U.S. Census Bureau

State Rankings -- Statistical Abstract of the United States


[When states share the same rank, the next lower rank is omitted. Because of rounded data, states may have identical values shown, but different ranks. Cautionary note]

State Dollars Rank
    United States 48,451 (X)
Alabama 36,783 46
Alaska 59,393 7
Arizona 47,265 22
Arkansas 36,599 48
California 56,645 8
Colorado 52,015 14
Connecticut 63,422 3
Delaware 52,833 12
District of Columbia 51,847 (X)
Florida 45,495 27
Georgia 46,832 24
Hawaii 61,160 4
Idaho 42,865 35
Illinois 52,006 15
Indiana 45,394 30
Iowa 44,491 33
Kansas 45,478 28
Kentucky 39,372 44
Louisiana 39,337 45
Maine 43,439 34
Maryland 65,144 1
Massachusetts 59,963 5
Michigan 47,182 23
Minnesota 54,023 10
Mississippi 34,473 50
Missouri 42,841 36
Montana 40,627 42
Nebraska 45,474 29
Nevada 52,998 11
New Hampshire 59,683 6
New Jersey 64,470 2
New Mexico 40,629 41
New York 51,384 17
North Carolina 42,625 38
North Dakota 41,919 39
Ohio 44,532 32
Oklahoma 38,770 47
Oregon 46,230 26
Pennsylvania 46,259 25
Rhode Island 51,814 16
South Carolina 41,100 40
South Dakota 42,791 37
Tennessee 40,315 43
Texas 44,922 31
Utah 51,309 18
Vermont 47,665 20
Virginia 56,277 9
Washington 52,583 13
West Virginia 35,059 49
Wisconsin 48,772 19
Wyoming 47,423 21

X Not applicable.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,
2006 American Community Survey;
R1901. Median Household Income (In 2006 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars): 2006;
using American FactFinder; http://factfinder.census.gov/; (accessed: 12 September 2007).

For more information:
American Community Survey