Diabetes Care Quality Improvement: A Resource Guide for State Action

Figure 3.4.B. Percent of adults* with diabetes, who had an important test at least once in past year, age adjusted, for Massachusetts compared to benchmarks, 2001

Figure 3.4.B. Percent of adults* with diabetes, who had an important test at least once in past year, age adjusted, for Massachusetts compared to benchmarks, 2001. For details go to text description below

Text Description

Upper left-hand chart: HbA1c testing: Massachusetts compared to benchmarks

Benchmark HbA1c at least once per year HbA1c at least twice once per year
Theoretic limit 100% 100%
Best-in-class average 95.6% 83.0%
National HP2010 goal N/A 50%
National average 79.4% 61.1%
Northeast States average 85.5% 69.2%
Massachusetts average 85.4% 69.0%

Upper right-hand chart: Retinal exams: Massachusetts compared to benchmarks

Theoretic limit: 100%
Best-in-class average: 79.6%
National HP2010 goal: 75%
National average: 66.7%
Northeast States average: 71.1%
Massachusetts average: 69.0%

Lower left-hand chart: Foot exams: Massachusetts compared to benchmarks

Theoretic limit: 100%
Best-in-class average: 81.3%
National HP2010 goal: 75%
National average: 64.6%
Northeast States average: 68.6%
Massachusetts average: 61.5%

Lower right-hand chart: Flu vaccinations: Massachusetts compared to benchmarks

Theoretic limit: 100%
Best-in-class average: 59.0%
National HP2010 goal: N/A
National average: 37.4%
Northeast States average: 42.6%
Massachusetts average: 44.8%

Source: Derived from the NHQR, 2003, based on CDC BRFSS.

* All adults, except for flu vaccination, which is for age 18 to 64.

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