
Add Grants in PORTS

PTFP Online Reporting and Tracking System

  1a. When you finish Registration and have selected your personal password, PORTS will take you to the Add Grants page.

The Add Grants page should show all other grants PTFP awarded to your organization that are Active, Closing, or still within the 10-year Federal interest period.

  1b. If you are a prior registered user of PORTS, and were listed as the project contact for a new PTFP grant, you will go to the Add Grants page after you login. The new PTFP grant will be listed. Go to step 2 to add a new grant to your account.
If PORTS takes you to the Main Menu page and your new grant is NOT listed, click Add Grants on the left navigation bar. Go to step 2 to add a new grant to your account.


  2. Click the Add box for any additional grants for which you will act as project contact. (The grant you already entered may not be shown.) Enter the Authorization Code if you have it. Using an Authorization Code will speed your ability to work with the new grant. Without an Authorization Code, you will have to wait for approval before you access the new grant.

If you do not have an authorization code, enter the reason why you want to act as project contact. For example, you might enter "Former manager left."

If your organization has other grants which are not listed, you can enter them at the bottom of the page.

If you did not use an Authorization Code, you will be notified by email when your request to Add Grants is approved.

  3. Click continue to complete the account setup and go to the Main Menu.

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