[Federal Register: October 25, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 206)]
[Page 60618-60624]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Forest Service

Lassen National Forest, California, Lassen National Forest Public 
Wheeled Motorized Travel Management EIS

AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.


SUMMARY: The Lassen National Forest (LNF) will prepare an Environmental 
Impact Statement to disclose the impacts associated with the following 
proposed actions: 1. The prohibition of wheeled motorized vehicle 
travel off designated National Forest System (NFS) roads, NFS trails 
and areas by the public except as allowed by permit or other 
authorization. 2. The addition of approximately 37 miles of 
unauthorized routes to the NFS of roads and motorized trails. 3. The 
addition of approximately 26 acres for open riding (10 areas), where 
use of wheeled motorized vehicles by the public would be allowed 
anywhere within the specifically delineated area. 4. Allowing non-
highway legal vehicle use on approximately 12 miles of existing NFS 
roads where such use is currently prohibited.

DATES: The comment period on the proposed action will extend 30 days 
from the date the Notice of Intent is published in the Federal 
    Completion of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is 
expected in March of 2008 and the Final Environmental Impact Statement 
(FEIS) is expected in June of 2008.

ADDRESSES: Send electronic comments to: ltmrd@fs.fed.us. Send written 
comments to: Travel Management Team, Lassen National Forest, 2550 
Riverside Drive, Susanville, CA 96130.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Allen Nosler, Lassen National Forest, 
2550 Riverside Drive, Susanville, CA 96130. Phone: (530) 252-6637. E-
mail: anosler@fs.fed.us.



    Over the past few decades, the availability and capability of 
motorized vehicles, particularly off-highway vehicles (OHVs) and sport 
utility vehicles (SUVs) has increased tremendously. Nationally, the 
number of OHV users has climbed sevenfold in the past 30 years, from 
approximately 5 million in 1972 to 36 million in 2000. The ten states 
with the largest population also have the most OHV users. California 
has 4.35 million OHV

[[Page 60619]]

users accounting for almost 11% of the U.S. total (Off-Highway Vehicle 
Recreation in the United States, Regions and States: A National Report 
from the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment (NSRE), 
Cordell, Betz, Green and Owens, June 2005). There were 786,914 all 
terrain vehicles (ATVs) and OHV motorcycles registered in 2004, up 330% 
since 1980. Annual sales of ATVs and OHV motorcycles in California were 
the highest in the U.S. for the last 5 years. Four-wheel drive vehicle 
sales in California also increased by 1500% to 3,046,866 from 1989 to 
    OHV recreation provides riding opportunities to some of 
California's most scenic areas. However, unmanaged OHV use has resulted 
in unplanned roads and trails, erosion, watershed and habitat 
degradation, and impacts to cultural resource sites. Compaction and 
erosion are the primary effects of OHV use on soils. Riparian areas and 
aquatic dependent species are particularly vulnerable to OHV use. 
Unmanaged recreation, including impacts from OHVs, is one of ``Four Key 
Threats Facing the Nation's Forests and Grasslands'' (USDA Forest 
Service, June 2004).
    In January 2001, the Regional Forester issued management direction 
of all California national forests to prohibit OHV travel off 
designated routes and areas (FEIS for the Sierra Nevada Framework 
Project). This direction was re-affirmed in January 2004 with a 
supplemental FEIS for the Sierra Nevada Framework Project. On August 
11, 2003, the Pacific Southwest Region of the Forest Service entered 
into a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) with the California Off-Highway Motor 
Vehicle Recreation Commission, and the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle 
Recreation Division of the California Department of Parks and 
Recreation. That MOI set in motion a region-wide effort to ``Designate 
OHV roads, trails, and any specifically defined open areas for 
motorized wheeled vehicles on maps of the 18 National Forests in 
California by 2007.''
    On November 9, 2005, the Forest Service published final travel 
management regulations in the Federal Register (FR Vol. 70, No. 216--
Nov. 9, 2005, pp. 68264-68291). This final Travel Management Rule 
requires designation of those roads, trails, and areas that are open to 
motor vehicle use by the public on National Forests. Designations will 
be made by class of vehicle and, if appropriate, by time of year. The 
final rule prohibits the use of motor vehicles by the public off the 
designated system as well as use of motor vehicles on routes and in 
areas that are not designated.
    On some NFS lands, long managed as open to cross-country motor 
vehicle travel, repeated use has resulted in unplanned and unauthorized 
roads and trails. These routes generally developed without 
environmental analysis or public involvement, and do not have the same 
status as NFS roads and NFS trails included in the forest 
transportation system. Nevertheless, some unauthorized routes are well-
sited, provide excellent opportunities for outdoor recreation by 
motorized and non-motorized users, and would enhance the National 
Forest system of designated roads, trails and areas. Other unauthorized 
routes are poorly located and cause unacceptable impacts. Only NFS 
roads, NFS trails and open riding areas can be designated for wheeled 
motorized vehicle use. In order for an unauthorized route to be 
designated for use by the public, it must be added to the national 
forest transportation system (NFTS).
    In accordance with the MOI, the LNF recently completed an inventory 
of unauthorized routes on NFS lands and identified approximately 1,145 
miles of unauthorized routes. The LNF then used an interdisciplinary 
process to conduct travel analysis that included working with the 
public to determine whether any of the unauthorized routes should be 
proposed for addition to the LNF transportation system. Travel analysis 
developed a number of routes which could be considered in this or 
future decisions on the NFTS at the discretion of the Responsible 
Official. Roads, trails and areas that are currently part of the LNF 
transportation system and are open to wheeled motorized vehicle travel 
will remain designated for such use except as described below under the 
Proposed Action. This proposal focuses only on the prohibition of 
wheeled motorized vehicle travel off designated routes and areas and 
other needed changes to the LNF transportation system, including the 
addition of some user-created routes to the LNF transportation system 
and minor changes to existing motor vehicle restrictions. The proposed 
action is being carried forward in accordance with the Travel 
Management Rule (36 CFR Part 212).
    In accordance with the rule, following a decision on this proposal, 
the Lassen National Forest will publish a Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) 
identifying all LNF roads, trails and areas that are designated open 
for motor vehicle use by the public. The MVUM shall specify the classes 
of vehicles and, if appropriate, the times of year for which use is 
authorized. The MVUM will be updated and published annually (or more 
frequently if needed) when changes to the Forest's transportation 
system are made. Future decisions associated with changes to the MVUM 
may trigger the need for documentation of additional environmental 

Purpose and Need for Action

    The following needs have been identified for this proposal:
    1. There is a need for regulation of unmanaged wheeled motorized 
vehicle travel by the public. Currently, wheeled motorized vehicle 
travel by the public is temporarily prohibited off existing routes and 
areas by Forest Order 06-07-1. The Forest Order became 
effective on July 12, 2007. Prior to that date, wheeled motorized 
vehicle travel off road was permitted in many LNF areas. In their 
enjoyment of the National Forest, motorized vehicle recreationists have 
created numerous unauthorized routes. The number of such routes 
continues to grow each year with many routes having environmental 
impacts and safety concerns that have not been addressed. The Travel 
Management Rule, 36 CFR part 212, provides policy for ending this trend 
of unauthorized route proliferation and managing the Forest 
transportation system in a sustainable manner through the designation 
of motorized NFS roads, trails and areas, and the prohibition of cross-
country travel.
    2. There is a need for limited changes and additions to the LNF 
transportation system to:
    2.1. Provide wheeled motorized access to dispersed recreation 
opportunities (camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, 
    2.2. Provide a diversity of wheeled motorized recreation 
opportunities (4X4 vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs, passenger vehicles, 
    It is Forest Service policy to provide a diversity of motorized 
road and trail opportunities for experiencing a variety of environments 
and modes of travel consistent with the LNF land capability (FSM 
2353.03(2)). In meeting these needs the proposed action must also 
achieve the following purposes:
    A. Avoid impacts to cultural resources.
    B. Provide for public safety.
    C. Provide for a diversity of recreational opportunities.
    D. Assure appropriate access to public and private lands.
    E. Provide for adequate maintenance and administration of roads, 
trails and areas based on availability of resources and funding to do 
    F. Minimize damage to soil, vegetation and other forest resources.

[[Page 60620]]

    G. Minimize impacts to wildlife and significant degradation of 
wildlife habitat.
    H. Minimize conflicts between wheeled motor vehicle use and 
existing or proposed recreational uses of NFS lands or neighboring 
federal lands.
    I. Minimize conflicts among different classes of wheeled motor 
vehicle uses of NFS lands or neighboring federal lands.
    J. Address compatibility of wheeled motor vehicle use with existing 
conditions in populated areas, taking into account sound, emissions, 
    K. Have valid existing rights of use and access (rights-of-way).
    L. Minimize trespass on private and other adjacent non-NFS lands.

Proposed Action

    1. Prohibition of wheeled motorized vehicle travel off the 
designated NFS roads, NFS trails and areas by the public except as 
allowed by permit or other authorization.
    2. Additions to the National Forest Transportation System--The LNF 
currently manages and maintains approximately 3629 miles of NFS roads 
and 55 miles of NFS motorized trails. Based on the stated purpose and 
need for action, and as a result of the recent travel analysis process, 
the LNF proposes to add approximately 30 miles of existing unauthorized 
routes to its NF road system and approximately 7 miles to its NF 
motorized trail system. These additions would bring the total NFS roads 
to approximately 3,659 miles and the NFS motorized trails to 62 miles. 
The proposed additions to the additional NF road and NF motorized trail 
systems are listed below along with the permitted vehicle class and 
season of use.

                                 Table 1.--Proposed NFS Motorized Road Additions
                Route ID                      (miles)      Permitted vehicle  class          Season of use
290407UC01..............................          0.4004  All.......................  Year round.
310716UC01..............................          0.0107  All.......................  Year round.
310716UC02..............................          0.0506  All.......................  Year round.
UBB412..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UBB414..................................          0.8733  All.......................  Year round.
UBB416..................................          0.1164  All.......................  Year round.
UBB685..................................          0.0099  All.......................  Year round.
UBB686..................................          0.0021  All.......................  Year round.
UBB707..................................          0.0821  All.......................  Year round.
UBB707A.................................          0.0476  All.......................  Year round.
UBB752..................................          0.0314  All.......................  Year round.
UBB797..................................          0.0347  All.......................  Year round.
UBB798..................................          0.1109  All.......................  Year round.
UBB799..................................          0.0239  All.......................  Year round.
UBB800..................................          0.2112  All.......................  Year round.
UBB806..................................          0.0564  All.......................  Year round.
UBB809..................................            0.82  All.......................  Year round.
UBC022..................................          0.0348  All.......................  Year round.
UBC105..................................          0.2778  All.......................  Year round.
UBC115..................................          0.3238  All.......................  Year round.
ULA106..................................           0.292  All.......................  Year round.
ULA107..................................          0.2375  All.......................  Year round.
ULA113..................................          0.1795  All.......................  Year round.
ULA114..................................          0.2032  All.......................  Year round.
ULA115..................................          0.1555  All.......................  Year round.
ULA120..................................          0.1528  All.......................  Year round.
ULA121..................................          0.3526  All.......................  Year round.
ULA121..................................          0.0168  All.......................  Year round.
ULA121-1................................          0.1019  All.......................  Year round.
ULA122..................................          0.0486  All.......................  Year round.
ULA123..................................          0.1214  All.......................  Year round.
ULA124..................................          0.1409  All.......................  Year round.
ULA127..................................          0.9703  All.......................  Year round.
ULA136..................................          0.0683  All.......................  Year round.
ULA156..................................          0.1152  All.......................  Year round.
ULA158..................................          0.0802  All.......................  Year round.
ULA163..................................          0.0952  All.......................  Year round.
ULA164..................................          0.0711  All.......................  Year round.
ULA171..................................          0.3349  All.......................  Year round.
ULA252..................................          0.0833  All.......................  Year round.
ULA254..................................          0.0949  All.......................  Year round.
ULA257..................................          0.2861  All.......................  Year round.
ULA272B.................................          0.5626  All.......................  Year round.
ULA488..................................          0.1443  All.......................  Year round.
ULA488-1................................          0.1367  All.......................  Year round.
ULA489A.................................          0.0996  All.......................  Year round.
ULA489B.................................           0.081  All.......................  Year round.
UMN003..................................          0.0659  All.......................  Year round.
UMN004..................................          0.1862  All.......................  Year round.
UMN005..................................           0.054  All.......................  Year round.
UMN008..................................          0.3266  All.......................  Year round.
UMN009..................................          0.2773  All.......................  Year round.
UMN010..................................          0.0271  All.......................  Year round.

[[Page 60621]]

UMN012..................................          0.0409  All.......................  Year round.
UMN805..................................          0.5868  All.......................  Year round.
UNE080..................................          0.1098  All.......................  Year round.
UNE087..................................          0.0235  All.......................  Year round.
UNH001..................................          1.0481  All.......................  Year round.
UNH006..................................          1.1766  All.......................  Year round.
UNHO19..................................          0.4891  All.......................  Year round.
UNH026..................................          0.5648  All.......................  Year round.
UNH529..................................          0.2216  All.......................  Year round.
UNH533..................................          1.0575  All.......................  Year round.
UNH534..................................          0.6381  All.......................  Year round.
UNH535..................................          0.2756  All.......................  Year round.
UNH541..................................          0.2311  All.......................  Year round.
UNH543..................................          0.7002  All.......................  Year round.
UNH546..................................           0.231  All.......................  Year round.
UNH548..................................          0.7396  All.......................  Year round.
UNH550..................................          0.2728  All.......................  Year round.
UNH552..................................          0.0614  All.......................  Year round.
UNO170..................................          0.8193  All.......................  Year round.
UNO171..................................          0.5343  All.......................  Year round.
UN0178..................................          0.5094  All.......................  Year round.
UNO180..................................          0.3356  All.......................  Year round.
UN0216..................................          0.3619  All.......................  Year round.
UN0219..................................           0.106  All.......................  Year round.
UN0220..................................          0.8504  All.......................  Year round.
UN0221..................................          0.1942  All.......................  Year round.
UN0222..................................          1.1577  All.......................  Year round.
UN0229..................................            1.18  All.......................  Year round.
UN0230..................................          0.1106  All.......................  Year round.
UN0275..................................          0.4896  All.......................  Year round.
UNW100..................................          0.4022  All.......................  Year round.
UNW113..................................          0.2267  All.......................  Year round.
UNW318..................................          0.1526  All.......................  Year round.
UNW337..................................          0.1043  All.......................  Year round.
UNW338..................................          0.7712  All.......................  Year round.
UNW339..................................          0.2989  All.......................  Year round.
UNW340..................................          0.3278  All.......................  Year round.
UNW342..................................          0.1635  All.......................  Year round.
UNW353..................................          0.2301  All.......................  Year round.
UNW355..................................          0.5582  All.......................  Year round.
UNW356..................................           0.443  All.......................  Year round.
UNW358..................................          0.2471  All.......................  Year round.
UNW359..................................          0.2005  All.......................  Year round.
UNW364..................................          0.2813  All.......................  Year round.
UNW506C.................................          0.1385  All.......................  Year round.
UNW602..................................           0.084  All.......................  Year round.
UNW675..................................          0.1212  All.......................  Year round.
UNW676..................................          0.1293  All.......................  Year round.
UNW804..................................          0.2822  All.......................  Year round.
UNW805..................................          0.3495  All.......................  Year round.
    Total...............................         30.3383

                                Table 2.--Proposed NFS Motorized Trail Additions
                Route ID                      (miles)      Permitted vehicle  class          Season of use
280310UC03..............................          0.2306  All*......................  Year round.
UAP205..................................          0.0653  Vehicles less than 50       Year round.
                                                           inches in width.
UAP206..................................          0.6591  Vehicles less than 50       Year round.
                                                           inches in width.
UBC046..................................          0.0937  All.......................  Year round.
UBC053..................................          0.5811  All.......................  Year round.
UBC057..................................          0.2671  All.......................  Year round.
UBC058..................................          0.3758  All.......................  Year round.
UDC001..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC002..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC003..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC004..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC009..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC010..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.

[[Page 60622]]

UDC011..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC012..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC013..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC014..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC015..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC016..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC017..................................          0.0379  All.......................  Year round.
UDC021..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC022..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC023..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC024..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC045..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC046..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC049..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC047..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC048..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC052..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC053..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC054..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC055..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC056..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC057..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC058..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC059..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC060..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC061..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC062..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC063..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC064..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC065..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC066..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC067..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC025..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC026..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC027..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC028..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC034..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC044..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC031..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC032..................................          0.0095  All.......................  Year round.
UDC043..................................          0.0284  All.......................  Year round.
ULA172..................................          0.9473  Vehicles less than 50       Year round.
                                                           inches in width.
ULA175..................................          0.3724  Vehicles less than 50       Year round.
                                                           inches in width.
ULA177..................................          0.4268  Vehicles less than 50       Year round.
                                                           inches in width.
ULA187..................................          0.1228  Motorcycle................  Year round.
ULA190..................................          0.9158  All.......................  Year round.
UNE392..................................          0.3182  All.......................  Year round.
UNE394..................................          0.9117  All.......................  Year round.
    Total...............................         7.1223
\*\All approved motorized trail modes of travel.

    3. Motorized Open Riding Area Additions--The Lassen National Forest 
currently has no areas designated open to wheeled motorized vehicle 
use. The Lassen National Forest proposes to designate 10 specifically 
delineated areas open to wheeled motorized vehicle travel for a total 
of 26 acres. The motorized areas are listed below along with the 
permitted vehicle class and season of use.

                           Table 3.--Proposed NFS Motorized Open Riding Area Additions
                Area name                   Acreage      Permitted vehicle class           Season of use
West Dusty Cinder Pit...................         1.91  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
Lost Lake Cinder Pit....................         2.54  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
West Brown Ranch........................         1.76  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
Sandy Beach West........................         1.10  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
Sandy Beach East........................         4.96  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
East McCoy..............................         3.02  All.......................  4/1 to 11/1.
South Old Station.......................         4.29  All.......................  4/1 to 11/1.

[[Page 60623]]

Potato Butte............................         4.32  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
Little Antelope Valley Pit..............         0.85  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
Butte Valley............................         1.13  Less than 50 inches.......  4/1 to 11/1.
    Total...............................        25.88

    4. Allowing Non-Highway Legal Vehicle Access on NFS Roads That Are 
Maintained for Use by Highway Legal Vehicles. The LNF believes the 
roads listed in the table below would enhance wheeled motorized 
recreation opportunities for the public if they were open to use by all 
vehicle classes. The LNF will evaluate the safety hazards associated 
with allowing highway legal and non-highway legal vehicle use by the 
public on these roads. The LNF may allow segments of these roads as 
open to all vehicles where it is determined that it will not create a 
traffic safety hazard or that hazards can be mitigated.

               Table 4.--NFS Road Segments Currently Open to Highway Legal Vehicles Only Proposed for Designation as Open to All Vehicles
                                                                      Length         Current permitted      Proposed permitted
              Route ID                      Route segment             (miles)          vehicle class           vehicle class          Season  of use
31N17/DR17.........................  From 30N17 to 31N45 (Dry               1.83  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
32N10/DR10.........................  From 32N10A to 31N24                   1.69  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      (Silver Lake, Rocky Knoll).
32N10/DR10.........................  From 31N24 to 31N25                    1.15  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      (Stephens Camp).
32N10C.............................  (Caribou Lake Spur)........            0.18  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
29N03..............................  From 29N20Y to 29N03B                  1.24  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      (Roxie Peconom).
32N08..............................  From CA 44 to 32N23 (Bogard            0.81  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      Work Center).
32N10/DR10.........................  From CA 44 to 32N22 (Bogard            1.34  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      Rest Area).
32N10/DR10.........................  From 31N15 to 31N28                    0.14  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      (Stephens Camp).
32N22..............................  From 32N53 to UNE394                   0.19  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      (Bogard Rest Area).
32N22..............................  From 32N10/DR10 to 32N29               0.14  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      (Bogard Rest Area).
32N60..............................  From 32N73Y to 32N73Y                  1.76  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      (Grays Flat).
32N12..............................  From 32N42Y to 31N13 (Twin             0,28  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
32N12..............................  From 32N38 to 32N42Y (Twin             1.60  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
                                      Bridges, Badger Mountain
32N13..............................  From 32N12 to 32N12Y (Twin             1.46  Highway legal only....  All...................  Year round.
    Total..........................  ...........................           12.81

    Maps and tables describing in detail both the LNF transportation 
system and the proposed action can found at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/1asses/12rotects/NEPA_proiectshoute/index.php

In addition, maps will be available for viewing at:
Lassen National Forest, Region 5, 2550 Riverside Drive, Susanville, CA 
Almanor Ranger District, 900 E. HWY 36, Chester, CA 96020.
Eagle Lake Ranger District, 477-050 Eagle Lake Road, Susanville, CA 
Hat Creek Ranger District, 43225 E. HWY 299, Fall River Mills, CA 

Responsible Official

Jack Walton, Acting Forest Supervisor, Supervisor's Office, Lassen 
National Forest, Region 5, 2550 Riverside Drive, Susanville, CA 96130.

Nature of Decision To Be Made

    The responsible official will decide whether to adopt and implement 
the proposed action, an alternative to the proposed action, or take no 
action to make changes to the existing Lassen National Forest 
Transportation System and prohibit cross country wheeled motorized 
vehicle travel by the public off the designated system. Once the 
decision is made, the Lassen National Forest will publish a Motor 
Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) identifying the roads, trails and areas that are 
designated as open to the public for motor vehicle use. The MVUM shall 
specify the classes of vehicles and, if appropriate, the times of year 
for which use is authorized.

Scoping Process

    Public participation will be especially important at several points 
during the analysis. The Forest Service will be seeking information, 
comments, and assistance from the federal, state, and local agencies 
and other individuals or organizations who may be interested in or 
affected by the proposed action.
    The Notice of Intent is expected to be published in the Federal 
Register on October 24, 2007. The comment period on the proposed action 
will extend 30 days from the date the Notice of Intent is published in 
the Federal Register.
    The draft environmental impact statement is expected to be filed 
with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and to be available for 
public review by March 7, 2008. EPA will publish a notice of 
availability (NOA) of the draft EIS in the Federal Register. The 
comment period on the draft EIS will extend 45 days from the date the 
EPA publishes the NOA in the Federal Register. At that time, copies of 
the draft EIS will be distributed to interested and affected agencies, 
organizations, and members of the public for their review and comment. 
It is very important that those interested in the management of the 
Lassen National Forest participate at that time. Submission of comments 
in response to the draft EIS is a

[[Page 60624]]

prerequisite for eligibility to appeal under the 36 CFR part 215 
    The final EIS is scheduled to be completed in June 2008. In the 
final EIS, the Forest Service will respond to comments received during 
the comment period that pertain to the environmental consequences 
discussed in the draft EIS and applicable laws, regulations, and 
policies considered in making the decision.

Comment Requested

    This notice of intent initiates the scoping process which guides 
the development of the environmental impact statement. Comments 
received, including the names and addresses of those who comment, will 
be considered part of the public record on this proposal and will be 
available for public inspection.
    The Forest Service believes, at this early stage, it is important 
to give reviewers notice of several court rulings related to public 
participation in the environmental review process. First, reviewers of 
draft environmental impact statements must structure their 
participation in the environmental review of the proposal so that it is 
meaningful and alerts an agency to the reviewer's position and 
contentions. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. NRDC, 435 U.S. 519, 
553 (1978). Also, environmental objections that could be raised at the 
draft environmental impact statement stage, but that are not raised 
until after completion of the final environmental impact statement may 
be waived or dismissed by the courts. City of Angoon v. Hodel, 803 F.2d 
1016, 1022 (9th Cir. 1986) and Wisconsin Heritages, Inc. v. Harris, 490 
F. Supp. 1334, 1338 (E.D. Wis. 1980). Because of these court rulings, 
it is very important that those interested in this proposed action 
participate by the close of the 45 day comment period so that 
substantive comments and objections are made available to the Forest 
Service at a time when it can meaningfully consider them and respond to 
them in the final environmental impact statement.
    To assist the Forest Service in identifying and considering issues 
and concerns on the proposed action, comments on the draft 
environmental impact statement should be as specific as possible. It is 
also helpful if comments refer to specific pages or chapters of the 
draft environmental impact statement. Comments may also address the 
adequacy of the draft environmental impact statement or the merits of 
the alternatives formulated and discussed in the statement. Reviewers 
may wish to refer to the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 
for implementing the procedural provisions of the National 
Environmental Policy Act at 40 CFR 1503.3 in addressing these points.

(Authority: 40 CFR 1501.7 and 1508.22; Forest Service Handbook 
1909.15, section 21)

Jack T. Walton,
Acting, Lassen National Forest Supervisor.
[FR Doc. 07-5272 Filed 10-24-07; 8:45 am]