[Federal Register: January 18, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 11)]
[Page 2301-2302]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Fish and Wildlife Service

Notice of Availability of the Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the 
Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus)

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of document availability.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces the 
availability for public review of the draft revised Recovery Plan for 
the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus). The Rio Grande 
silvery minnow currently inhabits the Rio Grande in New Mexico. The 
Service solicits review and comment from the public on this draft 
revised Recovery Plan.

DATES: The comment period for this draft revised Recovery Plan 
(Recovery Plan) closes April 18, 2007. Comments on the Recovery Plan 
must be received

[[Page 2302]]

by the closing date to ensure consideration.

ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to review the Recovery Plan can obtain a 
paper or CD copy from the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Coordinator, 
Southwest Regional Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 
1306, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103; telephone 505/248-6920, facsimile 
505/248-6788, e-mail: Jennifer_Parody@fws.gov. The Recovery Plan may 
also be obtained from the Internet at http://www.fws.gov/endangered by 

selecting ``Species Search'' from the left-side menu bar and entering 
the species'' name in the ``Search Species'' text box. If you wish to 
comment on the Recovery Plan, you may submit your comments and 
materials to the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Coordinator.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jennifer Parody, Rio Grande Silvery 
Minnow Coordinator, at the Albuquerque address above.



    Restoring an endangered or threatened animal or plant to the point 
where it is again a secure, self-sustaining member of its ecosystem is 
a primary goal of the Service's endangered species program. To help 
guide the recovery effort, the Service is working to prepare recovery 
plans for most of the listed species native to the United States. 
Recovery plans describe actions considered necessary for conservation 
of species, establish criteria for downlisting or delisting them, and 
estimate time and cost for implementing the recovery measures needed.
    The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended (16 U.S. C. 
1531 et seq.) requires the development of recovery plans for listed 
species unless such a Plan would not promote the conservation of a 
particular species. Section 4(f) of the Act, as amended in 1988, 
requires that public notice and an opportunity for public review and 
comment be provided during recovery plan development. The Service will 
consider all information presented during a public comment period prior 
to approval of each new or revised recovery plan. The Service and other 
Federal agencies will also take these comments into account in the 
course of implementing recovery plans.
    The document submitted for review is the Recovery Plan for the Rio 
Grande silvery minnow. Currently, the Rio Grande silvery minnow is 
believed to occur in a 280 km (174 mi) reach of the Rio Grande in New 
Mexico, from Cochiti Dam to the headwaters of Elephant Butte Reservoir. 
Its current habitat is limited to about 7 percent of its former range. 
The species was listed as federally endangered in 1994 (July 20, 1994, 
59 FR 36988). Critical habitat was designated in 2003 (68 FR 8088). 
Throughout much of its historic range, the decline of the Rio Grande 
silvery minnow may be attributed in part to destruction and 
modification of its habitat due to dewatering and diversion of water, 
water impoundment, and modification of the river (channelization). 
Competition and predation by introduced non-native species, water 
quality degradation, and other factors may also have contributed to its 
    The Recovery Plan includes scientific information about the species 
and provides criteria and actions needed to downlist and delist 
(recover) the species. Downlisting for the Rio Grande silvery minnow 
may be considered when three populations (including at least two that 
are self-sustaining) have been established within the historical range 
of the species and have been maintained for at least five years. 
Delisting of the species may be considered when three self-sustaining 
populations have been established within the historical range of the 
species and have been maintained for at least ten years. Recovery 
actions designed to achieve these criteria include: (1) Develop a 
thorough knowledge of the Rio Grande silvery minnow's life history, 
ecology, and behavior, and the current status of its habitat; (2) 
restore, protect, and alter habitats as necessary to alleviate threats 
to the Rio Grande silvery minnow; (3) ensure the survival of the Rio 
Grande silvery minnow in its current habitat and reestablish the 
species in suitable habitats within its historical range; (4) implement 
and maintain an adaptive management program so that appropriate 
research and management activities are implemented in a timely manner 
to achieve recovery of the Rio Grande silvery minnow; and (5) design 
and implement a public awareness and education program.
    The original Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Recovery Plan was finalized 
in 1999. The draft revised Recovery Plan differs from the original plan 
by including: (1) A Tribal Perspectives document prepared by 
representatives of six Rio Grande Pueblos; (2) updated objective and 
measurable criteria for downlisting and delisting; and, (3) 
identification of how the plan's recovery criteria and recovery actions 
address the five listing factors and specific threats to the species.
    The Recovery Plan is being submitted for review to all interested 
parties. Peer review will be conducted concurrent with public review. A 
peer review plan is posted on the Service's Southwest Region Web site, 
at: http://www.fws.gov/southwest/science/peerreview.html. After 

consideration of comments received during the public and peer review 
period, the Recovery Plan will be submitted for final approval.

Public Comments Solicited

    The Service solicits written comments on the Recovery Plan 
described. All comments received by the date specified above will be 
considered prior to approval of the final Recovery Plan.


    The authority for this action is Section 4(f) of the Endangered 
Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1533(f).

    Dated: November 9, 2006.
Christopher T. Jones,
Acting Regional Director, Region 2.
 [FR Doc. E7-610 Filed 1-17-07; 8:45 am]