Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

TSA Roles and Responsibilities

  • FUNCTIONS.—The Under Secretary shall be responsible for security in all modes of transportation the Under Secretary shall—
    • "(1) receive, assess, and distribute intelligence information;
    • "(2) assess threats to transportation;
    • "(3) develop policies, strategies, and plans for dealing with threats;
    • "(4) make other plans related to transportation security;
    • "(5) serve as liaison to the intelligence and law enforcement communities;
    • "(6) manage and provide operational guidance to the field security resources;
    • "(7) enforce security-related regulations and requirements;
    • "(8) identify and undertake research and development activities;
    • "(9) inspect, maintain, and test security facilities, equipment, and systems;
    • "(10) ensure the adequacy of security measures for cargo;
    • "(11) oversee the implementation,and ensure adequacy of security measures;
    • "(12) require background checks for …transportation security personnel;
    • "(15) carry out such other duties, and exercise such other powers…

TSA Role During Emergencies

  • "(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the direction and control of the Secretary, the Under Secretary, during a national emergency, shall have the following responsibilities:
  • "(A) To coordinate domestic transportation, including aviation, rail, and other surface transportation, and maritime transportation (including port security).
  • "(B) To coordinate and oversee the transportation related responsibilities of other departments and agencies of the Federal Government other than the Department of Defense and the military departments.
  • "(C) To coordinate and provide notice to other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and appropriate agencies of State and local governments, including departments and agencies for transportation, law enforcement, and border control, about threats to transportation.
  • "(D) To carry out such other duties, and exercise such other powers, relating to transportation during a national emergency as the Secretary shall prescribe.
Office of Operations