Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)

Table C-19. FRA RD&T Funding ($000)

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FRA RD&T Program FY 2005 Actual FY 2006 Enacted FY 2007 Request
Railroad Research and Development 35,737 54,525 34,650
Railroad System Issues 3,001 3,168 3,168
Human Factors 3,422 3,366 3,366
Rolling Stock and Components 2,510 4,688 2,871
Track and Structures 3,670 3,861 3,861
Marshall University/University of Nebraska 1,984 1,485 0
Track and Train Interaction 3,175 3,168 3,168
Train Control 893 7,326 7,920
Grade Crossings 1,885 1,881 2,178
Hazardous Materials Transportation 967 1,188 1,287
Train Occupant Protection 6,150 6,039 4,950
Corridor Planning 0 7,118 0
R&D Facilities and Test Equipment (F) 1,334 1,337 1,881
Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (T) 6,746 9,900 0
Next Generation High-Speed Rail 19,493 0 0
HS Train Control Systems (T) 7,440 0 0
Non-Electric Locomotives (T) 1,687 0 0
Grade Crossing & Innovative Technologies (T) 4,315 0 0
Track/Structures Technology (T) 992 0 0
Corridor Planning (T) 3,075 0 0
MAGLEV (T) 1,984 0 0
Safety and Operations 4,227 3,820 3,996
Salaries and Expenses 3,096 3,244 3,394
Salaries and Expenses (T) 1,131 576 602
Subtotal, R&D1 30,753 46,532 36,163
Subtotal, Technology Investment (T)2 27,370 10,476 602
Subtotal, Facilities (F)3 1,334 1,337 1,881
Total FRA 59,457 58,345 38,646

1 Composed of basic research (without specific application), applied research (for a specific need), and developmental research (design, development, and improvements of prototypes and processes).

2 Demonstration projects and other related activities associated with R&D.

3 Acquisition, design, and construction and repairs of all physical facilities for use in R&D.

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