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12th Annual Drug Approval Coordination Workshop

August 1-2, 2006

Printouts of the maps, brochure, and a complete agenda will be included in the Workshop materials packet.

Drug Approval Coordination WorkshopYes, La Crosse does have an airport!

You will find it listed as 'LSE' which refers to the La Crosse Municipal Airport.

The area is also served by Amtrak.

You can make arrangements with the Radisson Hotel's courtesy van to pick you up at the airport or train station.

National Aquaculture Drug Research Forum

August 3, 2006

National Aquaculture Drug Research Forum meeting at UW-La Crosse

The National Aquaculture Drug Research Forum (NADRF) is associated with the Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture Working Group on Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production. The NADRF was established in 2004 to identify and resolve issues and challenges facing researchers working to gain FDA approval of drugs for use in aquaculture.
The goals of the NADRF are to:

  1. establish a forum to facilitate coordination, cooperation, and communication among researchers,
  2. create a mechanism to broadly disseminate information relative to drug approval research,
  3. develop strategic plans to address issues specific to technical projects associated with drug approval research.

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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007