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Table 2.2. Medicaid eligible population and their estimated diabetes prevalence and expenditures for medical care, for people 20 to 60 and over 60 years of age, 2002

State Medicaid population age 20-60 with diabetes a Estimated Medicaid expense for age 20-60 with diabetes b Medicaid population age over 60 with diabetes a Estimated Medicaid expense for age over 60 with diabetes b Total estimated Medicaid spending on diabetes for age 20 and over
Total US 1,104,393 $6,691,519,926 1,234,060 $12,244,344,613 $18,935,864,539
Alabama 16,139 $97,786,487 30,021 $297,863,727 $395,650,213
Alaska 3,416 $20,696,843 1,608 $15,951,349 $36,648,191
Arizona 24,241 $146,878,240 14,428 $143,158,151 $290,036,390
Arkansas 12,060 $73,073,291 19,765 $196,103,945 $269,177,236
California 154,444 $935,778,273 164,179 $1,628,984,597 $2,564,762,870
Colorado 8,945 $54,198,187 11,209 $111,215,523 $165,413,709
Connecticut 10,345 $62,681,330 13,247 $131,433,590 $194,114,920
Delaware 3,965 $24,024,372 2,641 $26,206,829 $50,231,201
District of Columbia 4,115 $24,932,252 3,682 $36,530,630 $61,462,882
Florida 59,911 $363,001,878 80,423 $797,959,288 $1,160,961,166
Georgia 31,265 $189,432,237 51,583 $511,808,316 $701,240,553
Hawaii 4,343 $26,313,580 4,462 $44,268,070 $70,581,649
Idaho 3,594 $21,775,718 3,617 $35,888,349 $57,664,066
Illinois 50,312 $304,838,613 41,713 $413,879,086 $718,717,699
Indiana 16,061 $97,315,816 20,957 $207,933,209 $305,249,025
Iowa 8,202 $49,696,633 9,509 $94,347,231 $144,043,864
Kansas 6,058 $36,704,388 8,244 $81,794,963 $118,499,351
Kentucky 16,286 $98,677,149 19,566 $194,130,660 $292,807,809
Louisiana 20,479 $124,080,732 29,083 $288,563,572 $412,644,304
Maine 5,871 $35,574,379 6,425 $63,744,253 $99,318,631
Maryland 19,327 $117,103,176 19,502 $193,497,238 $310,600,414
Massachusetts 19,055 $115,454,366 21,937 $217,662,310 $333,116,677
Michigan 33,112 $200,622,985 27,522 $273,077,247 $473,700,232
Minnesota 13,527 $81,957,821 15,645 $155,227,037 $237,184,858
Mississippi 16,915 $102,485,557 30,338 $301,012,315 $403,497,872
Missouri 19,408 $117,592,266 27,210 $269,979,742 $387,572,008
Montana 2,479 $15,019,044 2,064 $20,482,641 $35,501,686
Nebraska 4,579 $27,746,927 5,168 $51,274,605 $79,021,532
Nevada 4,150 $25,147,103 5,368 $53,259,836 $78,406,939
New Hampshire 1,918 $11,622,832 2,537 $25,173,457 $36,796,289
New Jersey 21,327 $129,217,531 33,348 $330,874,754 $460,092,286
New Mexico 7,452 $45,153,897 6,920 $68,657,694 $113,811,592
New York 134,596 $815,518,728 136,338 $1,352,749,703 $2,168,268,431
North Carolina 31,420 $190,371,883 45,614 $452,577,712 $642,949,595
North Dakota 1,571 $9,517,426 2,395 $23,763,607 $33,281,033
Ohio 45,065 $273,050,363 44,493 $441,461,386 $714,511,749
Oklahoma 11,635 $70,495,489 19,067 $189,186,000 $259,681,489
Oregon 16,299 $98,754,168 8,205 $81,412,586 $180,166,753
Pennsylvania 45,216 $273,960,774 42,554 $422,218,995 $696,179,769
Rhode Island 4,363 $26,433,470 5,676 $56,315,654 $82,749,124
South Carolina 23,812 $144,278,202 27,174 $269,622,304 $413,900,506
South Dakota 2,064 $12,506,671 2,411 $23,924,684 $36,431,354
Tennessee 42,000 $254,480,714 29,185 $289,575,174 $544,055,887
Texas 52,326 $317,043,535 83,169 $825,205,171 $1,142,248,706
Utah 4,871 $29,514,717 2,635 $26,141,595 $55,656,313
Vermont 3,652 $22,125,350 3,586 $35,583,924 $57,709,274
Virginia 13,305 $80,613,921 21,200 $210,344,914 $290,958,835
Washington 22,260 $134,874,201 16,739 $166,079,913 $300,954,114
West Virginia 8,117 $49,180,771 6,504 $64,536,008 $113,716,779
Wisconsin 17,605 $106,666,334 25,904 $257,017,269 $363,683,603
Wyoming 1,473 $8,923,032 1,231 $12,209,304 $21,132,337

a The estimates for diabetes prevalence among Medicaid eligibles were derived by applying national diabetes prevalence estimates by age and race to the number of Medicaid eligibles by age and race. National diabetes prevalence estimates by age and race were compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the National Diabetes Fact Sheet, using data from: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES III and NHANES 1999-2000), National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), and surveys of the Behaviorial Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) among others. The Fact Sheet is available at:
b The costs are based on estimates from Hogan, Dall, Nikolov (2003) for people with diabetes age 0-64 ($6,059 per person) and those over age 64 ($9,922 per person). Because diabetes expenditures per capita are lower for younger age groups, this method probably underestimates the cost of diabetes for Medicaid recipients age 20 years and over.

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