BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


CAFTA-DR with Secretary Gutierrez


CAFTA-DR Business Development Mission:  Explore New Trade and Business Opportunities in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Costa Rica

September 28-October 4, 2008

(Application Deadline – August 7, 2008)

This fall, Secretary Gutierrez will lead his second business development mission to the Central American and Caribbean region to visit the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.  This mission promises to be rewarding as the Department of Commerce, in cooperation with the private sector, strives to further both U.S.commercial policy objectives and advance specific business interests in the Central American and Caribbeanregion.

When the Secretary announced that he would be leading this mission, he stated that "CAFTA-DR is transforming the competitiveness of the Western Hemispherein the global marketplace.  Since implementation two years ago, the United Stateshas reversed our previous trade deficit to a current trade surplus of $3.7 billion in 2007 with the CAFTA-DR countries.  CAFTA-DR has expanded openness and transparency in the region, which has improved the trade and investment climate for U.S.companies."

Business Development Missions led by the Secretary of Commerce can be very beneficial to the participating companies.  Specifically, past missions have provided positive exposure for American companies and key introductions to high-level government and business decision-makers. We have heard directly from the companies participating in the past that business development missions had helped to clear the way on specific licensing and acquisition approvals, initiated and expanded business and government relationships, and highlighted new business opportunities. In several cases, companies reported that the mission had helped to not only initiate new business contacts, but also drive major sales to completion. The Secretary himself requires that these missions be results-oriented and the Department works hard to deliver on this goal.

We encourage your company to consider applying to participate in this mission.

For your convenience, additional information on the mission and the on-line application can be found on the Missionwebsite at

Event Info

Office of Business Liaison

US Department of Commerce


Phone:  (202) 482-1360