Traffic Incident Management Program
photos of traffic blocked by cones (Photo by Dave Gatley/FEMA News Photo), fire emergency workers, police officers, tow truck removing car from accident scene, and ambulance
Office of Operations  -  21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

ITS Public Safety Program

The mission of the ITS Public Safety Program in the U.S. Department of Transportation is to increase transportation safety and mobility through new and dynamic partnerships linking the transportation and public safety communities at federal, state, and local levels. The primary method for realizing this mission is to enable more efficient transmission of voice, video, and data communications among public safety and transportation agencies.

Because the ITS Public Safety Program is departmental program, its management is housed in the USDOT ITS Joint Program Office. Within DOT, the ITS Public Safety Program is coordinated among the ITS Joint Program Office, the Federal Highway Administration, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Federal Transit Administration. The program is also closely coordinated with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and with the Office of Justice Programs of the U.S. Department of Justice.

The ITS Public Safety Program facilitates the Public Safety Advisory Group (PSAG) in ITS America. The PSAG is comprised of representatives from various public safety and transportation organizations. The PSAG meets regularly to discuss communications and technology issues of mutual concern to the member organizations. For more information on the ITS Public Safety Program, please visit its website.

Office of Operations