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Schedule Summary
For general questions, contact:
Teresa Hill
Phone: 817-574-2451

Vehicles & Watercraft

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TOTAL SOLUTIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, SECURITY, FACILITIES MANAGEMENT, FIRE, RESCUE, CLOTHING, MARINE CRAFT AND EMERGENCY/DISASTER RESPONS - The Local Preparedness Acquisition Act, signed June 26, 2008, authorizes state and local governments to purchase from GSA alarm and signal systems, facility management systems, firefighting and rescue equipment, law enforcement and security equipment, marine craft and related equipment, special purpose clothing, and related services.
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84 Category list:
Category Description
260 10 Marine Craft Electronics ? Bridge and/or Other Marine-specific Electronic Equipment and Marine Craft Safety Equipment (other than Personal Flotation Devices) - Includes all types of electronic-type equipment used specifically in or on Marine Craft such as: position finders, specialized marine radios, specialized marine computer hardware, monitors, beacons, electronic sounding equipment and all types of marine craft safety equipment.
260 11 Marine Craft Trailers and Trailer Accessories/Spare Parts - Includes all types of marine craft trailers, trailer equipment and supplies.
260 13 Marine Craft Modifications, Marine Craft Repair and Marine Craft Spare Parts ? includes repair of all types of Marine Craft and other products covered under this Schedule - Including, but not limited to, marine craft boat modification packages, repair of engines, floating barriers, booms, floats and moorings. Includes all types of spare parts and replacement parts and accessories for marine craft not covered elsewhere under this schedule. Also includes consulting and training services related to Marine Craft Modifications and Marine Craft Repair.
260 14 Harbor/Waterfront Security Products and Services and Professional Marine Security Services ? includes all types of Harbor and Waterfront security products - Including, but not limited to, surveillance equipment and monitoring equipment utilized specifically in the harbor/Waterfront or Marine Craft environment. Also includes, but not is not limited to, any type of professional marine security services, and consulting and training related to Harbor/Waterfront Security or other Professional Marine Security (excludes marine transportation).
Marine Craft and Equipment
Category Description
260 01 Boats, Powered - Includes Parts & Accessories
260 03 Boats, Nonpowered - Includes Life Rafts, Options and Accessories
260 06 Boats, Inflatable, Powered and Nonpowered - Includes Options and Accessories
260 09 Inboard and Outboard Engines, Marine Diesel Propulsion Engines (Ranging in Horsepower from 150-4,000) - Includes parts and accessories
260 12 Floating Marine Barriers and Booms, Floats, Perimeter Floats, and Moorings - Includes parts and accessories
260 98 Ancillary Services