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 Form FAQs

 AS-56202 - Waste Collection, Treatment and Disposal

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  • Form Questions

  • 1.  What is different with the 2007 Economic Census forms compared with the 2002 Economic Census forms?

    Some inquiries, such as e-commerce and leased employment, have been removed from the 2007 Economic Census forms. To better reflect the changing economy and to help ensure proper classification of establishments, the "Detail of Receipts/Revenue" inquiry (Item 22) has been revised on all service industry forms.

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    2.  Does it matter if my business collects the information in a fiscal year rather than a calendar year?

    Most items can be reported based on the company's fiscal year. However, please report employment and payroll data for the 2007 calendar year. At the end of the form there is a "Certification" question (Item 30) where you can enter the time period covered by the report.

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    3.  How do I report international receipts or revenue (Item 5)?

    Report international receipts or revenue for services performed for foreign parent, subsidiaries, branches, and companies not affiliated with your company. Exclude receipts or revenue generated by foreign parent, subsidiaries, and branch locations.

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    4.  What are leased employees (Item 7)?

    A leased employee is a full- or part-time employee of a business or organization that has contracted with an employee leasing company (also known as a Professional Employer Organization) to obtain human resource management services. The employee leasing company provides a wide range of human resource and personnel management services, such as payroll accounting, payroll tax return preparation and filing, benefits administration, recruiting, and labor relations management to the client business. The employee leasing company and client organization operate as co-employers with regard to the human relations responsibilities to the employees covered by their contract. The employee leasing company pays wages and employment taxes for the leased employees out of its own accounts. Exclude full- or part-time employees whose payroll was filed under an employee leasing company's Employer Identification Number (EIN).

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    5.  Should leased employees be included in "Employment and Payroll" (Item 7)?

    No, exclude full- or part-time employees whose payroll was filed under an employee leasing company's Employer Identification Number (EIN). Only report employment and payroll for employees who were 1) working at this establishment, 2) whose payroll was reported on your Internal Revenue Service Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, and 3) filed under the EIN shown in the mailing address or corrected in Item 1.

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    6.  What is meant by "Number of employees for pay period including March 12th" (Item 7)?

    The March 12th date is the standard used by the Internal Revenue Service on Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return. All businesses are required to report their number of employees for this time period to facilitate reporting and to ensure consistency across industries. For example, many retail businesses hire extra employees during the holidays. Therefore, their fourth quarter employment will be significantly higher than their first quarter employment, whereas other types of businesses may not add staff during the holidays.

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    7.  What are fringe benefits (Item 7)?

    Fringe benefits are the employer's costs for social security tax, unemployment tax, workmen's compensation insurance, state disability insurance pension plans, stock purchase plans, union-negotiated benefits, life insurance premiums, and insurance premiums on hospital and medical plans for employees at this establishment.

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    8.  What are "Remediation services" (Item 19)?

    "Remediation services" are provided by establishments that primarily offer one or more of the following: 1) remediation and cleanup of contaminated buildings, mine sites, soil, or ground water; 2) integrated mine reclamation activities, including demolition, soil remediation, waste water treatment, hazardous material removal, contouring land, and revegetation; and 3) asbestos, lead paint, and other toxic material abatement.

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    9.  What if my "Kind of Business or Activity" is not listed (Item 19)?

    Please choose "Other kind of business or activity" at the end of the list, and briefly describe your establishment's principal business activity in the space provided.

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    10.  What is a "Waste transfer station" (Item 19)?

    A "Waste transfer station" is a facility where waste is transferred from collection vehicles to larger trucks or rail cars for longer distance movement.

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    11.  What if my establishment conducts several kinds of business (Item 19)?

    Please choose the one box that best describes the principal kind of business your reporting establishment conducts. If your principal business is not listed, please choose "Other kind of business or activity" at the end of the list and briefly describe it in the space provided.

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    12.  What are "Support Services" (Item 21)?

    "Support Services" are services provided by one establishment of a multi-establishment firm that assists in the business operations of the firm. These establishments rarely provide services to the general public or other business firms. Examples of support services include: warehouse services; maintenance or repair services; bookkeeping or accounting services; and management, administrative, and legal services.

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    13.  What if my service or business products are not listed in the "Detail of Receipts/Revenue" (Item 22)?

    Please use the "All other receipts or revenue" line in Item 22 to provide information for any previously unlisted product line(s) and give a brief description.

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    14.  Who is the franchisee as compared to the franchisor (Item 26)?

    The franchisor is the business that grants permission to another business (franchisee) to operate under a trademark or brand name of the granting business (franchisor). The franchisee operates the business under a franchise agreement with the franchisor for which it pays a license fee or royalty, or sells the franchisor’s products.

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Last revised: August 30 2007 11:08:13

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