U.S. Census Bureau

State Rankings -- Statistical Abstract of the United States


[When states share the same rank, the next lower rank is omitted. Because of rounded data, states may have identical values shown, but different ranks. Cautionary note]

State Rate2 Rank3
    United States 474 (X)
Alabama 425 23
Alaska 688 6
Arizona 501 16
Arkansas 552 11
California 533 14
Colorado 392 25
Connecticut 281 37
Delaware 682 7
District of Columbia 1,508 (X)
Florida 712 4
Georgia 471 19
Hawaii 281 36
Idaho 247 42
Illinois 542 13
Indiana 315 29
Iowa 284 33
Kansas 425 24
Kentucky 263 40
Louisiana 698 5
Maine 116 50
Maryland 679 8
Massachusetts 447 20
Michigan 562 10
Minnesota 312 30
Mississippi 299 31
Missouri 546 12
Montana 254 41
Nebraska 282 35
Nevada 742 3
New Hampshire 139 47
New Jersey 352 26
New Mexico 643 9
New York 435 22
North Carolina 476 18
North Dakota 128 49
Ohio 350 27
Oklahoma 497 17
Oregon 280 38
Pennsylvania 439 21
Rhode Island 228 44
South Carolina 766 1
South Dakota 171 46
Tennessee 760 2
Texas 516 15
Utah 224 45
Vermont 137 48
Virginia 282 34
Washington 346 28
West Virginia 280 39
Wisconsin 284 32
Wyoming 240 43

X Not applicable.

1Estimated number of violent crimes, which includes murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
2Based on Census Bureau estimates as of July 1.
3For quality of ranking data - see Crime in the United States, 2006, "Cautions against Rankings."

Source: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Crime in the United States, 2006.

For more information:
Uniform Crime Reports