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Aloha from DBEDT!

The Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism is Hawai‘i's resource center for economic and statistical data, business development opportunities, energy and conservation information, and foreign trade advantages. Read More

DBEDT provides the economic and statistical expertise that guides State economic development efforts. It generates important information for business and industry about their markets and the economic forces shaping the future. DBEDT, through its Research & Economic Analysis Division (READ), also runs the State's visitor statistics program, which develops and distributes information on the roughly 7 million tourist and business visitors who come to the islands annually.

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P.O. Box 2359
Honolulu, Hawaii 96804

No. 1 Capitol District Building (See Map)
250 S. Hotel Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Telephone: (808) 586-2423
Fax: (808) 587-2790
Email: DBEDT Information