Office of Operations 511 Travel Information Telephone Services
Photo collage of 511 advertisements from Iowa, Minnesota, Florida, Montana and Virginia, and a photo of a man talking on a cellular telephone.
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History / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

On July 21, 2000 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designated 511 as the single travel information telephone number to be made available to states & local jurisdictions across the country. The FCC ruling leaves nearly all implementation issues & schedules to state & local agencies & telecommunications carriers. There are no Federal requirements or mandates to implement 511.

Mindful of both the opportunity & challenge 511 presents, the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO), in conjunction with many other organizations including the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America), with support from the U.S. Department of Transportation, established the 511 Deployment Coalition. The goal of the 511 Deployment Coalition is "the timely establishment of a national 511 traveler information service that is sustainable and provides value to users." The intent is to implement 511 nationally using a bottom-up approach facilitated by information sharing and a cooperative dialogue through the national associations represented on the Policy Committee, the governing body of the program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Some of the basic information and background about 511 is available in this list of frequently asked questions.

Early Adopter Case Study Reports - The U.S. DOT commissioned seven case study reports to gather some lessons from locations that had done some early work toward planning and implementing 511 services. The overviews and full reports are:

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