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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table C.1. Diabetes measure set for the NHQR with endorsing organizations, data sources and level of data

Diabetes measure Organizations that endorse through consensus process Data source Analytic level
Process: Percent of adults with diabetes who had a hemoglobin A1c measurement at least once in past year AHRQ, AMA, HP2010, JCAHO, NCQA, NDQIA MEPS
National and State
Process: Percent of patients with diabetes who had a lipid profile in past 2 years AHRQ, JCAHO, NCQA, NDQIA MEPS National
Process: Percent of adults with diabetes who had a retinal eye examination in past year AHRQ, HP2010, JCAHO, NCQA, NDQIA MEPS
National and State
Process: Percent of adults with diabetes who had a foot examination in past year AHRQ, JCAHO, NCQA, NDQIA MEPS
National and State
Process: Percent of adults with diabetes who had an influenza immunization in past year AHRQ, JCAHO, NCQA, NDQIA MEPS
National and State
Outcome: Percent of adults with diagnosed diabetes with HbA1c level > 9.5 percent (poor control); < 9.0 percent (needs improvement); < 7.0 percent (optimal) NDQIA NHANES National
Outcome: Percent of adults with diagnosed diabetes with most recent LDL-C level <130 mg/dL(needs improvement); <100 (optimal) NDQIA n/a n/a
Outcome: Percent of adults with diagnosed diabetes with most recent blood pressure <140/90 mm/Hg NDQIA NHANES National
Outcome: Hospital admissions for uncontrolled diabetes per 100,000 population AHRQ, HCUP National
Outcome: Hospital admissions for short term complications of diabetes per 100,000 population AHRQ HCUP National
Outcome: Hospital admissions for long term complications of diabetes per 100,000 population AHRQ HCUP National
Outcome: Hospital admissions for lower extremity amputations in patients with diabetes per 1,000 population AHRQ, HP2010, JCAHO, NCQA NHDS National

Key: AHRQ=Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; AMA = American Medical Association; BRFSS=Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; HCUP=Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project; HP2010=Healthy People 2010; JCAHO = Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; NCQA=National Committee for Quality Assurance; NDQIA=National Diabetes Quality Improvement Alliance; NHANES=National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; NHDS = National Hospital Discharge Survey.

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