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Cartographic Boundary Files Descriptions and Metadata

Geographic Area Descriptions | Metadata

Boundary File Titles

1999 Metropolitan Areas & Central Cities

1998 Metropolitan Areas
1996 Metropolitan Areas
  1990 Metropolitan Areas
  2000 New England County Metropolitan Areas

Geographic Area Description
Metropolitan Area | Metropolitan Statistical Area | Consolidated and Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area | Central City | Metropolitan Area Title and Code | New England County Metropolitan Area

Metropolitan Area

The general concept of a metropolitan area (MA) is one of a large population nucleus, together with adjacent communities that have a high degree of economic and social integration with that nucleus. Some MAs are defined around two or more nuclei.

The MAs and the central cities within an MA are designated and defined by the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB), following a set of official standards that are published in a Federal Register Notice. These standards were developed by the interagency Federal Executive Committee on Metropolitan Areas, with the aim of producing definitions that are as consistent as possible for all MAs nationwide.

Each MA must contain either a place with a minimum population of 50,000 or a U.S. Census Bureau-defined urbanized area and a total MA population of at least 100,000 (75,000 in New England). An MA contains one or more central counties. An MA also may include one or more outlying counties that have close economic and social relationships with the central county. An outlying county must have a specified level of commuting to the central counties and also must meet certain standards regarding metropolitan character, such as population density, urban population, and population growth. In New England, MAs consist of groupings of cities and towns rather than whole counties.

The territory, population, and housing units in MAs are referred to as "metropolitan." The metropolitan category is subdivided into "inside central city" and "outside central city." The territory, population, and housing units located outside territory designated "metropolitan" are referred to as "nonmetropolitan." The metropolitan and nonmetropolitan classification cuts across the other hierarchies; for example, generally there are both urban and rural territory within both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.

To meet the needs of various users, the standards provide for a flexible structure of metropolitan definitions that classify each MA either as a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) or as a consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) divided into primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs). In New England, there also is an alternative county-based definition of MSAs known as the New England County Metropolitan Areas (NECMAs). Documentation of the MA standards and how they are applied is available from the Population Distribution Branch, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233-8800, telephone (301) 457-2419.

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Metropolitan Statistical Area

Metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) are metropolitan areas (MAs) that are not closely associated with other MAs. These areas typically are surrounded by nonmetropolitan counties (county subdivisions in New England).

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Consolidated and Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area

If an area that qualifies as a metropolitan area (MA) has more than one million people, two or more primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs) may be defined within it. Each PMSA consists of a large urbanized county or cluster of counties (cities and towns in New England) that demonstrate very strong internal economic and social links, in addition to close ties to other portions of the larger area. When PMSAs are established, the larger MA of which they are component parts is designated a consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA). CMSAs and PMSAs are established only where local governments favor such designations for a large MA.

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Central City

In each metropolitan statistical area and consolidated metropolitan statistical area, the largest place and, in some cases, additional places are designated as "central cities" under the official standards. A few primary metropolitan statistical areas do not have central cities. The largest central city and, in some cases, up to two additional central cities, are included in the title of the metropolitan area (MA); there also are central cities that are not included in an MA title. An MA central city does not include any part of that place that extends outside the MA boundary.

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Metropolitan Area Title and Code

The title of a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) contains the name of its largest central city and up to two additional place names, provided that the additional places meet specified levels of population, employment, and commuting. Generally, a place with a population of 250,000 or more is in the title, regardless of other criteria.

The title of a primary metropolitan statistical area (PMSA) may contain up to three place names, as determined above, or up to three county names, sequenced in order of population size, from largest to smallest. A consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) title also may include up to three names, the first of which generally is the most populous central city in the area. The second name may be the first city or county name in the most populous remaining PMSA; the third name may be the first city or county name in the next most populous PMSA. A regional designation may be substituted for the second and/or third names in a CMSA title if local opinion supports such a designation and the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) deems it to be unambiguous and suitable.

The titles for all metropolitan areas (MAs) also contain the U.S. Postal Service's abbreviation for the name of each state in which the MA is located. Each MA is assigned a four-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code, in alphabetical order nationwide. If the fourth digit of the code is "2," it identifies a CMSA. Additionally, there is a separate set of two-digit FIPS codes for CMSAs, also assigned alphabetically.

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New England County Metropolitan Area

New England county metropolitan areas (NECMAs) are defined as a county-based alternative to the city- and town-based New England metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSAs). The NECMA defined for an MSA or a CMSA includes:

The county containing the first-named city in that MSA/CMSA title (this county may include the first-named cities of other MSAs/CMSAs as well), and

Each additional county having at least half its population in the MSAs/CMSAs whose first-named cities are in the previously identified county. NECMAs are not identified for individual primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs).

Central cities of a NECMA are those places in the NECMA that qualify as central cities of an MSA or a CMSA. NECMA titles derive from the names of these central cities. Each NECMA is assigned a four-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code.

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1999 MSAs | 1999 CMSAs | 1999 PMSAs | 2000 Central Cities | 1998 CMSAs | 1998 CMSAs & MSAs | 1998 PMSAs & MSAs | 1996 CMSAs | 1996 CMSAs & MSAs | 1996 PMSAs & MSAs | 1990 MSAs | 1990 CMSAs | 1990 PMSAs | 2000 NECMAs

Title 1999 Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1999
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1999 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1999
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1999 Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1999
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 2000 Central Cities
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 2000
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1998 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1998
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1998 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas & Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1998
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1998 Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas & Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1998
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1996 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1996
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD27
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1996 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas & Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1996
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD27
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1996 Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas & Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1996
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD27
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1990 Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1990
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD27
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1990 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1990
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD27
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 1990 Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Geography National File
Vintage January 1, 1990
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD27
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.

Title 2000 New England County Metropolitan Areas
Geography New England States File
Vintage January 1, 2000
Formats ARC/INFO Export (.e00), Arcview Shapefile, and ARC/INFO Ungenerate (ASCII)
Projection Geographic (Lat/Lon)
Datum NAD83
Distributor Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
Originator Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Geography Division
For further information on the Cartographic Boundary Files click HERE.