Drug Summary & History
Potassium Permanganate INAD 9246

Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) has been used to control mortality in a variety of fishes infected with protozoan and metazoan parasites, or to control mortality in a variety of fishes diagnosed with flavobateriosis or aquatic fungal diseases. The primary goal of INAD #9246 is to generate data to help verify known, and determine new, KMnO4 static-bath or flow-through treatment regimens (treatment concentration x treatment duration) for the control of mortality in fishes infected (or diagnosed) with parasites, flavobacteriosis, or aquatic fungi. Under this INAD, Carus Chemical Company (Peru, IL) is the sole authorized supplier of KMnO4 to all investigators. One treatment option is allowed, and withdrawal time is 7 d.

Treatment Option: One 1-h treatment is usually adequate to control a parasite, flavobacteriosis, or aquatic fungi disease outbreak; however, there can be exceptions. Use the following to apply a single treatment:

1. Calculate the 15-min potassium permanganate (KMnO4) demand (PPD) of the rearing unit.

2. Multiply the PPD by 2.5 to obtain the treatment rate (ppm). Treatment rates determined in this way very closely estimate the concentration of active KMnO4 needed for effective disease treatment; however, the chemical should be applied in increments of 2 - 4 ppm to avoid too-high short-term concentrations. The maximum treatment rate is not to exceed 10 ppm.

3. Administer treatment for 1-h in a static-bath or flow-through system.