BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Upcoming Webinars

WebinarIn an effort to better share valuable, up-to-date international trade information with U.S. businesses, the Department of Commerce frequently offers online seminars or webinars on upcoming trade shows, important directives, international trade updates, promising international markets, government regulations, and much more. Some webinars do cost a small fee, and others are free of charge. Take a look at some of the upcoming webinars being offered and see what you stand to gain from these informative seminars. You can even participate from the comfort of your own home or office!

"Switzerland: A Dynamic High Tech Market in the Heart of Europe" Webinar

MARCH 11, 2008 ~~ 8:00 AM PST ~~ If your company’s export strategy includes entry or expansion in Europe, consider Switzerland, the fastest growing market in Europe for U.S. exports and an epicenter for European and global competition. more...

REACH Webinar

MARCH 12, 2008 ~~ 8:00 AM PST ~~ REACH is a major overhaul of the European Union's chemical management regime and US companies involved in supply chains exporting to Europe should be aware of REACH's new requirements. REACH compliance will be key for these companies to remain present and competitive on the EU market. REACH applies not only to chemical companies, but to ALL sectors using chemicals. more...

"Selling Medical Equipment in Mexico & Brazil" Webinars

APRIL 22, 2008 @ 11:00 AM PST and MAY 14, 2008 @ 10 AM PST ~~ Does your medical equipment have potential in Mexico and Brazil? Do you know how to register your product in these countries? Can your in-country distributor(s) help with the regulatory approval process? This Webinar Series will provide answers to these questions by providing a highly focused, interactive seminar in a "virtual classroom" setting that covers distribution, marketing, and regulatory issues related to selling medical equipment in Mexico and Brazil. more...