement for cooperation
                   with India.
109-402.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2754
                   Service located at 101 Palafox Place in Pensacola,
                   Florida, as the ``Vincent J. Whibbs, Sr. Post Office
109-403.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2755
                   Service located at 1501 South Cherrybell Avenue in Tucson,
                   Arizona, as the ``Morris K. `Mo' Udall Post Office
109-404.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2756
                   Service located at 29-50 Union Street in Flushing, New
                   York, as the ``Dr. Leonard Price Stavisky Post Office''.
109-405.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2757
                   Service located at 10240 Roosevelt Road in Westchester,
                   Illinois, as the ``John J. Sinde Post Office Building''.
109-406.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2758
                   Service located at 415 South 5th Avenue in Maywood,
                   Illinois, as the ``Wallace W. Sykes Post Office Building''.
109-407.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2759
                   Service located at 307 West Wheat Street in Woodville,
                   Texas, as the ``Chuck Fortenberry Post Office Building''.
109-408.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2760
                   Service located at 200 Lawyers Road, NW in Vienna,
                   Virginia, as the ``Captain Christopher P. Petty and Major
                   William F. Hecker, III Post Office Building''.
109-409.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2761
                   Service located at 216 Oak Street in Farmington,
                   Minnesota, as the ``Hamilton H. Judson Post Office''.

[[Page 5147]]

109-410.........  To authorize certain tribes in the State of Montana to       Dec. 18, 2006........  2762
                   enter into a lease or other temporary conveyance of water
                   rights to meet the water needs of the Dry Prairie Rural
                   Water Association, Inc.
109-411.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2763
                   Service located at 6110 East 51st Place in Tulsa,
                   Oklahoma, as the ``Dewey F. Bartlett Post Office''.
109-412.........  To name the Armed Forces Readiness Center in Great Falls,    Dec. 18, 2006........  2764
                   Montana, in honor of Captain William Wylie Galt, a
                   recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
109-413.........  To designate the facility of the United States Postal        Dec. 18, 2006........  2765
                   Service located at 103 East Thompson Street in Thomaston,
                   Georgia, as the ``Sergeant First Class Robert Lee `Bobby'
                   Hollar, Jr. Post Office Building''.
109-414.........  To designate the outpatient clinic of the Department of      Dec. 18, 2006........  2766
                   Veterans Affairs located in Farmington, Missouri, as the
                   ``Robert Silvey Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient
109-415.........  Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006....  Dec. 19, 2006........  2767
109-416.........  Combating Autism Act of 2006...............................  Dec. 19, 2006........  2821
109-417.........  Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act..................  Dec. 19, 2006........  2831
109-418.........  Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail        Dec. 19, 2006........  2882
                   Designation Act.
109-419.........  To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a         Dec. 20, 2006........  2884
                   boundary study to evaluate the significance of the Colonel
                   James Barrett Farm in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
                   and the suitability and feasibility of its inclusion in
                   the National Park System as part of the Minute Man
                   National Historical Park, and for other purposes.
109-420.........  To establish an interagency aerospace revitalization task    Dec. 20, 2006........  2886
                   force to develop a national strategy for aerospace
                   workforce recruitment, training, and cultivation.
109-421.........  To provide for certain lands to be held in trust for the     Dec. 20, 2006........  2889
                   Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe.
109-422.........  Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act............  Dec. 20, 2006........  2890
109-423.........  Nursing Relief for Disadvantaged Areas Reauthorization Act   Dec. 20, 2006........  2900
                   of 2005.
109-424.........  Tsunami Warning and Education Act..........................  Dec. 20, 2006........  2902
109-425.........  To provide that attorneys employed by the Department of      Dec. 20, 2006........  2910
                   Justice shall be eligible for compensatory time for travel
                   under section 5550b of title 5, United States Code.
109-426.........  To reauthorize permanently the use of penalty and franked    Dec. 20, 2006........  2911
                   mail in efforts relating to the location and recovery of
                   missing children.
109-427.........  To direct the Joint Committee on the Library to accept the   Dec. 20, 2006........  2912
                   donation of a bust depicting Sojourner Truth and to
                   display the bust in a suitable location in the Capitol.
109-428.........  Wool Suit Fabric Labeling Fairness and International         Dec. 20, 2006........  2913
                   Standards Conforming Act.
109-429.........  River Raisin National Battlefield Study Act................  Dec. 20, 2006........  2916
109-430.........  National Integrated Drought Information System Act of 2006.  Dec. 20, 2006........  2918
109-431.........  To study and promote the use of energy efficient computer    Dec. 20, 2006........  2920
                   servers in the United States.
109-432.........  Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006.....................  Dec. 20, 2006........  2922
109-433.........  To permit certain expenditures from the Leaking Underground  Dec. 20, 2006........  3196
                   Storage Tank Trust Fund.
109-434.........  To extend through December 31, 2008, the authority of the    Dec. 20, 2006........  3197
                   Secretary of the Army to accept and expend funds
                   contributed by non-Federal public entities to expedite the
                   processing of permits.
109-435.........  Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act..................  Dec. 20, 2006........  3198
109-436.........  Michigan Lighthouse and Maritime Heritage Act..............  Dec. 20, 2006........  3264
109-437.........  Stolen Valor Act of 2005...................................  Dec. 20, 2006........  3266
109-438.........  Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2006.............  Dec. 20, 2006........  3268
109-439.........  Religious Liberty and Charitable Donation Clarification Act  Dec. 20, 2006........  3285
                   of 2006.
109-440.........  Iraq Reconstruction Accountability Act of 2006.............  Dec. 20, 2006........  3286
109-441.........  To provide for the preservation of the historic confinement  Dec. 21, 2006........  3288
                   sites where Japanese Americans were detained during World
                   War II, and for other purposes.
109-442.........  Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2006..........................  Dec. 21, 2006........  3291
109-443.........  National Transportation Safety Board Reauthorization Act of  Dec. 21, 2006........  3297
109-444.........  Veterans Programs Extension Act of 2006....................  Dec. 21, 2006........  3304
109-445.........  Fallen Firefighters Assistance Tax Clarification Act of      Dec. 21, 2006........  3317
109-446.........  Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006.....................  Dec. 21, 2006........  3318
109-447.........  Appointing the day for the convening of the first session    Dec. 22, 2006........  3327
                   of the One Hundred Tenth Congress.
109-448.........  United States-Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Act..  Dec. 22, 2006........  3328
109-449.........  Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act......  Dec. 22, 2006........  3333
109-450.........  Prematurity Research Expansion and Education for Mothers     Dec. 22, 2006........  3341
                   who deliver Infants Early Act.
109-451.........  Rural Water Supply Act of 2006.............................  Dec. 22, 2006........  3345
109-452.........  Musconetcong Wild and Scenic Rivers Act....................  Dec. 22, 2006........  3363
109-453.........  National Historic Preservation Act Amendments Act of 2006..  Dec. 22, 2006........  3367
109-454.........  City of Yuma Improvement Act...............................  Dec. 22, 2006........  3369
109-455.........  Undertaking Spam, Spyware, And Fraud Enforcement With        Dec. 22, 2006........  3372
                   Enforcers beyond Borders Act of 2006.
109-456.........  Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and       Dec. 22, 2006........  3384
                   Democracy Promotion Act of 2006.
109-457.........  Eugene Land Conveyance Act.................................  Dec. 22, 2006........  3392
109-458.........  Blunt Reservoir and Pierre Canal Land Conveyance Act of      Dec. 22, 2006........  3394
109-459.........  Call Home Act of 2006......................................  Dec. 22, 2006........  3399
109-460.........  To amend the National Dam Safety Program Act to reauthorize  Dec. 22, 2006........  3401
                   the national dam safety program, and for other purposes.
109-461.........  Veterans Benefits, Health Care, and Information Technology   Dec. 22, 2006........  3403
                   Act of 2006.
109-462.........  Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer         Dec. 22, 2006........  3469
                   Protection Act.
109-463.........  Creating Opportunities for Minor League Professionals,       Dec. 22, 2006........  3477
                   Entertainers, and Teams through Legal Entry Act of 2006.
109-464.........  To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit           Dec. 22, 2006........  3480
                   disruptions of funerals of members or former members of
                   the Armed Forces.
109-465.........  Social Security Trust Funds Restoration Act of 2006........  Dec. 22, 2006........  3482
109-466.........  To clarify certain land use in Jefferson County, Colorado..  Dec. 22, 2006........  3484
109-467.........  To amend the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002  Dec. 22, 2006........  3485
                   to extend a suspension of limitation on the period for
                   which certain borrowers are eligible for guaranteed
109-468.........  Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement, and Safety     Dec. 29, 2006........  3486
                   Act of 2006.
109-469.........  Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act   Dec. 29, 2006........  3502
                   of 2006.

[[Page 5148]]

109-470.........  Holloman Air Force Base Land Exchange Act..................  Jan. 11, 2007........  3550
109-471.........  Water Resources Research Act Amendments of 2006............  Jan. 11, 2007........  3552
109-472.........  Department of State Authorities Act of 2006................  Jan. 11, 2007........  3554
109-473.........  To make a conforming amendment to the Federal Deposit        Jan. 11, 2007........  3561
                   Insurance Act with respect to examinations of certain
                   insured depository institutions, and for other purposes.
109-474.........  Pine Springs Land Exchange Act.............................  Jan. 12, 2007........  3562
109-475.........  Gynecologic Cancer Education and Awareness Act of 2005.....  Jan. 12, 2007........  3565
109-476.........  Telephone Records and Privacy Protection Act of 2006.......  Jan. 12, 2007........  3568
109-477.........  Physicians for Underserved Areas Act.......................  Jan. 12, 2007........  3572
109-478.........  Railroad Retirement Disability Earnings Act................  Jan. 12, 2007........  3573
109-479.........  Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management         Jan. 12, 2007........  3575
                   Reauthorization Act of 2006.
109-480.........  Belarus Democracy Reauthorization Act of 2006..............  Jan. 12, 2007........  3666
109-481.........  Geneva Distinctive Emblems Protection Act of 2006..........  Jan. 12, 2007........  3673
109-482.........  National Institutes of Health Reform Act of 2006...........  Jan. 15, 2007........  3675

    Editorial Note: This document was originally published on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at 72 FR 4566-4572. 
Due to numerous printing errors, it is being reprinted in its entirety.