United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration FHWA HomeFeedback

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Office of the Secretary, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, DC 20590

Friday, October 29, 2004
Contact: Doug Hecox, 202-366-0660
FHWA 20-04eb

U.S. DOT Grant to Fund New Forbes Avenue Bridge in Pittsburgh

A new $332,000 Federal Highway Administration grant for replacing the Boulevard of the Allies Bridge over Forbes Avenue in Pittsburgh will ease traffic congestion and improve safety, said U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta

"Bringing this bridge up to safety standards is important to the people who rely on it each day to get to work, to stores and their families," said Secretary Mineta. "Improving this bridge will make commuting in Pittsburgh safer and easier."

The 76-year-old bridge carries 40,000 motorists each day, an amount expected to increase in the next two decades.

The project, estimated to cost $17 million and take two years to complete, will replace the existing bridge with one featuring better lighting, signage and pavement markings, a new median barrier, longer acceleration and braking lanes and the relocation of an existing on-ramp to a safer location.

"Transportation investments like this represent President Bush's commitment to the economy of tomorrow and to the families of today," said Federal Highway Administrator Mary E. Peters.

Since 1991, the FHWA has provided funds to states seeking to improve the safety, longevity or utility of key bridges with innovative materials or designs.


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