BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Navigating the Southest Asia region

The Southeast Asia region is made up of mostly developing economies, CaNavigating the ASEANmbodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. These 10 countries are grouped together formally in a political and economic partnership known as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN. As individual markets, much of Southeast Asia is overlooked by U.S. firms looking for export growth opportunities in China or India. However, according to the United States' National Export Strategy, “On a regional basis, the emerging markets of Asia and Eastern and Central Europe are expected to experience the fastest growth.” Indeed, the emerging markets of Southeast Asia represent an impressive market that deserve closer examination:

· Over a half billion consumers.

· Combined gross domestic product of over $1 trillion in 2006.

· U.S.-ASEAN bilateral trade reached $168.5 billion in 2006, making the
region our fifth largest overseas market.

· A large export market -- U.S. exports to Southeast Asia totaled nearly
$58 billion in 2006

· The U.S. is the second largest source of Southeast Asian imports.

- ASEAN is the fifth largest market for U.S. services exports, the sixth largest of market for U.S agricultural exports.

From the individual markets, to the region as a whole, Southeast Asia counntries provide U.S. exporters with a wealth of business opportunities. The Southeast Asia region is also an excellent first step for U.S. firms interested in entering other Asian markets, providing companies with essential exporting experience in the region.

This website, part of the Commercial Service’s “Asia Now” program, focuses on the six major economies of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) that comprise the economic heavyweights of the ten-member ASEAN trading bloc. The Commercial Service is also able to help an American company that is interested in the four smaller economies of Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, and Laos. This website is designed to provide you with a snapshot of the region, help you determine what countries offer your firm the most promising export opportunities, and evaluate whether your company is prepared to enter the dynamic markets of Southeast Asia.

Let Us Help You Sell In the Southeast Asia Market And Worldwide

The strong consumer demand of these individual markets - as well as their close proximity to one another - make the Southeast Asia Region ideal for the coordinated matchmaking efforts of our services.  Our dedicated Commercial Specialists will work with you.  Find out more about our coordinated programs here!