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Welcome to the Association for Women in Mathematics! The purpose of the Association for Women in Mathematics is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences. Have fun investigating our web pages! - Cathy Kessel, President of the AWM


  • The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) is pleased to announce that Fan Chung Graham will deliver the Noether Lecture at the 2009 Joint Mathematics Meetings. Chung, a professor of mathematics at University of California at San Diego, was selected for this honor because of her fundamental contributions to graph theory and combinatorics.
  • Now accepting nominations for the AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture prize, to be awarded at the 2009 SIAM Annual Meeting in July 2009: See the Kovalevsky Lecture page for more information. Deadline for submission of nominations November 1, 2008.
  • AWM is now accepting applications for the third annual Ruth I. Michler Prize — a award for a midcareer woman to support a semester of mathematical research at Cornell University.
  • The African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative (AMMSI), will organise a “Symposium on the African Woman and Mathematics” The meeting will be held November 29 – 30, 2008, in Girassol Indy Village, Maputo, Mozambique.
  • Science Debate 2008. Mark your calendar for the first-ever Science Debate conference, Innovation 2008: Renewing America Through Smarter Science & Technology Policy, on the beautiful campus of the University of Minnesota on October 20-21! A concerned citizens initiative cosponsored by AAAS, NAS, AWM and others posed the top 14 science questions to the Republican and Democratic Presidential Nominees, John McCain and Barack Obama. Read their full answers to these 14 questions about science developed by a multitude of science organizations.
  • Project NExT and the Young Mathematician's Network invite submissions of abstracts for a poster session to be held on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 from 2:15 to 4:15 p.m. (room TBA) at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Washington DC. If you are interested in participating, submit copies of your abstract to Prof. Mike Axtell ( AND Prof. Kevin Charlwood (
  • Interested in hosting the next Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC)? IPC is a national conference designed to promote, educate, encourage and support minority women interested in mathematics and statistics. This unique and special event assembles women mathematicians from underrepresented minority groups from all over the country for a 2-day mathematics conference, and past hosts include Spelman Collge and North Carolina State University. Please visit for more information, including a campus host application.
  • High School Test Scores Show No Gender Differences in Math. By analyzing academic data from 10 states, representing the testing of 7,208,843 youths, Janet Hyde from the Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin and colleagues found that gender differences in math scores were extremely small among all ethnic groups in grades 2-11.
  • Report of the IMU/IMS/ICIAM joint Committee on Quantitative Assessment of Research. Citation-based statistics, such as the impact factor, are often used to assess scientific research, but are they the best measures of research quality? Three international mathematics organizations have today released a report, Citation Statistics , on the use of citations in assessing research quality — a topic that is of increasing interest throughout the world's scientific community.
  • The Association for Women in Mathematics and the Fields Institute will be jointly sponsoring the conference Non-linear Phenomena in Mathematical Physics: Dedicated to Cathleen Synge Morawetz on her 85th birthday, September 18-20, 2008. For more information please visit the website
  • Call for Nominations for the seventh annual Janet L. Norwood Award
    The Section on Statistical Genetics and the Department of Biostatistics in the School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham(UAB) are pleased to request nominations for the Seventh Annual Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in the Statistical Sciences. Deadline for receipt of nominations is Mon 6/30/2008. Please see website for more information.
  • Are you interested in pursuing an academic career in science, engineering, or psychology? Come to the Negotiating the Ideal Faculty Position workshop being held October 5-7, 2008 on the campus at William Marsh Rice University to learn how to negotiate the ideal faculty position for you. The website for the workshop and online applications is Deadline for applications is August 1, 2008
  • A television series about ways to ensure children's educational success: A Math Education: Preparing Students to Succeed in the Knowledge Economy, Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. ET
  • The winners of the 2007 "Biographies of Contemporary Women in Mathematics" essay contest have been posted: Please see the Essay Contest page for a list of the winners.
  • AWM Election Results: President-elect: Georgia Benkart, Treasurer: Rebecca Herb, Four Members at large (in alphabetical order): Sylvia Bozeman, Sarah Greenwald, Ruth Haas and Lisa Traynor.
  • NSA Grant and Sabbatical Opportunities:Fall deadlines are approaching for grant and sabbatical applications to the NSA Mathematical Sciences Program. Read more about it.
  • Individual and institutional members are currently invited to join or renew for 2007-2008. Try the new on-line membership option for new or renewing members!
  • The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) is pleased to announce its new Teacher Partnership Program. The program is intended to link teachers of mathematics in schools, museums, technical institutes, two-year colleges, and universities with other teachers working in an environment different from their own and with mathematicians working in business and industry.
  • Check out the book, Complexities: Women in Mathematics, edited by Bettye Anne Case and Anne M. Leggett.
  • Join the AWM Mentor Network, which matches mentors with girls and women who are interested in mathematics or are pursuing careers in mathematics. The network is intended to link mentors with a variety of groups: recent PhDs, graduate students, undergraduates, high school and grade school students, and teachers. Matching is based on common interests in careers in academics or industry, math education, balance of career and family, or general mathematical interests.
  • Past Announcements...

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