U.S. Census Bureau

State Rankings -- Statistical Abstract of the United States


[When states share the same rank, the next lower rank is omitted. Because of rounded data, states may have identical values shown, but different ranks. Cautionary note]

State Percent Rank
    United States 15.1 (X)
Alabama 2.7 41
Alaska 5.9 28
Arizona 29.6 4
Arkansas 5.3 29
California 36.2 2
Colorado 19.9 7
Connecticut 11.5 12
Delaware 6.5 26
District of Columbia 8.3 (X)
Florida 20.6 6
Georgia 7.8 20
Hawaii 8.2 18
Idaho 9.8 15
Illinois 14.9 10
Indiana 5.0 30
Iowa 4.0 33
Kansas 8.8 17
Kentucky 2.2 45
Louisiana 3.2 38
Maine 1.2 49
Maryland 6.3 27
Massachusetts 8.2 19
Michigan 4.0 34
Minnesota 4.0 35
Mississippi 2.1 46
Missouri 3.0 39
Montana 2.8 40
Nebraska 7.5 21
Nevada 25.1 5
New Hampshire 2.5 42
New Jersey 15.9 9
New Mexico 44.4 1
New York 16.4 8
North Carolina 7.1 24
North Dakota 1.9 47
Ohio 2.5 43
Oklahoma 7.2 23
Oregon 10.6 14
Pennsylvania 4.5 32
Rhode Island 11.3 13
South Carolina 3.8 36
South Dakota 2.3 44
Tennessee 3.5 37
Texas 36.0 3
Utah 11.6 11
Vermont 1.3 48
Virginia 6.6 25
Washington 9.4 16
West Virginia 1.1 50
Wisconsin 4.9 31
Wyoming 7.4 22

X Not applicable.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,
"Table 4:  Estimates of the Population by Race and Hispanic Origin
United States and States:  July 1, 2007 (SC-EST2007-04)";
published 1 May 2008;

For more information:
Population Estimates