[Federal Register: October 15, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 199)]
[Page 59389-59390]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket Nos. AC04-1-000, et al.]

PJM Interconnection L.L.C., et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate 

October 7, 2003.
    The following filings have been made with the Commission. The 
filings are listed in ascending order within each docket 

1. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.

[Docket No. AC04-1-000]

    Take notice that on October 1, 2003, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. 
(PJM) tendered for filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 
(Commission) a letter addressed to John M. Delaware, Chief Accountant 
of the Commission, requesting authorization to defer depreciation of 
certain capital costs, required to integrate additional transmission 
owners into its markets and systems, until January 1, 2005. PJM then 
proposes to amortize the deferred amounts, plus finance charges, over 
36 months, beginning on January 1, 2005. Action on this accounting 
request will affect the determination of amounts to be billed under 
PJM's formula tariff.
    Comment Date: October 21, 2003.

2. Georgia Natural Gas Company

[Docket No. ER03-1403-000]

    Take notice that on September 30, 2003, Georgia Natural Gas Company 
(f/k/a Atlanta Gas Light Services, Inc.) (f/k/a The Energy Spring, 
Inc.) pursuant to Section 35.15 of the Commission's regulations, 18 CFR 
35.15, submitted a Notice of Cancellation to terminate its Electric 
Rate Schedule FERC No. 1. Georgia Natural Gas Company requests an 
effective date of October 31, 2003.
    Comment Date: October 21, 2003.

3. PPM Colorado Wind Ventures, Inc.

[Docket No. EG04-2-000]

    Take notice that on October 1, 2003, PPM Colorado Wind Ventures, 
Inc. (PPM Colorado) tendered for filing an Application for 
Determination of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status (Application) 
pursuant to Section 32 of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 
    PPM Colorado states that a copy of the Application has been sent to 
the Public Utilities Commission of Colorado, the California Public 
Utilities Commission, the Oregon Public Utility Commission, the 
Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the Utah Public 
Service Commission, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and the 
Wyoming Public Service Commission, as ``affected state commissions'' 
under 18 CFR 365.2(b)(3), and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
    Comment Date: October 28, 2003.

4. Southeastern Power Administration

[Docket No. EF03-3011-000]

    Take notice that on September 30, 2003, the Deputy Secretary of 
Energy confirmed and approved on an interim basis, effective on October 
1, 2003, Rate Schedules SOCO-1-B, SOCO-2-B, SOCO-3-B, SOCO-4-B, ALA-1-
K, MISS-1-K, Duke-1-B, Duke-2-B, Duke-3-B, Duke-4-B, Santee-1-B, 
Santee-2-B, Santee-3-B, Santee-4-B, SCE&G-1-B, SCE&G-2-B, SCE&G-3-B, 
SCE&G-4-B, Regulation-1, Replacement-1, Pump-1-A, and Pump-2 for power 
from Southeastern Power Administration's (Southeastern) Georgia-
Alabama-South Carolina System. The rate schedules have been submitted 
to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for confirmation and 
approval on a final basis, effective October 1, 2003, and ending 
September 30, 2007.
    The Deputy Secretary of Energy states that the Commission, by order 
issued July 15, 2003, in Docket No. EF02-3011-000, confirmed and 
approved Rate Schedules SOCO-1-A, SOCO-2-A, SOCO-3-A, SOCO-4-A, ALA-1-J 
MISS-1-J, Duke-1-A, Duke-2-A, Duke-3-A, Duke-4-A, Santee-1-A, Santee-2-
A, Santee-3-A, Santee-4-A, SCE&G-1-A, SCE&G-2-A, SCE&G-3-A, SCE&G-4-A, 
and Pump-1-A, Pump-2, and Regulation-1 and Replacement-1. Southeastern 
proposes in the instant filing to replace these rate schedules.
    Comment Date: October 28, 2003.

5. Southeastern Power Administration

[Docket No. EF03-3021-000]

    Take notice that on September 30, 2003, the Deputy Secretary of the 
Department of Energy confirmed and approved on an interim basis, 
effective on October 1, 2003, Rate Schedules CBR-1-E, CSI-1-E, CEK-1-E, 
CM-1-E, CC-1-F, CK-1-E, CTV-1-E, and SJ-1-B for power from Southeastern 
Power Administration's (Southeastern) Cumberland System of Projects. 
The rate schedules have been submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission for confirmation and approval on a final basis effective 
October 1, 2003 and ending September 30, 2008.
    The Deputy Secretary states that the Commission, by order issued 
March 17, 2000, in Docket No. EF99-3021-000, confirmed and approved 
Rate Schedules CBR-1-D, CSI-1-D, CK-1-D, CC-1-E,

[[Page 59390]]

CM-1-D, CEK-1-D, CTV-1-D, and SJ-1-A. Southeastern proposes in the 
instant filing to replace these rate schedules.
    Comment Date: October 28, 2003.

Standard Paragraph

    Any person desiring to intervene or to protest this filing should 
file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, 
NE., Washington, DC 20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the 
Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 
385.214). Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining 
the appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make 
protestants parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a 
party must file a motion to intervene. All such motions or protests 
should be filed on or before the comment date, and, to the extent 
applicable, must be served on the applicant and on any other person 
designated on the official service list. This filing is available for 
review at the Commission or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site 
at http://www.ferc.gov, using the eLibrary (FERRIS) link. Enter the 
docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number 
field to access the document. For assistance, please contact FERC Online Support at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov or toll-free at (866) 208-
3676, or for TTY, contact (202) 502-8659. Protests and interventions 
may be filed electronically via the Internet in lieu of paper; see 18 
CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions on the Commission's Web 
site under the ``e-Filing'' link. The Commission strongly encourages 
electronic filings.

Magalie R. Salas,
[FR Doc. 03-26035 Filed 10-14-03; 8:45 am]