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Thursday May 7, 2009
Professional Development Overview
Master Certified Food Executive is the top of the line professional recognition for all aspects of the hospitality business. Training, test, cost and alternative programs information. Click for more
Corporate or Command Membership - How it Works
IFSEA Growth Planned Through Corporate Membership Companies. The best value way to join IFSEA - companies pay $300 to $1000 depending on their size and type, then their employees pay just $14 to belong. Click for more
Military Culinary Competition
2008 Military Culinary Competition won by the United States Coast Guard team from the Secretary of Homeland Security's office. Click for more
IFSEA Overview - PowerPoint Slide Show
Learn about IFSEA - who we are and what we do. Click for more
Coca Cola wins Industry Award of Excellence
 Mr. Douglas "Doug" McAlister was selected by the International Board of Directors for the most prestigious award that IFSEA has for members or non-members.  Mr. McAlister is the Manager of Military Sales for the Coca Cola Corporation.  Both in his own right, and because of the huge commitment that Coca Cola to support excellence in so many areas including our military awards program and the Olympics. Click for more
IFSEA Prescription Drug Program
$ave on Prescription Drugs! IFSEA is pleased to announce their NEW Discount Prescription Program through Agelity. You and your family are eligible for discounts on the purchase of your prescription medications simply by being a member of IFSEA. There is no cost to you to enroll. Just complete the simple enrollment form, print your identification card and start saving today!  Click for more
IFSEA Sponsor Recognition
Without our wonderful partners and sponsors, we could not provide the affordable pricing for our memberships and conferences, and continue our support of military, students and other projects. You can thank them by giving them a "listen" on our site. To do that click here. Click for more
Navy Gets Certifications FREE
Thanks to a Department of Defense funding approval, the Navy has authorized $5.2 million for FY 2008 for all enlisted personnel to achieve civilian certifications relevant to their career fields. Culinary Specialists' choices include the IFSEA certifications. Click for more

Marine Corps won the 2007 Military Culinary Competition.
Previous winners were:
2005 - U. S. Navy
2004 - U. S. Coast Guard
2003 - U. S. Army

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