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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships (CP3)

Systems Capacity and Emergency Preparedness

CP3 serves as the home for the Agency's systems capacity and emergency preparedness portfolio. This portfolio focuses on strengthening linkages among the components of the health care system, including the traditional public health system, community health centers, hospitals, and the private health care system.

The central focus of the portfolio has been bioterrorism and public health emergency preparedness. Other issue areas include but are not limited to: infrastructure, basic capacity and maximum capacity resource distribution (personnel, equipment, and facilities), workforce education, training and development of system capacity for public health preparedness, delivery of services research, and psychosocial aspects of public health risk communication.

Core Staff

The following members of the CP3 staff provide support for this initiative:

Sally Phillips, Initiative Leader

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Current as of December 2006

Internet Citation:

Systems Capacity and Emergency Preparedness: Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships. December 2005. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care