[Federal Register: May 17, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 95)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 27752-27759]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 67

Final Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and modified 
BFEs are made final for the communities listed below. The BFEs and 
modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that 
each community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being 
already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for 
participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

DATES: The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) 
showing BFEs and modified BFEs for each community. This date may be 
obtained by contacting the office where the maps are available for 
inspection as indicated on the table below.

ADDRESSES: The final BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each 
community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William R. Blanton, Jr., Engineering 
Management Section, Mitigation Division, Federal Emergency Management 
Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3151.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
(FEMA) makes the final determinations listed below for the modified 
BFEs for each community listed. These modified elevations have been 
published in newspapers of local circulation and ninety (90) days have 
elapsed since that publication. The Mitigation Division Director of 
FEMA has resolved any appeals resulting from this notification.
    This final rule is issued in accordance with section 110 of the 
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR part 
67. FEMA has developed criteria for floodplain management in floodprone 
areas in accordance with 44 CFR part 60.
    Interested lessees and owners of real property are encouraged to 
review the proof Flood Insurance Study and FIRM available at the 
address cited below for each community. The BFEs and modified BFEs are 
made final in the communities listed below. Elevations at selected 
locations in each community are shown.
    National Environmental Policy Act. This final rule is categorically 
excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, Environmental 
Consideration. An environmental impact assessment has not been 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. As flood elevation determinations are 
not within the scope of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-
612, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
    Regulatory Classification. This final rule is not a significant 
regulatory action under the criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 
12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 
    Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This final rule involves no 
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.
    Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This final rule meets 
the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.

Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376.

Sec.  67.11  [Amended]

2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  67.11 are amended 
as follows:

[[Page 27753]]

                                                                                                                                         Depth in feet
                                                                                                                                        above ground.  *
                                                                                                                                       Elevation in feet
            State              City/town/county         Source of flooding                              Location                             (NGVD)
                                                                                                                                         +Elevation in
                                                                                                                                          feet (NAVD)
                                                               City of Hamilton, Illinois
                                                                 Docket No.: FEMA-P-7917
Illinois.....................  City of Hamilton  Chaney Creek Tributary 1........  Approximately 190 feet upstream of the confluence                +532
                                                                                    with Chaney Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 1,155 feet upstream of Park Drive...               +605
                                                 Cheny Creek Tributary...........  At the confluence with Chaney Creek Tributary 1...               +580
                                                                                   Approximately 20 feet upstream of Hillcrest Drive.               +616
                                                 Railroad Creek Tributary 1......  Approximately 215 feet upstream of the confluence                +558
                                                                                    with Railroad Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 30 feet upstream of Walnut Street...               +612
                                                 Tributary 2.....................  Approximately 345 feet upstream of the confluence                +588
                                                                                    with Railroad Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 435 feet upstream of Broadway Street               +645
                                                 Tributary 3.....................  Approximately 200 feet upstream of the confluence                +575
                                                                                    with Railroad Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 60 feet upstream of South 19th                     +635
                                                 Spring Creek....................  Approximately 460 feet upstream of the confluence                +561
                                                                                    with Chaney Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 1,975 feet upstream of the                         +611
                                                                                    confluence with Chaney Creek.
 Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.

City of Hamilton
Maps are available for inspection at the Community Map Repository, City of Hamilton, City Hall, 1010 Broadway, Hamilton, Illinois.
                                                     Hancock County, Illinois (Unincorporated Areas)
                                                                 Docket No.: FEMA-P-7917
Illinois.....................  Hancock County    Chaney Creek Tributary 1........  Approximately 70 feet upstream of the confluence                 *529
                                (Unincorporated                                     with Chaney Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 370 feet upstream of the confluence                *536
                                                                                    with Chaney Creek.
                                                 Railroad Creek Tributary 3......  Approximately 2,970 feet upstream of the                         *636
                                                                                    confluence with Railroad Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 3,170 feet upstream of the                         *636
                                                                                    confluence with Railroad Creek.
                                                 Spring Creek....................  Approximately 70 feet upstream of the confluence                 *536
                                                                                    with Chaney Creek.
                                                                                   Approximately 460 feet upstream of the confluence                *561
                                                                                    with Chaney Creek.
 Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.

                                                    Hancock County, UIllinois (Unincorporated Areas)

Maps are available for inspection at the Community Map Repository, Hancock County Courthouse, 500 Main Street, Carthage, Illinois.

[[Page 27754]]

                                                                        *Elevation in
                                                                         feet (NGVD)
                                                                        +Elevation in
          Flooding source(s)               Location of referenced        feet (NAVD)       Communities affected
                                                 elevation              Depth
                                                                        in feet above
                                                                       ground  Modified
                             Richmond County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
                                             Docket No.: FEMA-D-7686
Baggetts Creek.......................  At the confluence with Speeds               +135  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       At U.S. Highway 1............               +159
Beaver Dam Creek (into Rocky Fork      At the confluence with Rocky                +238  Richmond County
 Creek).                                Fork Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.4 mile                      +315
                                        upstream of Millstone Road
                                        (State Road 1487).
Beaverdam Branch.....................  Approximately 50 feet                       +247  Richmond County
                                        upstream of the Railroad.                         (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 860 feet                      +269  City of Hamlet, City of
                                        upstream of Chalk Road.                           Rockingham.
Beaverdam Creek (into Big Mountain     At the confluence with Big                  +341  Richmond County
 Creek).                                Mountain Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 100 feet                      +367
                                        downstream of Capel Mill
                                        Road (State Road 1321).
Bells Creek..........................  At the confluence with Rocky                +270  Richmond County
                                        Fork Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,200 feet                    +320
                                        upstream of Haywood Parker
                                        Road (State Road 1441).
Big Branch...........................  At the confluence with                      +302  Richmond County
                                        Drowning Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.8 mile                      +318
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Drowning Creek.
Big Mountain Creek...................  At the confluence with                      +246  Richmond County
                                        Mountain Creek and Little                         (Unincorporated
                                        Mountain Creek.                                   Areas).
                                       Approximately 600 feet                      +374
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        of Silver Creek.
Big Muddy Creek......................  At the Richmond/Scotland                    +311  Richmond County
                                        County boundary.                                  (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), Town of
                                       Approximately 1,500 feet                    +397
                                        upstream of Blues Bridge
Black Branch.........................  At the confluence with                      +214  Richmond County
                                        Solomans Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +256
                                        upstream of U.S. Highway 74.
Bones Fork Creek.....................  At the confluence with                      +256  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,000 feet                    +276
                                        upstream of Millstone Road
                                        (State Road 1487).
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with Bones                +267  Richmond County
                                        Fork Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 600 feet                      +280
                                        upstream of Millstone Road
                                        (State Road 1487).
Buffalo Creek........................  At the confluence with Little               +201  Richmond County
                                        River.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.7 mile                      +262
                                        upstream of Cartledge Creek
                                        Road (State Road 1005).
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with                      +224  Richmond County
                                        Buffalo Creek.                                    (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +238
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Buffalo Creek.
Camp Branch..........................  At the confluence with Gum                  +256  Richmond County
                                        Swamp Creek.                                      (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +302
                                        upstream of Cognac Road
                                        (State Road 1605).
Cartledge Creek......................  At the confluence with Pee                  +152  Richmond County
                                        Dee River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,400 feet                    +294
                                        upstream of John Webb Road
                                        (State Road 1308).
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with                      +152  Richmond County
                                        Cartledge Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 2.0 miles                     +219
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Cartledge Creek.
    Tributary 2......................  At the confluence with                      +168  Richmond County
                                        Cartledge Creek.                                  (Unincorporated

[[Page 27755]]

                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +218
                                        upstream of Dockery Road
                                        (State Road 1143).
Cheek Creek..........................  At the confluence with Little               +207  Richmond County
                                        River.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,800 feet                    +207
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Little River.
Chock Creek..........................  At the confluence with                      +239  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +279
                                        upstream of Gray Woods Road.
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with Chock                +247  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.0 mile                      +260
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Chock Creek.
    Tributary 2......................  At the confluence with Chock                +263  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.3 miles                     +301
                                        upstream of Fox Road (State
                                        Road 1606).
Colemans Creek.......................  At the confluence with                      +193  Richmond County
                                        Mountain Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.8 miles                     +271
                                        upstream of Grassy Island
                                        Road (State Road 1148).
Cox Pond.............................  At the upstream side of the                 +274  Richmond County
                                        Railroad.                                         (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 150 feet                      +296
                                        downstream of McDonald
Crawford Branch......................  Approximately 1.2 miles                     +260  Richmond County
                                        downstream of Old Peggy Mill                      (Unincorporated
                                        Road (State Road 1610).                           Areas).
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +302
                                        upstream of Old Peggy Mill
                                        Road (State Road 1610).
Crooked Creek........................  At County Line Road (State                  +244  Richmond County
                                        Road 1803).                                       (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 700 feet                      +268
                                        downstream of Scholl Shankle
                                        Road (State Road 1805).
Drowning Creek.......................  At the Richmond/Scotland/Hoke/              +268  Richmond County
                                        Moore County boundaries.                          (Unincorporated
                                       At the Richmond/Montgomery/                 +368
                                        Moore County boundary.
Gum Swamp Creek......................  At Gum Swamp Road (State Road               +255  Richmond County
                                        1609).                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +329
                                        upstream of Marston Road
                                        (State Road 1001).
Hitchcock Creek......................  At the confluence with Pee                  +138  Richmond County
                                        Dee River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +302
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        of Indian Camp Lake.
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with                      +186  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 250 feet                      +235
                                        downstream of Richmond Road.
    Tributary 2......................  At the confluence with                      +195  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 30 feet                       +251
                                        downstream of Richmond Road.
    Tributary 2A.....................  At the confluence with                      +195  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek Tributary 2.                      (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +267
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        of Hitchcock Creek Tributary
    Tributary 2B.....................  At the confluence with                      +241  City of Rockingham.
                                        Hitchcock Creek Tributary 2.
                                       Approximately 50 feet                       +249
                                        downstream of Richmond Road.
    Tributary 3......................  At the confluence with                      +195  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 1,100 feet                    +220
                                        upstream of Nicholson Road.
    Tributary 4......................  At the confluence with                      +283  Richmond County
                                        McKinney Lake/Hitchcock                           (Unincorporated
                                        Creek.                                            Areas).
                                       Approximately 0.4 mile                      +290
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with McKinney Lake/Hitchcock

[[Page 27756]]

Indian Camp Lake.....................  At the confluence with                      +287  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.0 mile                      +306
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Hitchcock Creek.
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with Indian               +296  Richmond County
                                        Camp Lake.                                        (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.4 miles                     +349
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Indian Camp Lake.
Jennies Branch.......................  At the confluence with                      +159  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 1,300 feet                    +276
                                        upstream of Patterson Street.
Jobs Creek...........................  At the confluence with Little               +375  Richmond County
                                        Mountain Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +418
                                        upstream of U.S. Highway 220.
Joes Creek...........................  Approximately 1,700 feet                    +224  Richmond County
                                        upstream of the confluence                        (Unincorporated
                                        with Joes Creek Tributary.                        Areas).
                                       Approximately 500 feet                      +276
                                        upstream of Old Laurinburg
                                        Road (State Road 1614).
    Tributary........................  At the County Line Road                     +261  Richmond County
                                        (State Road 1802.                                 (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.0 mile                      +282
                                        upstream of County Line Road
                                        (State Road 1802.
Kinsman Lake.........................  Approximately 1,000 feet                    +260  Richmond County
                                        upstream of the confluence                        (Unincorporated
                                        with South Prong Falling                          Areas), City of
                                        Creek.                                            Hamlet.
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +276
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with South Prong Falling
Lightwood Knot Creek.................  Approximately 1,800 feet                    +246  Richmond County
                                        downstream of Ghio Road                           (Unincorporated
                                        (State Road 1803).                                Areas).
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +259
                                        upstream of Ghio Road (State
                                        Road 1803).
Little Hamer Creek...................  At the confluence with Wolf                 +238  Richmond County
                                        Branch Creek and Unnamed                          (Unincorporated
                                        Tributary of Wolf Branch                          Areas).
                                       At the Richmond/Montgomery                  +241
                                        County boundary.
Little Mountain Creek................  The confluence with Mountain                +246  Richmond County
                                        Creek and Big Mountain Creek.                     (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 3.6 miles                     +486
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        of Jobs Creek.
Little River.........................  At the confluence with Pee                  +200  Richmond County
                                        Dee River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,900 feet                    +207
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        of Cheek Creek.
Marks Creek..........................  At the North Carolina/South                 +120  Richmond County
                                        Carolina State boundary.                          (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 2.3 miles                     +340
                                        upstream of Boyd Lake Road.
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with Marks                +193  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +210
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Marks Creek.
    Tributary 2......................  At the confluence with Marks                +212  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.8 mile                      +246
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Marks Creek.
    Tributary 3......................  At the confluence with Marks                +217  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.1 miles                     +257
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Marks Creek.
    Tributary 4......................  At the confluence with Marks                +221  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 500 feet                      +247
                                        upstream of Homeplace Road
                                        (State Road 1995).
    Tributary 5......................  At the confluence with Marks                +225  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.9 mile                      +262
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Marks Creek.

[[Page 27757]]

    Tributary 6......................  At the confluence with Marks                +228  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.4 mile                      +244
                                        upstream of NC Highway 177.
    Tributary 7......................  At the confluence with Marks                +233  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 0.4 mile                      +282
                                        upstream of U.S. Highway 74.
    Tributary 8......................  At the confluence with Marks                +242  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.5 miles                     +263
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Marks Creek.
    Tributary 9......................  At the confluence with Marks                +294  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 0.4 mile                      +323
                                        upstream of Raintree Road.
Middle Prong Hamer Creek.............  At the confluence with Little               +201  Richmond County
                                        River.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       At the Richmond/Montgomery                  +246
                                        County boundary.
Millstone Creek......................  At the confluence with Rocky                +311  Richmond County
                                        Fork Creek/Millstone Lake.                        (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.8 mile                      +334
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Rocky Fork Creek/
                                        Millstone Lake.
Mountain Creek.......................  At the confluence with Pee                  +192  Richmond County
                                        Dee River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                       At the confluences of Big                   +246
                                        Mountain Creek and Little
                                        Mountain Creek.
Naked Creek (into Drowning Creek)....  At the confluence with                      +313  Richmond County
                                        Drowning Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       At Research Farm Road (State                +458
                                        Road 1527).
Naked Creek (into Pee Dee River).....  At the confluence with Pee                  +190  Richmond County
                                        Dee River.                                        (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,100 feet                    +267
                                        upstream of Parson Lake Road
                                        (State Road 1145).
North Prong Falling Creek............  Approximately 1,200 feet                    +222  Richmond County
                                        upstream of Long Drive.                           (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 1.7 miles                     +295
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        of North Prong Falling Creek
                                        Tributary 1.
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with North                +256  Richmond County
                                        Prong Falling Creek.                              (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +265
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with North Prong Falling
Paradise Creek.......................  At the confluence with Rocky                +351  Richmond County
                                        Fork Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.4 mile                      +369
                                        upstream of Fire Tower Road
                                        (State Road 1455).
Pee Dee River........................  At the North Carolina/South                 +110  Richmond County
                                        Carolina State boundary.                          (Unincorporated
                                       At the Montgomery/Richmond                  +220
                                        County boundary.
Rocky Fork Creek.....................  At the confluence with                      +238  Richmond County
                                        Ledbetter Lake.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1.3 miles                     +499
                                        upstream of O.G. Reynolds
                                        Road (State Road 1457).
Rocky Branch.........................  At the confluence with                      +159  Richmond County
                                        Hitchcock Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 0.4 mile                      +263
                                        upstream of Sandhill Road
                                        (State Road 1971).
Rocky Fork Creek Tributary 1.........  At the confluence with Rocky                +262  Richmond County
                                        Fork Creek.                                       (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.8 mile                      +288
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Rocky Fork Creek.
Silver Creek.........................  At the confluence with Big                  +373  Richmond County
                                        Mountain Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.6 mile                      +398
                                        upstream of County Line Road
                                        (State Road 1153).
Solomans Creek.......................  At the confluence with Pee                  +132  Richmond County
                                        Dee River.                                        (Unincorporated

[[Page 27758]]

                                       Approximately 900 feet                      +259
                                        upstream of Stokes Road
                                        (State Road 1992).
South Prong Cartledge Creek..........  At the confluence with                      +228  Richmond County
                                        Cartledge Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,600 feet                    +302
                                        upstream of Sandy Ridge
                                        Church Road (State Road
South Prong Falling Creek............  At the upstream side of the                 +276  Richmond County
                                        Richmond College Lake Dam.                        (Unincorporated
                                                                                          Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 1,200 feet                    +297
                                        upstream of Wire Grass Road.
    Tributary 1......................  At the confluence with South                +276  Richmond County
                                        Prong Falling Creek/Richmond                      (Unincorporated
                                        College Lake.                                     Areas), City of
                                       Approximately 1,800 feet                    +295
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with South Prong Falling
                                        Creek/Richmond College Lake.
Speeds Creek.........................  At the confluence with                      +135  Richmond County
                                        Solomans Creek.                                   (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 0.8 mile                      +176
                                        upstream of Sandhill Road
                                        (State Road 1971).
Treeces Branch.......................  At the confluence with                      +184  Richmond County
                                        Cartledge Creek.                                  (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 780 feet                      +242
                                        upstream of Cartledge Creek
                                        Road (State Road 1005).
Unnamed Tributary to Wolf Branch       At the confluence with Wolf                 +238  Richmond County
 Creek.                                 Branch Creek and Little                           (Unincorporated
                                        Hamer Creek.                                      Areas).
                                       At the Richmond/Montgomery                  +245
                                        County boundary.
Watery Branch........................  At the confluence with Speeds               +145  Richmond County
                                        Creek.                                            (Unincorporated
                                       Approximately 1,900 feet                    +165
                                        upstream of the confluence
                                        with Speeds Creek.
White Creek Tributary................  Approximately 1,000 feet                    +198  Richmond County
                                        downstream of Osborne Road                        (Unincorporated
                                        (State Road 1803).                                Areas).
                                       Approximately 0.5 mile                      +207
                                        upstream of Osborne Road
                                        (State Road 1803).
Wolf Branch Creek....................  At the confluence with Middle               +220  Richmond County
                                        Prong Hamer Creek.                                (Unincorporated
                                       At the confluence of Little                 +238
                                        Hamer Creek and Unnamed
                                        Tributary of Wolf Branch
 Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.

City of Hamlet
Maps are available for inspection at the Hamlet City Hall, 201 Main Street, Hamlet, North Carolina.

City of Rockingham
Maps are available for inspection at the Rockingham City Hall, Planning Department, 514 Rockingham Road,
 Rockingham, North Carolina.

Town of Hoffman
Maps are available for inspection at the Hoffman Town Hall, 2176 Caddell Road, Hoffman, North Carolina.

                                     Richmond County (Unincorporated Areas)

Maps are available for inspection at the Richmond County Planning Department, 221 South Hancock Street,
 Rockingham, North Carolina.

[[Page 27759]]

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood 

    Dated: May 3, 2007.
David I. Maurstad,
Federal Insurance Administrator of the National Flood Insurance 
Program, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland 
[FR Doc. 07-2385 Filed 5-16-07; 8:45 am]