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Real Property Management Sustainable Development

Richard Ornburn
(202) 501-2873

About Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is about planning and carrying out an agency's mission while calculating the external factors that could affect the achievement of long-term goals. In today's competition for limited funds, resources, and workers, organizations must demonstrate commitment to long-term value.

The best value for the American people is more than just the lowest first cost. Choices for government programs requires promoting efficient resource allocation through well-informed decision-making.

GSA promotes best practices in real property throughout the entire real property lifecycle as a continuing commitment to help make the U.S. government more sustainable.

Sustainable Development Resources

GSA has developed several resources on sustainable development to aid federal agencies in this effort:

  • Videos and DVDs
    • Video of "The Road to Sustainability: A Conversation with Ray Anderson"
      Features Ray C. Anderson of Interface Inc., and Joseph Moravec, the former Commissioner of the GSA Public Buildings Service.

      The 19-minute video or DVD is available upon request; see ordering information below.
    • Video of "Highlights of William McDonough Speech"
      Features a keynote address at GSA's "Sustainability 2000 Workshop".

      The 50-minute video or DVD is available upon request; see ordering information below.

To order: Contact Stanley C. Langfeld, Regulations Management Division Director, Office of Real Property Management by telephone on (202) 501-1737 or Richard Ornburn, (202) 501-2873.

  • Sustainable Development Reports
    • "Real Property Sustainable Development Guide"
      A 28-page introduction to sustainable development with ideas, case studies and resources on implementing sustainability and sustainable workplaces.
    • "Sustainable Development and Society"
      Promotes a fuller understanding of sustainable development and how it improves real property investment decisions while achieving federal agency business goals.
      Links life-cycle costing, environmental health, occupational safety, and sustainable development, by focusing on safe building products and services and how they affect real property owners and operators in everyday decisions.

View PDF or Word document copies of the reports below.

 Document Title  Format/Size
 Real Property Sustainable Development Guide  [PDF - 1029K] [Word - 216K]
 Sustainable Development and Society  [PDF - 21795K] [Word - 352K]

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