[Federal Register: April 13, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 71)]
[Page 18641]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

[[Page 18641]]



Department of the Army; Corps of Engineers

Intent To Prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact 
Statement for the Jacksonville Harbor Navigation Study, General Re-
Evaluation Report, Located in Duval County, FL

AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers, DoD.

ACTION: Notice of intent.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Jacksonville 
District, intends to prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact 
Statement (DSEIS), for the Jacksonville Harbor Navigation Study, 
General Re-Evaluation Report. This action is a cooperative effort 
between the Corps and the Jacksonville Harbor Port Authority.

ADDRESSES: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Planning Division, 
Environmental Branch, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019.

Paul.E.Stodola@saj02.usace.army.mil or by telephone at (904) 232-3271.

    a. The Jacksonville Part Authority has requested that the Corps 
study the feasibility of further deepening the Port of Jacksonville. 
The proposed DSEIS for additional deepening would supplement the 
Jacksonville Harbor Navigation Improvements EIS completed in July 1996. 
Authorization for the study is contained in House Report 107-681 and 
the Senate explanatory statement as delineated in the Congressional 
Record of January 15, 2003, pages S492 and S546.
    b. Objectives. The objectives of the study are to determine if 
light loading of ships, tidal delay, or other commercial navigation 
benefits exist to justify additional deepening below the existing 40-
foot project depth from the entrance channel to river mile 20 and for 
Cuts F and G of the West Blount Island Channel; evaluate measures 
including wideners along the Trout River Cut Range, and Quarantine 
(Bartram) Island Upper Range which would reduce navigation concerns and 
improve ship traffic safety; examine the impact of channel deepening on 
the capacity of existing upland confined disposal facilities and the 
offshore dredge material disposal site; evaluate new upland confined 
disposal facilities, if required; determine if beneficial uses of 
dredged material such as manufactured soils, recycling of dredged 
material for construction fill, development of artificial reefs, or use 
of beach quality material for placement along adjacent beaches would 
provide appropriate alternatives for disposal of dredged material; 
evaluate the impact of deepening and widening measures on shoaling 
rates for existing and advanced harbor maintenance needs; examine the 
hydrodynamic and environmental effects of the deepening and widening 
measures on Chicopit Bay, White Shells Bay, Mill Cove and adjacent 
harbor shorelines; identify environmental and cultural resources in the 
study area and potential impacts from deepening or widening to those 
resources; identify the NED plan for Jacksonville Harbor which most 
efficiently and safely accommodates existing and larger commercial ship 
and barge traffic while avoiding or minimizing impacts to environmental 
    c. Alternatives. The proposed alternatives include making no 
further improvements to the project (no action alternatives); deepening 
the project channel in 1 foot increments from the existing depth of 40 
feet from the entrance channel (mouth of St. Johns River) extending 
upstream to river mile 20; constructing channel wideners; and dredged 
material placement in upland disposal areas, artificial reefs, approved 
beach areas, and the designated Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site.
    d. Issues. The DEIS will consider the possible effects of blasting 
on aquatic resources, loss of wetlands from expansion of upland 
disposal areas at Bartram Island, as well as other project related 
impacts on protected species, water quality, fish and wildlife 
resources, cultural resources, essential fish habitat, socio-economic 
resources coastal processes, aesthetics and recreation, and other 
impacts identified through scoping, public involvement, and agency 
    e. Scoping Process. The scoping process as outlined by the Council 
on Environmental Quality would be utilized to involve Federal, State, 
and local agencies, and other interested persons and organizations. A 
scoping letter would be sent to the appropriate parties requesting 
comments and concerns regarding issues to consider during the study. 
Public scoping meetings would be held. Exact dates, times, and 
locations would be published in local papers.
    f. Coordination. The proposed action is being coordinated with the 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries 
Service under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, with the FWS 
under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, and with the State 
Historic Preservation Officer.
    g. Other Environmental Review and Consultation. The proposed action 
would involve evaluation for compliance with guidelines pursuant to 
Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act; application (to the State of 
Florida) for Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the 
Clean Water Act; certification of state lands, easements, and rights of 
way; Essential Fish Habitat with National Marine Fisheries Service; and 
determination of Coastal Zone Management Act consistency.
    h. Agency Role. The non-Federal sponsor (Jacksonville Port 
Authority) will provide extensive information and assistance on the 
resources to be impacted, mitigation measures, and alternatives.
    i. DSEIS Preparation. It is estimated that the DSEIS will be 
available to the public on or about three years after completion of the 
Feasibility Scoping Meeting currently scheduled for September 2007.

    Dated: April 2, 2007.
Stuart J. Appelbaum,
Chief, Planning Division.
[FR Doc. 07-1835 Filed 4-12-07; 8:45 am]