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FHWA Policy Memorandums - Operations Core Business Unit

Attachment to Memorandum: Use of Changeable Message Signs, January 19, 2001

Recommended National CMS Technical References

VMS & Lane Use Control Signs:
Visibility and Spacing of lane Control Signs for Freeway Traffic Management TTI Rpt No. FHWA-TX-95-1498-1 1994
Effectiveness of CMS Displays in Advance of High-Speed Freeway Lane Closure TRB NCHRP Rpt No. 235 1981
Guidelines on Use of CMS FHWA Rpt No. FHWA-TS-90-043 1991
CMS TRB   1979
CMS TRB NCHRP Synthesis No. 61 1997
Motorist Interpretation of X and Yellow Diagonal Arrow in Freeway Lane Control Signal Array TRB NCHRP Synthesis No. 237
Research Record No. 1495
Yellow Transition Lane Control Signal Symbols for Freeway Traffic Management TTI Rpt No. FHWA-TX-97-1498-2 1996
Manual on Real-Time Motorist Information Displays FHWA Rpt No. FHA-1P-86-016 1986
Driver Interpretations of Existing and Potential Lane Control Signal Symbols for Freeway Traffic Management TTI FHA-TX-93-1298-1 1993
Assessment of CMS Technologies FHWA Rpt No. FHWA-RD-87-025 1986
Changeable Message Sign Visibility FHWA Rpt No. FHWA-RD-94-077 4/1996
CMS A Driver Preference Survey Ont. Ministry Transport Rpt No. FHWA-15F 88-03 12/1988
Assessment of CMS Technology FHWA Rpt No. FHA-RD-87-025 1986
Guidelines on the Use & Operation of CMS TTI FHWA-TX-92-1232-9 11/1992

Memorandum: Use of Changeable Message Signs, January 19, 2001

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