[Federal Register: March 13, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 49)]
[Page 12140-12146]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[Public Notice 4299]

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Request for Grant 
Proposals: Central and Eastern European Professional Exchanges and 
Training Program for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, 
Estonia, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia and 

SUMMARY: The Europe/Eurasia division of the Office of Citizen Exchanges 
of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces an open 
competition for Central and Eastern European Professional Exchanges and 
Training Programs for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, 
Estonia, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia and 
Montenegro. Public and private non-profit organizations meeting the 
provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 
501(c)(3) may submit proposals that support international projects in 
the United States and overseas involving current or potential leaders.
    Interested applicants should read the complete Federal Register 
announcement before addressing inquiries to the Office of Citizen 
Exchanges or submitting proposals.
    Announcement Title and Number: All correspondence with the Bureau 
concerning this RFGP should reference the above title and number ECA/

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Office of Citizen Exchanges, ECA/
PE/C/EUR, Room 224, U.S. Department of State, SA-44, 301 4th Street, 
SW., Washington, DC 20547, Attention: Central and Eastern Europe 
Professional Exchanges and Training Program, telephone number: 202-205-
3003, fax number 202-619-4350 or kturner@pd.state.gov to request a 

Solicitation Package. The Solicitation Package contains detailed award 
criteria, required application forms, specific budget instructions, and 
standard guidelines for proposal preparation.
    For specific inquiries, please contact Bureau program officers by 
phone or e-mail: Kendra Davis (202) 619-5328 (kldavis@pd.state.gov); 

Michael George (202) 619-5330 (mdgeorge@pd.state.gov); Brent Beemer 

(202) 401-6887 (bbeemer@pd.state.gov); or Henry Scott (202) 619-5327 


    Please read the complete Federal Register announcement before 
sending inquiries or submitting proposals. Once the RFGP deadline has 
passed, Bureau staff may not discuss this competition with applicants 
until the proposal review process has been completed.

To Download a Solicitation Package via Internet

    The entire Solicitation Package may be downloaded from the Bureau's 
Web site at http://exchanges.state.gov/education/RFGPs. Please read all 

information before downloading.

General Program Guidelines

    Applicants should identify the local organizations and individuals 
in the counterpart country with whom they are proposing to collaborate 
and describe in detail previous cooperative programming and/or 
contacts. Specific information about the counterpart organizations' 
activities and accomplishments should be included in the section on 
Institutional Capacity. Proposals should contain letters of support 
tailored to the project being proposed from foreign-country partner 
    Exchanges and training programs supported by institutional grants 
from the Bureau should operate at two levels: they should enhance 
institutional partnerships, and they should offer practical information 
and experience to individuals and groups to assist them with their 
professional responsibilities. Strong proposals usually have the 
following characteristics:
    [sbull] A proven track record of working in the proposed issue area 
and country;
    [sbull] Experienced staff with language facility and a commitment 
by the staff to monitor projects locally to ensure implementation;
    [sbull] A clear, convincing plan showing how permanent results will 
be accomplished as a result of the activity funded by the grant; and
    [sbull] A follow-on plan that includes activities beyond the 
conclusion and scope of the Bureau grant.
    Proposal narratives should clearly demonstrate an organization's 
commitment to consult closely with the Public Affairs Section, and when 
required, other officers at the U.S. Embassy. Proposal narratives must 
confirm that all materials developed for the project will acknowledge 
Bureau funding for the program as well as a commitment to invite 
representatives of the Embassy and/or Consulate to participate in 
various program sessions/site visits. Please note that this will be a 
formal requirement in all final grant awards.
    Organizations with less than four years of experience managing

[[Page 12141]]

international exchange programs are limited to requesting $60,000 in 

Suggested Program Designs

    Bureau-supported exchanges may include internships; study tours; 
short-term, non-technical experiential learning, extended and intensive 
workshops and seminars taking place in the United States or overseas. 
Examples of program activities include:
    1. A U.S.-based program that includes: Orientation to program 
purposes and to U.S. society; study tour/site visits; professional 
internships/placements; interaction and dialogue; hands-on training; 
professional development; and action plan development. Proposals that 
include U.S.-based training will receive the highest priority.
    2. Capacity-building/training-of-trainer (TOT) workshops to help 
participants to identify priorities, create work plans, strengthen 
professional and volunteer skills, share their experience with 
committed people within each country, and become active in a practical 
and valuable way.
    3. Site visits by U.S. facilitators/experts to monitor projects in 
the region and to provide additional training and consultations as 
    Activities ineligible for support: The Office does not support 
proposals limited to conferences or seminars (i.e., one to fourteen-day 
programs with plenary sessions, main speakers, panels, and a passive 
audience). It will support conferences only when they are a small part 
of a larger project in duration that is receiving Bureau funding from 
this competition. The Office will only support workshops, seminars and 
training sessions that are an integral part of a larger project. No 
funding is available exclusively to send U.S. citizens to conferences 
or conference-type seminars overseas; nor is funding available for 
bringing foreign nationals to conferences or to routine professional 
association meetings in the United States.

Selection of Participants

    All grant proposals should clearly describe the type of persons who 
will participate in the program as well as the participant selection 
process. For programs that include U.S. internships, applicants should 
submit letters of support from host institutions. In the selection of 
foreign participants, the Bureau and U.S. Embassies will review all 
participant nominations and may accept or refuse participants 
recommended by grantee institutions. When American participants are 
selected, grantee institutions must provide their names and brief 
biographical data to the Office of Citizen Exchanges. Priority in two-
way exchange proposals will be given to foreign participants who have 
not previously traveled to the United States. (See section below on 
requirements for maintenance of and provision to the Bureau of data on 
participants and program activities.)


    In general, evaluation should occur throughout the project. The 
evaluation should incorporate an assessment of the program from a 
variety of perspectives. Specifically, project assessment efforts will 
focus on: (a) Determining if objectives are being met or have been met, 
(b) identifying any unmet needs, and (c) assessing if the project has 
effectively identified resources, advocates, and financial support for 
the sustainability of future projects. Informal evaluation through 
discussions and other sources of feedback will be carried out 
throughout the duration of the project.
    Formal evaluation must be conducted at the end of each component, 
should measure the impact of the activities and should obtain 
participants' feedback on the program content and administration. A 
detailed evaluation will be conducted at the conclusion of the project 
and a report will be submitted to the Department of State Bureau of 
Educational and Cultural Affairs. When possible, the evaluation should 
be conducted by an independent evaluator.
    Program Data Requirements: Organizations awarded grants will be 
required to maintain specific data on program participants and 
activities in an electronically accessible database format that can be 
shared with the Bureau as required. As a minimum, the data must include 
the following:
    (1) Name, address, contact information and biographic sketch of all 
persons who travel internationally on funds provided by the grant or 
who benefit from the grant funding but do not travel.
    (2) Itineraries of international and domestic travel, providing 
dates of travel and cities in which any exchange experiences take 
place. Final schedules for in-country and U.S. activities must be 
received by the ECA/PE/C/EUR Program Officer at least three work days 
prior to the official opening of the activity.

Adherence to All Regulations Governing the J Visa

    The Office of Citizen Exchanges of the Bureau of Educational and 
Cultural Affairs is the official program sponsor of the exchange 
program covered by this RFGP, and an employee of the Bureau will be the 
``Responsible Officer'' for the program under the terms of 22 CFR 62, 
which covers the administration of the Exchange Visitor Program (J visa 
program). Under the terms of 22 CFR 62, organizations receiving grants 
under this RFGP will be third parties ``cooperating with or assisting 
the sponsor in the conduct of the sponsor's program.'' The actions of 
grantee program organizations shall be ``imputed to the sponsor in 
evaluating the sponsor's compliance with'' 22 CFR 62. Therefore, the 
Bureau expects that any organization receiving a grant under this 
competition will render all assistance necessary to enable the Bureau 
to fully comply with 22 CFR part 62 et seq. The Bureau of Educational 
and Cultural Affairs places great emphasis on the secure and proper 
administration of Exchange Visitor (J visa) Programs and adherence by 
grantee program organizations and program participants to all 
regulations governing the J visa program status. Therefore, proposals 
should explicitly state in writing that the applicant is prepared to 
assist the Bureau in meeting all requirements governing the 
administration of Exchange Visitor Programs as set forth in 22 CFR 62. 
If the applicant has experience as a designated Exchange Visitor 
Program Sponsor, the applicant should discuss their record of 
compliance with 22 CFR 62 et seq., including the oversight of their 
Responsible Officers and Alternate Responsible Officers, screening and 
selection of program participants, provision of pre-arrival information 
and orientation to participants, monitoring of participants, proper 
maintenance and security of forms, record-keeping, reporting and other 
    The Office of Citizen Exchanges of ECA will be responsible for 
issuing DS-2019 forms to participants in this program.
    A copy of the complete regulations governing the administration of 
Exchange Visitor (J) programs is available at http://
 or from: United States Department of State, Office 

of Exchange Coordination and Designation, ECA/EC/ECD--SA-44, Room 734, 
301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20547, Telephone: (202) 401-9810, 
FAX: (202) 401-9809.

Program Information


    The Bureau welcomes proposals that respond directly to the themes 
and countries listed below. Given budgetary considerations, projects in 
countries and

[[Page 12142]]

for themes other than those listed will not be eligible for 
consideration and will be ruled technically ineligible. No guarantee is 
made or implied that grants will be awarded in all categories.
    For this competition, both single country and multi-country 
projects are eligible for support. In order to prevent duplication of 
effort, proposals should reflect an understanding of the work of 
international agencies so that projects complement--not duplicate--
other assistance programs.
    Two-way exchanges will be given the highest priority. Applicants 
should carefully review the following recommendations for proposals in 
Central and Eastern European countries.
    To be eligible for a grant award under this competition, the 
proposed professional training and exchange projects must address one 
of the following specific themes, which are listed below in two 
categories--Country Specific Programs and Regional Programs.

Country Specific

    Library Exchange (Bulgaria only).
    Judicial Reform Project (Macedonia only).
    Mayors and Local Leaders Exchange (Kosovo only).

Regional Programs

    Media Training (Regional Program for Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina 
and Bulgaria and Croatia and Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro).
    Prevention of Trafficking in Persons (Regional Program for Albania 
and Bosnia-Herzegovina and Bulgaria and Croatia and Kosovo and 
Macedonia and Romania and Serbia and Montenegro).
    Anti-corruption and Ethics (Regional program for Latvia and 
Lithuania and Estonia).

Country Specific (Single Country Projects Only)

Library Exchange
    Bulgaria--Single country project only.--ECA is interested in 
proposals that will enhance institutional relationships between U.S. 
and Bulgarian libraries. Projects should focus on the practical use of 
new technologies and the provision of library services for citizens. 
The exchange should examine the operation of resource centers/small 
libraries, including strategic planning, traditional and electronic 
collection development, cooperative management of information 
resources, public-oriented services, outreach, and marketing 
techniques. The Union of Librarians and Information Services Officers 
(the Bulgarian library association) should serve as the in-country 
partner organization and should assist in the recruitment and selection 
of participants as well as provide logistical support for any in-
country activities. Activities may include training-of-trainers 
sessions, in-country workshops, initiatives to create professional 
networks or professional associations, and communication through the 
Internet or regularly published newsletters. Projects should also take 
into account the need for ongoing sharing of information, training, and 
concrete plans for sustainability.
    Project funding: The total funding available for the Bulgaria 
library exchanges is approximately $200,000. The Bureau anticipates 
awarding one grant under this theme.
Judicial Reform
    Macedonia--Single country projects only.--Judicial reform has 
become increasingly important in Macedonia as the government, legal 
professionals, and concerned citizens recognize the need for a modern, 
efficient court system to keep pace with the social, economic, and 
political changes in their country. Legal experts note that courts in 
Macedonia are overburdened, inefficient, and unresponsive to citizens.
    This program should focus on judges and prosecutors in the 
Macedonian legal system. The primary aim of the program will be to 
establish a series of trainings, seminars and on-the-job programs in 
Macedonia. These programs should aim to strengthen the functions of 
prosecutors and judges; encourage continual reform of practices; and 
solidify ethical standards. ECA envisions a mix of U.S.-based trainers 
and Macedonian-based staff coordinating the program. Another important 
component of the program will be the inclusion of an established 
Macedonian partner organization. The hope would be that the Macedonian 
organization would develop its own programming and could continue to 
work with judges and prosecutors on its own after the grant program. A 
U.S. based train-the-trainers component could be included for this 
purpose. Coordination with the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. 
Embassy in Skopje during the program is essential.
    Project funding: The total funding available for the Macedonia 
judicial reform project is approximately $200,000. The Bureau 
anticipates awarding one grant under this theme.
Mayors and Local Leaders Exchange
    Kosovo--Single country projects only.--ECA is seeking proposals to 
conduct an exchange program for mayors and local leaders from Kosovo. 
This project will support the development of the local government 
sector and should be designed to offer practical, hands-on experiences 
for the participants. Topics to be addressed during the project should 
include financial management, the implementation of national policies 
at the local level, economic development, infrastructure support and 
strategic planning.
    The project should consist of the following elements:
    [sbull] The recruitment and selection of approximately ten 
participants from Kosovo;
    [sbull] A U.S. component that would include a three- to five-day 
program in Washington, DC, where participants would be introduced to 
the U.S. system of government and meet with elected officials and 
representatives of local and regional government associations and a 
two- to three-week program in small- to medium-sized U.S. cities.
    [sbull] In-country workshops and/or consultations that reach out to 
a wider audience and provide substantive follow-up to the U.S.-based 
    [sbull] Materials development.
    Participants should include both elected leaders and civil servants 
working at the local level. Organizations should demonstrate their 
ability to recruit and select candidates for participation in the 
program and describe how these activities will be carried out. 
Applicants should also identify an in-country partner institution or 
institutions. The partner(s) should be responsible for assisting in the 
recruitment and selection of participants and for providing logistical 
support for any in-country activities.
    The proposal submitted by your organization must demonstrate how 
these activities/objectives will be met. Your proposal narrative should 
also provide detailed information on major program activities to be 
undertaken. Applicants should have an understanding of the current 
situation of Kosovo, and be willing to cooperate with Kosovo-based 
international organizations as well as the U.S. Office in Pristina.
    This office is interested in proposals that enhance institutional 
relationships and offer practical information to individuals to assist 
them with their professional responsibilities. The projects should also 
take into account the need for ongoing sharing of

[[Page 12143]]

information, training and concrete plans for self-sustainability. 
Examples include: A ``train the trainers'' model (a program that 
includes practice presentation sessions, followed by activities 
coordinated and implemented by the participants in Kosovo); support for 
in-country training/resource centers; plans to create professional 
networks or professional associations; regularly published newsletters; 
and ongoing Internet communication.
    Project funding: The total funding available for the Kosovo mayors 
and local leaders project is approximately $200,000. The Bureau 
anticipates awarding one grant under this theme.

Regional Programs

Media Training
    Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia 
and Montenegro--Multi-country projects for all six countries only.--The 
Bureau is looking for proposals that will provide training for 
journalists, editors and media managers. The program should include an 
orientation session lasting approximately four days; an internship 
assignment of approximately five weeks in a small- to medium-sized 
media organization; and a two- to three-day debriefing. Projects should 
include both English-speaking and non-English-speaking participants; 
proposals should clearly describe what provisions would be made for 
non-English speakers. ECA will consider proposals to shorten the 
internships assignment in order to accommodate interpreting services 
for non-English speakers. ECA strongly encourages the use of locally 
hired interpreters. Those applicants that opt to find their own 
interpreters should submit a budget reflecting those costs and should 
demonstrate in their proposal narrative the ability to competently 
address interpreting requirements.
    Proposals should outline hands-on, practical internships for the 
participants. A list of media establishments willing to host the 
participants as well as tentative letters of commitment should be 
included in the proposal. A sample program schedule or outline of a 
similar program that the organization has conducted in the past should 
also be submitted.
    Participant Selection: Please note that the winning applicant must 
consult closely with the Public Affairs Offices at the respective U.S. 
embassies during program implementation. Embassies will nominate 
participants for the program.
    The Bureau anticipates funding no more than three grants for this 
theme, averaging approximately $180,000 each. There will be a total of 
approximately 40 participants funded through this RFGP. Each proposal 
should accommodate approximately 12-15 participants and should be 
regional in focus. ECA will consider proposals that include several 
distinct exchanges during the life of the grant, but all exchange 
groups should include participants from at least three countries.
    Tentative participant numbers and needs are:
    Albania: Four participants. English-speakers only.
    Bosnia-Herzegovina: Four participants. Two English and two non-
English speakers.
    Bulgaria: Five participants.
    Croatia: Four participants. English-speakers only.
    Macedonia: Twelve participants. Six English and six non-English 
    Serbia and Montenegro: Fourteen participants. Seven English and 
seven non-English speakers.
    Once projects are funded, ECA will work with the grantees to 
solicit more detailed information on the needs and interests of 
individual participants.

Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Southeastern Europe

Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, 
Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo--Multi-Country Projects for all Nine 
Countries/Regions Only

    Trafficking in persons continues to be a widespread problem in 
Southeastern Europe (SEE). In June 2002 the United States Department of 
State released its second report on the issue of trafficking in persons 
worldwide. (Please see http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2002/.) 

worldwide. (Please see http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2002/.) 

Many SEE countries included in the study are classified as countries 
that have not taken adequate steps to quell trafficking in persons or 
to recognize the severity of the problem. The need to educate and 
inform communities and lawmakers has become imperative to prevent 
trafficking in the SEE region.
    The Bureau seeks proposals that provide training to individuals and 
communities in the SEE region to help combat trafficking in persons. 
Programs should be regional in focus and should include cross-border 
efforts to ensure integration of efforts and cooperation among SEE 
countries. To avoid duplication of initiatives, applicants should be 
familiar with international organizations' programs and indigenous SEE 
non governmental organizations' (NGO) programs to combat trafficking. 
Applicants should outline relevant thematic and regional expertise in 
the proposal. Priority will be given to programs that propose to reach 
high-risk groups where anti-trafficking initiatives have been limited 
or nonexistent. Proposals must include a timeline for the entire grant 
period, a schedule for each program activity, subcontract agreements, 
resumes of trainers and proposed personnel, and letters of support from 
SEE and U.S. partners. Proposals may address either of the themes 
listed below. To be competitive, proposals should outline how 
participants will be selected. Participants should be from the SEE 
countries listed above and should be afforded networking and 
information sharing opportunities throughout the grant period. Priority 
should be given to foreign participants who have not traveled to the 
U.S. previously. Language and interpreting issues should also be 
addressed in the proposal. Applicants should expect to work closely 
with the Public Affairs Sections of the U.S. Embassies in SEE on 
coordination of all activities, including participant selection.
    Pursuant to the Bureau's authorizing legislation, programs must 
maintain a non-political character. Proposals must demonstrate an 
understanding of the principles behind the Trafficking Victims 
Protection Act of 2000 (the ``ACT'') and current U.S. government 
policy, as expressed through Trafficking in Persons National Security 
Presidential Directive of 2/2/5/03 (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/
) and Executive Order 13257 (http://

nodis3.gsfc.nasa.gov/library/displayEO.cfm?id=EO--13257 )
    Areas of focus:
    (1) Two-way exchanges and training programs that may address public 
awareness, victim assistance, reintegration and/or occupational 
    The Bureau is seeking two-way exchange programs that will educate 
the U.S. and SEE citizenries on the issue of trafficking. Many 
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in SEE have been confronting the 
issue of trafficking and have much to share with their U.S. 
counterparts. (Given that many women are now being trafficked into the 
United States, it is important that U.S. relief and assistance 
organizations are exposed to effective prevention and assistance 
programs in SEE.) SEE participants in turn will benefit from exposure 
to U.S. models for job training and life skills management programs, 
peer education and economic assistance programs as well as models for 
successful advocacy and fundraising

[[Page 12144]]

campaigns on the issue. Participants may be leaders of NGOs, 
associations, community leaders, teachers and school administrators and 
local government officials. Follow-up workshops/on site consultations 
in the region are encouraged after the U.S.-based training. Programs 
may focus on developing participants' skills to establish job training 
programs in the region, but funding may not be used for the 
establishment or maintenance of victims' assistance centers or 
equipment for such centers. Successful proposals will offer hands-on 
training, including shadowing and internship opportunities, as well as 
the development of public awareness campaigns, action plans, 
publications, web-based information and/or other products that can be 
accessed easily by the general public and the respective SEE 
    (2) Training and exchanges for members of parliament (particularly 
women members), ministry officials, government press spokespeople and 
local government officials.
    The Bureau welcomes proposals that will encourage members of 
parliament, ministry officials, government press spokespeople and local 
government officials to take an active stand against trafficking in the 
SEE region.
    Proposals should focus on how government should enforce and/or 
improve laws or national action plans against trafficking. Proposals 
should outline a strategy on how governments in the region can increase 
information sharing and close down trafficking routes in the region. 
Proposals should also address specifically how training will encourage 
cooperative and complementary efforts between the government and NGO 
community regarding the issue. U.S.-based exchanges and follow-up 
workshops in the region are strongly encouraged. The Bureau is 
interested in results-oriented proposals that include regional action 
planning, publications and other work products that will serve to 
educate government officials and the general public in the SEE region 
regarding trafficking.

Project Funding

    The total funding available for prevention of trafficking programs 
is approximately $500,000. The Bureau anticipates awarding two or three 
proposals for this competition averaging approximately $165,00-$250,000 

Anti-Corruption and Ethics

Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia (Multi-Country Project for All Three 
Countries Only)

    The Bureau welcomes proposals for a regional anti-corruption 
program, designed to improve ethics oversight and management laws and 
procedures in the Baltic States. The Baltic nations continue to 
struggle against corruption at various levels of society. Government 
officials and law enforcement are poorly trained to recognize conflict 
of interest issues. In addition, ethical codes of conflict and conflict 
of interest legislation are weak. Unfortunately, influence peddling and 
conflict of interest can be found at the highest levels. Government 
employees deal with low salaries; difficult working conditions; lack of 
support from political leaders and senior administrators; and out-of-
date equipment and records.
    Citizens have low expectations for government service and can be 
inclined to view bribes at low levels or embezzlement, conflicts of 
interest and bribe-taking at high levels as the norm, to be tolerated 
rather than fought. Education is needed for both the public and civil 
servants/law enforcement on what each can expect of the other.
    Proposals should outline a program that will train both Baltic 
officials and non-governmental personnel in government ethics issues 
and their respective roles in guaranteeing adherence to high standards 
of government ethics. The overall objectives of proposed programs 
should be to improve ethics oversight and management laws, policies, 
procedures and institutions in the Baltic states; increase public 
confidence in governmental institutions by training Baltic officials 
and non-governmental entities in government ethics issues as well as 
the role and responsibility of private citizens, the media and the 
academic community in guaranteeing high standards of government ethics.
    Target populations for these programs include: members of 
Parliament, parliament staff and law enforcement officers responsible 
for enforcing conflict of interest/corruption legislation, national and 
municipal officials, government and civics professors from 
universities, NGO leaders, and media representatives. Proposals should 
describe a program that engages participants in relevant ethics issues, 
including the role of public ethics in a democratic society, ethics 
responsibilities for government officials, and the role of NGOs in 
monitoring public ethics and corruption.
    ECA is looking for programs that include a mix of participants from 
different governmental and non-governmental institutions to ensure 
sharing of diverse experiences and build mutual understanding of common 
public ethics standards. Travel in both directions, including a hands-
on, U.S.-based program with a train-the-trainer component, should be 
proposed. Continuous communication, mentoring, and consultations 
between overseas participants and trainers/mentors, should be described 
in detail and conducted throughout the life of the grant. Overseas, 
programs should be conducted in the form of short courses and include 
an appropriate public relations component (developed in coordination 
with U.S. embassies), to highlight the importance of anti-corruption 
efforts. Proposals should include a programming element that will bring 
participants from all three countries together to increase the 
program's regional impact.
    Project funding: The total funding available for prevention of 
trafficking programs is approximately $200,000. The Bureau anticipates 
awarding one grant for this topic.

Overall Budget Guidelines

    Grants awarded to eligible organizations with less than four years 
of experience in conducting international exchange programs will be 
limited to $60,000.
    Applicants must submit a comprehensive budget for the entire 
program. There must be a summary budget as well as breakdowns 
reflecting both administrative and program budgets. Applicants may 
provide separate sub-budgets for each program component, phase, 
location, or activity to provide clarification. Please refer to the 
Solicitation Package for complete budget guidelines and formatting 
    Since Bureau grant assistance constitutes only a portion of total 
project funding, proposals should list and provide evidence of other 
anticipated sources of financial and in-kind support. While there is no 
minimum requirement, applicants are encouraged to provide cost sharing 
to the fullest extent possible. State Department Review Panels will 
consider cost sharing seriously when evaluating all proposals.
    The following program costs are eligible for funding consideration:
    1. Travel Costs. International and domestic airfares (per the Fly 
America Act), transit costs, ground transportation

[[Page 12145]]

costs, and visas for U.S. participants (J-1 visas for Bureau-supported 
participants from Eurasia to travel to the U.S. are issued at no 
    2. Per Diem. For U.S.-based programming, organizations should use 
the published Federal per diem rates for individual U.S. cities. For 
activities in Europe/Eurasia, the Bureau strongly encourages applicants 
to budget realistic costs that reflect the local economy. Domestic per 
diem rates may be accessed at: http://www.policyworks.gov/ and foreign 

diem rates may be accessed at: http://www.policyworks.gov/ and foreign 

per diem rates can be accessed at: http://www.state.gov/www/perdiems/

    3. Interpreters. Local interpreters with adequate skills and 

experience may be used for program activities. The Bureau strongly 
encourages applicants to use local interpreters. Salary costs for local 
interpreters must be included in the budget. Costs associated with 
using their services may not exceed rates for U.S. Department of State 
interpreters. Typically, one interpreter is provided for every four 
visitors who require interpreting, with a minimum of two interpreters. 
Bureau grants do not pay for foreign interpreters to accompany 
delegations from their home country. U.S. Department of State 
Interpreters may be used if local interpreters are not available. 
Proposal budgets should contain a flat $170/day per diem for each U.S. 
Department of State interpreter, as well as home-program-home air 
transportation of $400 per interpreter, reimbursements for taxi fares, 
plus any other transportation expenses during the program. Salary 
expenses are covered centrally and should not be part of an applicant's 
proposed budget.
    4. Book and cultural allowance. Foreign participants are entitled 
to a one-time cultural allowance of $150 per person, plus a book 
allowance of $50. Interpreters should be reimbursed up to $150 for 
expenses when they escort participants to cultural events. U.S. program 
staff, trainers or participants are not eligible to receive these 
    5. Consultants. Consultants may be used to provide specialized 
expertise or to make presentations. Daily honoraria cannot exceed $250 
per day. Subcontracting organizations may also be used, in which case 
the written agreement between the prospective grantee and subcontractor 
should be included in the proposal. Subcontracts should be itemized in 
the budget.
    6. Room rental. Room rental may not exceed $250 per day.
    7. Materials development. Proposals may contain costs to purchase, 
develop and translate materials for participants. The Bureau strongly 
discourages the use of automatic translation software for the 
preparation of training materials or any information distributed to the 
group of participants or network of organizations. Costs for high-
quality translation of materials should be anticipated and included in 
the budget. Grantee organizations should expect to submit a copy of all 
program materials to the Bureau.
    8. Equipment. Proposals may contain costs to purchase equipment for 
Eurasia-based programming such as computers, fax machines and copy 
machines. Costs for furniture are not allowed. Equipment costs must be 
kept to a minimum.
    9. Working meal. Only one working meal may be provided during the 
program. Per capita costs may not exceed $5-8 for a lunch and $14-20 
for a dinner, excluding room rental.
    The number of invited guests may not exceed participants by more 
than a factor of two-to-one. Interpreters must be included as 
    10. Return travel allowance. A return travel allowance of $70 for 
each foreign participant may be included in the budget. The allowance 
may be used for incidental expenses incurred during international 
    11. Health Insurance. Foreign participants will be covered under 
the terms of a Bureau-sponsored health insurance policy. The premium is 
paid by the Bureau directly to the insurance company. Applicants are 
permitted to include costs for travel insurance for U.S. participants 
in the budget.
    12. Wire transfer fees. When necessary, applicants may include 
costs to transfer funds to partner organizations overseas.
    13. Administrative Costs. Costs necessary for the effective 
administration of the program may include salaries for grantee 
organization employees, benefits, and other direct and indirect costs 
per detailed instructions in the Application Package. While there is no 
rigid ratio of administrative to program costs, priority will be given 
to proposals whose administrative costs are less than twenty-five (25) 
per cent of the total requested from the Bureau. Proposals should show 
strong administrative cost-sharing contributions from the applicant, 
the in-country partner and other sources.

Deadline for Proposals

    All proposal copies must be received at the Bureau of Educational 
and Cultural Affairs by 5 p.m. Washington, DC time on Friday, May 9, 
2003. Faxed documents will not be accepted at any time. Documents 
postmarked the due date but received on a later date will not be 
accepted. Each applicant must ensure that the proposals are received by 
the above deadline.
    Applicants must follow all instructions in the Solicitation 
Package. The original and twelve copies of the application should be 
sent to: U.S. Department of State, SA-44, Bureau of Educational and 
Cultural Affairs, Ref.: ECA/PE/C/EUR-03-39, Program Management, ECA/EX/
PM, Room 534, 301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20547.

Diversity, Freedom and Democracy Guidelines

    Pursuant to the Bureau's authorizing legislation, programs must 
maintain a non-political character and should be balanced and 
representative of the diversity of American political, social, and 
cultural life. ``Diversity'' should be interpreted in the broadest 
sense and encompass differences including, but not limited to 
ethnicity, race, gender, religion, geographic location, socio-economic 
status, and physical challenges. Applicants are strongly encouraged to 
adhere to the advancement of this principle both in program 
administration and in program content. Please refer to the review 
criteria under the ``Support for Diversity'' section for specific 
suggestions on incorporating diversity into the total proposal. Public 
Law 104-319 provides that ``in carrying out programs of educational and 
cultural exchange in countries whose people do not fully enjoy freedom 
and democracy, ``the Bureau'' shall take appropriate steps to provide 
opportunities for participation in such programs to human rights and 
democracy leaders of such countries.'' Public Law 106--113 requires 
that the governments of the countries described above do not have 
inappropriate influence in the selection process. Proposals should 
reflect advancement of these goals in their program contents, to the 
full extent deemed feasible.

Review Process

    The Bureau will acknowledge receipt of all proposals and will 
review them for technical eligibility. Proposals will be deemed 
ineligible if they do not fully adhere to the guidelines stated herein 
and in the Solicitation Package. All eligible proposals will be 
reviewed by the program office as well as the Public Diplomacy section 
overseas, where appropriate. Eligible proposals will be subject to 
compliance with Federal and Bureau regulations and guidelines and 
forwarded to Bureau grant panels for advisory review. Proposals may 
also be

[[Page 12146]]

reviewed by the Office of the Legal Adviser or by other Department 
elements. Final funding decisions are at the discretion of the 
Department of State's Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural 
Affairs. Final technical authority for assistance awards resides with 
the Bureau's Grants Officer.

Review Criteria

    Technically eligible applications will be competitively reviewed 
according to the criteria stated below. These criteria are not rank 
ordered and all carry equal weight in the proposal evaluation:
    1. Program Planning and Ability to Achieve Program Objectives: 
Program objectives should be stated clearly and should reflect the 
applicant's expertise in the subject area and region. Objectives should 
respond to the priority topics in this announcement and should relate 
to the current conditions in the target countries. A detailed agenda 
and relevant work plan should explain how objectives will be achieved 
and should include a timetable for completion of major tasks. The 
substance of workshops, internships, seminars and/or consulting should 
be described in detail. Sample training schedules should be outlined. 
Responsibilities of in-country partners should be clearly described.
    2. Institutional Capacity: The proposal should include (1) the U.S. 
institution's mission and date of establishment (2) detailed 
information about the in-country partner institution's capacity and the 
history of the U.S. and in-country partnership (3) an outline of prior 
awards--U.S. government and private support received for the target 
theme/region (4) descriptions of experienced staff members who will 
implement the program. Proposed personnel and institutional resources 
should be adequate and appropriate to achieve the program's goals. The 
proposal should reflect the institution's expertise in the subject area 
and knowledge of the conditions in the target country. Proposals should 
demonstrate an institutional record of successful exchange programs, 
including responsible fiscal management and full compliance with all 
reporting requirements for past Bureau grants as determined by Bureau 
Grant Staff. The Bureau will consider the past performance of prior 
recipients and the demonstrated potential of new applicants.
    3. Cost Effectiveness and Cost Sharing: Overhead and administrative 
costs for the proposal, including salaries, honoraria and subcontracts 
for services, should be kept to a minimum. Priority will be given to 
proposals whose administrative costs are less than twenty-five (25) per 
cent of the total funds requested from the Bureau. Applicants are 
encouraged to cost share a portion of overhead and administrative 
expenses. Cost-sharing, including contributions from the applicant, the 
in-country partner, and other sources should be included in the budget 
    4. Support of Diversity: Proposals should demonstrate substantive 
support of the Bureau's policy on diversity. Achievable and relevant 
features should be cited in both program administration (selection of 
participants, program venues and program evaluation) and program 
content (orientation and wrap-up sessions, program meetings, resource 
materials and follow-up activities). Applicants should refer to the 
Bureau's Diversity, Freedom and Democracy Guidelines in the Proposal 
Submission Instructions (PSI).
    5. Follow-on Activities: Proposals should provide a plan for 
continued follow-on activity (without Bureau financial support) 
ensuring that Bureau supported programs are not isolated events.
    6. Evaluation: Proposals should include a detailed plan to monitor 
and evaluate the program. A draft survey questionnaire plus a 
description of a methodology to use to link outcomes to original 
project objectives should be included. Successful applicants will be 
expected to submit intermediate reports after each project component 
concludes or on a quarterly basis, whichever is less frequent.


    Overall grant making authority for this program is contained in the 
Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Public Law 87-
256, as amended, also known as the Fulbright-Hays Act. The purpose of 
the Act is ``to enable the Government of the United States to increase 
mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the 
people of other countries * * *; to strengthen the ties which unite us 
with other nations by demonstrating the educational and cultural 
interests, developments, and achievements of the people of the United 
States and other nations * * * and thus to assist in the development of 
friendly, sympathetic and peaceful relations between the United States 
and the other countries of the world.'' The funding authority for the 
program above is provided through legislation. The funding authority 
for this program is provided through the Support for East European 
Democracies (SEED) Act of 1989.


    The terms and conditions published in this RFGP are binding and may 
not be modified by any Bureau representative. Explanatory information 
provided by the Bureau that contradicts published language will not be 
binding. Issuance of the RFGP does not constitute an award commitment 
on the part of the Government. The Bureau reserves the right to reduce, 
revise, or increase proposal budgets in accordance with the needs of 
the program and the availability of funds. Awards made will be subject 
to periodic reporting and evaluation requirements.


    Final awards cannot be made until funds have been appropriated by 
Congress, allocated and committed through internal Bureau procedures.

    Dated: March 6, 2003.
C. Miller Crouch,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Educational and 
Cultural Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 03-6083 Filed 3-12-03; 8:45 am]