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Information about Mercury

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These pages provide information about mercury in the Central Plains states, including regional sources of mercury and local fish consumption advisories. For basic information about mercury, its health effects, how to handle spills and to learn what EPA is doing to reduce mercury emissions, select from the topics listed below or visit the national mercury home page.

In order to find a complete listing of any Region 7 references to mercury, visit the EPA Region 7 home page and type the word "mercury" into the search box at the top of the page.

For Schools

“Mercury: An Educator’s Toolkit” is a two-disc DVD and CD package that contains a variety of activities, educational videos, and other information designed to enhance students’ understanding of mercury and its potential health hazards.

Listing of toolkit's contents available for viewing and/or downloading

Toolkits will be mailed out to all Region 7 schools in Fall 2008. For more information or to get a free copy of the toolkit, contact Denise Morrison, Office of Public Affairs.

We want feedback from schools that have used the Toolkit.

EPA’s National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) Program Mercury Challenge
Schools and organizations that want to participate in a partnership program with EPA and receive recognition for their reductions can join the Mercury Challenge under EPA’s National Partnership for Environmental Priorities program. To find out more about how you can participate visit the pages linked above or contact Sarah Hatch, EPA Region 7.

Mercury in Schools Fact Sheet

Fact Sheets for Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling Contractors

Mercury Alert for Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors Association
Mercury Thermostats
Mercury Honeywell Heat Generators
Mercury Gas Regulators


Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)
Information on Environmental and Health Hazards Associated with Discarded Electronics Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Iowa Fish Consumption Advisories Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer


Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
Mercury Information Page Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Trends in Fish Tissue Monitoring Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Kansas State University Small Business Environmental Assistance Program Information for Dentists and other Health Care Providers
Fact Sheet Addressing Dental Mercury titled, "Mercury in the Environment: Coming from your Business" (2 pp, 16K, About PDF) Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Curriculum for Kansas Dental Schools titled, "The Proper Place for Dental Mercury" Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Fact Sheet Providing Information, Case Studies and Resources Regarding the Kansas Hospitals for a Healthy Environment Program. (6 pp, 1.1M, About PDF) Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Fact Sheet Providing Guidance on Management of Dental Amalgam Waste ( 2 pp, 31K, About PDF) Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer


Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Heavy Metal Matters: General Information About Mercury Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Overview of DNR fish tissue monitoring Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Missouri streams with mercury impairment Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Mercury Information Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Mercury Facts: Information on Mercury Characteristics, Spills and Exposure Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Missouri fish consumption advisory Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer


Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Mercury Program Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Nebraska Fish Consumption Advisories Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer


EPA Region 7 Mercury Task Force Exiting EPA Web site, link to disclaimer

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