Healthy Teen Network
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September 3 - Healthy Teen Network featured in the Baltimore Sun! Click here to read the story.

Early Bird Deadline for Our 29th Annual Conference is Fast Approaching:  Register Today!

October 29-November 1, 2008
Albuquerque, NM

Healthy Teen Network's 2008 National Conference will address the increasing diversity of today's youth and ways that professionals can effectively address the challenges this poses.

Early Bird Registration deadline is September 26th. After September 26th, all registration fees increase by $100. Please click here to register online or by mail.

Book your room at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque by October 7th to secure our group rate. Click here for details and to book your room.  

The theme this year is Speaking Many Languages: Respecting Diversity, Believing in Equity. You won't want to miss exciting keynotes from author/actress Rain Pryor and researcher/author Carol Cassell! Click here to read more about these dynamic and compelling speakers.

Thanks to the generosity of The Mary Wohlford Foundation and UNIDOS, 74 people were awarded scholarships to attend this year’s conference!

The Preliminary Conference Brochure is now available! Please click here to download.

To sign up for conference updates, visit the Healthy Teen Network conference site and enter your email address in the box that says "Join Our Email List."

NEW Resources from Healthy Teen Network: Resource Directory and Young Families Program Directory


Healthy Teen Network is pleased to announce the release of two new members-only products: the updated Healthy Teen Network Resource Directory and the newly created Young Families Directory supplement.  

Access these two NEW resources in the Members-Only Section. Not a member of Healthy Teen Network? Click here to Join Today!


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