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Energizing EPA Newsletter
Articles focus on new EPA initiatives, cutting-edge technologies, and other efforts to reduce the Agency's energy, water, and resource consumption.
View the latest issue: February 2008 (PDF) (4 pp, 1.9MB)


EPA's Green Future for Laboratories cover

EPA's Green Future for Laboratories: A Case Study of the Kansas City Science and Technology Center (PDF) (20 pp, 3.7MB)
An overview of the environmental features of this LEED® 2.0 Gold-certified building.

Green Power Brochure cover

Green Power Brochure (PDF) (16 pp, 437K)
This EPA brochure highlights the Agency's green power purchases.

Richmond brochure cover.

Cogeneration at Work, Region 9 Laboratory, Richmond, California (PDF) (2 pp, 576K)
Learn how EPA is leading by example in reducing the energy demand of its Region 9 Laboratory.

Fact Sheets

Sustainable Facilities at EPA: One and Two Potomac Yard, Arlington, Virginia (PDF) (4 pp, 7.6MB) Learn about the environmental features of EPA's LEED® Gold Headquarters office building.

Sustainable Facilities at EPA: Science and Technology Center, Kansas City, Kansas (PDF) (4 pp, 2.8MB)
Read more about EPA's renovated, state-of-the-art sustainable laboratory.

Green Power: Tags vs. Delivered Product (PDF) (3 pp, 233K)
EPA purchases green power as either delivered product or in the form of "green tags." Learn more about the difference between the two.


FY 2007 Annual Report cover

EPA's FY 2007 Energy Management and Conservation Program Report (PDF) (72 pp, 2.8MB)
EPA reduced its energy intensity by more than 4 percent in FY 2007 compared to the previous year. Read this report to find out how and learn about other sustainability accomplishments in FY 2007.

The Energy Management and Conservation Program Report is required under Executive Order (E.O.) 13423. The report gives federal agencies the opportunity to report on their efforts to reduce energy use at the facilities where they pay utility bills. These annual reports meet EPA's reporting requirement for E.O. 13423 and previous executive order reporting requirements.

2006 Performance Highlights Report Cover Image of a star. Protecting the Environment and Our Employees: 2006 Performance Highlights (PDF) (24 pp, 1.7MB)
These reports describe EPA's progress in reducing its environmental footprint by better managing energy and water use, emissions, fuels, chemicals, and waste, while focusing on safety, health, wellness, and environmental management systems.

FY 2006 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Report (PDF) (16 pp, 341K)
This report provides a detailed breakdown of EPA's alternative fuel vehicle fleet, including type of alternative fuels used in EPA's vans, pickup trucks, sedans, and other light-duty fleet vehicles.

Water Management Plans

photo of faucet

Water Management Plans help individual facilities set long- and short-term water conservation goals. Below are completed water management plans for individual EPA laboratories.

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