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The Federal Railroad Administration Passenger train traveling through New England, autumn

Environmental Impact Statement

For the proposed High Speed Train (HST) system, the Authority certified the Final Program EIR and issued a decision, and FRA issued a Record of Decision in November 2005 on the Final Program EIS. The FRA and Authority selected the HST Alternative for further project level environmental review and selecting corridor alignments and potential station locations, including a corridor between Los Angeles and Orange County. For more information see the page for the Program EIR/EIS .

The preparation of this project level Los Angeles – Orange County HST EIR/EIS will involve development of preliminary engineering designs and assessment of environmental effects associated with the construction, operation, and maintenance of the HST system, including track, ancillary facilities and stations, along the previously selected Los Angeles – Orange County corridor.

For more information see the LA-Orange County EIR/EIS page on the Authority's website.

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590