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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > ESA > OLMS > Enforcement > Voluntary Compliance Agreements   

Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS)

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The Office of Labor-Management Standards ensures union democracy, transparency, and financial integrity.

Voluntary Compliance Agreements

On October 8, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 400 (located in Utica, Mich.) concerning a challenged election of local officers conducted on April 16, 2008. The union agreed to conduct a new election, under OLMS supervision, for the positions of President and Vice- President. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that candidates were denied the opportunity to mail their campaign literature to a portion of the membership. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Detroit District Office.

On September 22, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 24/7 (located in San Francisco, Calif.) concerning a challenged election of local officers conducted on May 14, 2008. The union agreed to conduct a new election, under OLMS supervision, for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and five Executive Board positions representing San Francisco, East Bay, North Bay, Northern California, and retired members. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that, because of inaccuracies in the local’s mailing list, the local failed to mail nomination and election notices to all members; the local failed to conduct an election by secret ballot when the names of over 100 members could be linked to their ballot; denied a member the right to run for office despite the member having met the local’s eligibility requirements; failed to mail ballots to a portion of the union’s membership; and a local union employee used her union e-mail account to arrange a campaign mailing for the incumbent slate.   The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS San Francisco District Office. 

On September 18, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Steelworkers Local 272 (located in Bastrop, La.),concerning a challenged election of officers conducted on May 1, 2006. The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, the election for the offices of President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Guide, Guard (2), and Trustee (3).  The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that the union failed to elect by secret ballot and failed to provide adequate safeguards by allowing candidates to handle and count the ballots. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS New Orleans District Office.

On September 15, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Local 103 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) (located in Dorchester, Mass.), concerning a challenged election of officers conducted on May 3, 2008. The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, a new election and installation for the office of Business Manager. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed use of employer funds to promote a candidate, use of union time and equipment to promote a candidate, and ineligible contractor members being permitted to vote in violation of the union’s constitution and bylaws.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Boston District Office.

On September 7, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the Communications Workers of America (CWA) concerning CWA Local 2101 (located in Baltimore, Md.).  The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, nominations, election, and the installation of all officers for Local 2101, and to terminate the trusteeship over the local upon installation of the newly elected officers. The OLMS investigation of the challenged trusteeship disclosed that a hearing was not held within a reasonable time after the trusteeship was imposed and that the trusteeship continued beyond 18 months without clear and convincing proof that the continuation was necessary for an allowable purpose.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Washington District office. 

On August 18, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Bakery Workers Local 253 (located in Cincinnati, Ohio), concerning a challenged election of officers conducted during November 16-17, 2007.  The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, new nominations and an election for the position of Sergeant at Arms.  The OLMS investigation of the challenged election revealed that an ineligible candidate ran for sergeant at arms. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Cincinnati District Office.

On August 14, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the International Union of Operation Engineers (IUOE) Local 520 (located in Granite City, Ill.), concerning the election of officers conducted on August 10, 2007. The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, a new election for the positions of Business Manager, President, Vice President, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Secretary.  The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that union funds were used in the preparation of campaign literature. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS St. Louis District Office. 

On August 1, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1107 (located in Las Vegas, Nev.), concerning the challenged election of officers conducted on September 4 and 5, 2007.  The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, a new election for the positions of President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Trustee (3 positions), Vice President for the City of Las Vegas Housing Authority, Chief Steward for the City of Las Vegas Housing Authority, Nursing Chief Steward for St. Rose San Martin, and Vice President for Sunrise Hospital.  The OLMS investigation disclosed that all candidates were not given equal access to union steward lists which some candidates used to make campaign phone calls, employer resources were used to collect contributions that were donated to a slate’s campaign fund, and employer funds were used in preparing and mailing campaign literature.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS San Francisco District Office.

On July 30, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 1738 (located in Salisbury, N.C.), concerning a challenged election of officers conducted on December 11, 2007.  The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, a new election for the position of Sergeant at Arms.  The OLMS investigation disclosed that some members who requested duplicate ballots were not sent duplicate ballots and individuals who joined the union after the ballots were mailed to the membership on November 7, 2008 were not sent ballots even though they were entitled to vote.  Additionally, the union failed to maintain certain election records.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Nashville District Office. 

On July 22, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) National Union and AFGE Local 2400 (located in Nashville, Tenn.), concerning Local 2400’s challenged election of officers conducted on December 6, 2007.  The unions agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, new nominations and a new election for all contested positions.  The OLMS investigation revealed that the local failed to elect officers by secret ballot, in that the room was too small to accommodate any type of privacy, which caused members voted on top of the ballot box located in front of the election committee and on the table top where the committee was seated. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Nashville District Office.

On July 15, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Postal Mail Handlers Local 301 (located in Natick, Mass.) concerning a challenged election held on December 4, 2007.  The union agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, new nominations and a new election for the offices of President; Vice-President; Recording Secretary; New Hampshire Executive Board; and Branch Presidents of Northern Hasp, Springfield, Mass., and Brockton, Mass. The OLMS investigation revealed that the local union failed to provide ballots to all members, and allowed ineligible members to vote. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Boston District Office and New Haven Resident Investigator Office.

On July 11, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with American Postal Workers Union (APWU) Local 185 (located in Houston, Texas), concerning a challenged election conducted on December 14, 2007.  The union agreed to use the results of the OLMS recount of ballots as the official election results to send delegates to either the APWU National Convention or the APWU Texas State Convention. The OLMS investigation disclosed that the union failed to properly count the ballots for certain delegate positions.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Houston Resident Investigative Office. 

On July 2, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the Carnegie Mellon Campus Police Association (CMCPA) (located in Pittsburgh, Pa.) concerning the election of officers conducted on March 20, 2008. The CMCPA agreed to conduct a runoff election under OLMS supervision for the position of vice president. The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that the union’s constitution and bylaws were violated when the vice president was declared the winner despite not being elected by a majority of the eligible votes cast.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Pittsburgh District Office. 

On June 19, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) National Union (located in Washington, DC) and AFGE Local 2883 (located in Decatur, GA), concerning a challenged re-run election conducted by the AFGE 5th District for the office of president of AFGE Local 2883 on October 30, 2007. The unions agreed to conduct, under OLMS supervision, new nominations and a new election for the office of president.  The OLMS investigation revealed that some union members did not receive an election ballot; the union failed to provide the right to inspect the membership list once within 30 days of the re-run election; and the union failed to provide the right to have an observer at various stages of the re-run election. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Atlanta District Office.

On June 10, 2008, OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Mail Handlers Local 305 (located in Richmond, VA), concerning a challenged election of national delegates conducted on March 12, 2008. Local 305 agreed to conduct a new election under OLMS supervision for 17 delegates. The OLMS investigation disclosed that the union newspaper was used for campaign purposes. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Washington District Office.

On April 25, 2008, the Department entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with the Studio Security & Fire Association (SSFA) (located in Burbank, Ca.), concerning a challenged election held in August 2007.  SSFA agreed to conduct new nominations and a new election under OLMS supervision for the positions of president, vice president, treasurer, recording secretary, and governor.  The OLMS investigation concluded that SSFA failed to provide a reasonable opportunity to nominate candidates when it failed to notify its membership of its decision to suspend a meeting-attendance qualification.   In addition, SSFA allowed an incumbent officer to use union funds to campaign when that officer sent a letter on union stationary to the SSFA members at union expense criticizing two candidates during the election.  The voluntary compliance agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Los Angeles District Office.

On April 22, 2008, the Department entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with Operating Engineers Local 547 (located in Detroit, Mich.) concerning the challenged election of officers conducted on August 31, 2007.  In that election, some candidates were not notified that they could identify and list themselves as a slate on the election ballot.  The local has agreed to conduct new nominations, if necessary, and a new election under OLMS supervision for the offices of business manager, vice president, recording secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, three trustees, and three auditors.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Detroit District Office.

On March 17, 2008, the Department entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with UAW Local 551 in Chicago, Illinois, concerning the challenged election of officers conducted on June 5 and 12, 2007.  In that election, some retired members were not mailed a nomination or election notice. The local has agreed to conduct new nominations and a new election under OLMS supervision for the offices of president, vice president, recording secretary, financial secretary, three trustees, guide, and sergeant-at-arms. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Chicago District Office. 

On January 9, 2008, the Department accepted a voluntary compliance agreement from Sindicato de Guardias de Seguridad de Puerto Rico, a local labor union in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. The agreement calls for the Department to supervise an election for local union officers on or before March 31, 2008. The agreement stems from the union’s failure to conduct an officer election within three years of its last regular election. The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Atlanta District Office.

Last Updated: 10/24/08


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