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About Images on DefenseLINK

All of these files are in the public domain unless otherwise indicated.  However, we request you credit the photographer/videographer as indicated or simply "Department of Defense."


This section allows you to view selected highlight imagery from combat camera photographers around the world.

You will be able to view the caption for each image, download a screen resolution or high resolution version of any image as well as send as an Electronic Postcard of the image to a destination of your choice. 

Web Graphics

To save any particular image, use your right mouse button (Mac users click and hold) to click on the image.   Then choose to save the image.

Before any image was placed in this collection, care was taken to determine whether the image was subject to any copyright claims. To the best of our knowledge, the graphics displayed here are in the public domain. If you believe that an image in this collection is subject to copyright protection, please contact us with a short message identifying the image and why you believe it is copyrighted.


To listen to the sound clips in this section, you must have a computer with a sound card, speakers, and the appropriate software.  You can download the free RealPlayer or download a free .wav player.  The RealMedia versions will play as the file downloads.   The .wav files will download completely before they begin playing.


The videos in this section are in .mov format, which require the QuickTime player.  The .mov files will download completely before they begin playing (allowing you to save the movie).
Updated: 03 Jan 2007
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