U.S. Census Bureau

State Rankings -- Statistical Abstract of the United States


[When states share the same rank, the next lower rank is omitted. Because of rounded data, states may have identical values shown, but different ranks. Cautionary note]

State Number Rank
    United States 38,756,452 (X)
Alabama 1,224,496 16
Alaska 28,172 42
Arizona 252,135 27
Arkansas 448,230 21
California 2,450,444 5
Colorado 205,612 30
Connecticut 360,645 23
Delaware 180,474 32
District of Columbia 324,875 (X)
Florida 2,896,693 2
Georgia 2,864,431 3
Hawaii 37,049 40
Idaho 13,239 44
Illinois 1,926,515 7
Indiana 571,685 20
Iowa 77,477 35
Kansas 168,531 33
Kentucky 326,930 25
Louisiana 1,369,250 12
Maine 12,860 45
Maryland 1,655,231 8
Massachusetts 447,879 22
Michigan 1,442,470 10
Minnesota 232,909 29
Mississippi 1,086,584 17
Missouri 677,657 19
Montana 5,926 49
Nebraska 78,581 34
Nevada 204,156 31
New Hampshire 15,704 43
New Jersey 1,260,339 15
New Mexico 56,083 39
New York 3,347,282 1
North Carolina 1,967,156 6
North Dakota 6,544 47
Ohio 1,377,629 11
Oklahoma 286,849 26
Oregon 73,661 36
Pennsylvania 1,338,477 13
Rhode Island 67,040 37
South Carolina 1,266,225 14
South Dakota 8,685 46
Tennessee 1,039,321 18
Texas 2,857,111 4
Utah 31,727 41
Vermont 5,151 50
Virginia 1,537,603 9
Washington 234,754 28
West Virginia 64,072 38
Wisconsin 337,493 24
Wyoming 6,410 48

X Not applicable.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau,
"Table 4:  Estimates of the Population by Race and Hispanic Origin for
the United States and States:  July 1, 2007 (SC-EST2007-04)";
published 1 May 2008;

For more information:
Population Estimates