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EPA created the REACH IT System to compile and share information on treatment and characterization technologies for a range of contaminant types and media. After being launched in 1999 as a replacement for the VISITT, Vendor FACTS, and ITT databases, REACH IT was populated over time with information on over 500 remediation technologies and 260 characterization technologies. With the evolution of on-line search services and engines and the development of a range of other resources on technologies and vendors coupled with resource limitations, EPA discontinued the on-line REACH IT System in 2006. Limited technology vendor information from the EPA REACH IT System has been preserved through:

For information on adding, updating, or removing a vendor listing, please contact Michael Adam, adam.michael@epa.gov or 703-603-9915. Technology Vendors are encouraged to use the CLU-IN Vendor and Developer Support area as a resource for other methods to promote their tools.

Site maintained by: Technology Innovation Program, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

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